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poly tunnel!

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Morning everyone, I'm so happy as I have moved allotments and got a poly tunnel.. but the previous owner only had 5 small beds in it. Was made to be wheelchair friendly. Anyone got a good layout plan that I can try? or websites I can view?  I know its supposed to be done before erection of the tunnel, but I will be careful. I need to make good use of all the space. I wont get done this year so no rush. Taa.. :happy7: :happy7:

Well done on getting a poly-tunnel  :blob7:
What are you planning on growing and what size is the poly-tunnel Willsy?

Hi Jayb, still trying to tidy up. Poly all cleared but the beds are so small in there, such a waste of space. I have thought of growing things in bags. Hubby has just not been well and today we were at the hospital only to be told he may have had a T.I.A.(slight stroke) so I cannot see me getting the poly tunnel sorted anytime soon this year. But on a good note also have 3 green houses to play with.. dont know about you but my Tomato plants are just not coming on as they should , so may buy some this year which really goes against the grain but.... when in need eh? you got any suggestions as to what i should grow in the poly? Just hope it doesnt rain like it did last year as I know it got flooded out, what do you think of the idea to place sand bags at the door? and dig a channel out to make the water run in another direction.? I'm dreaming about what I am able to do by myself but not very abled bodied these days...getting older is a bummer.     

Hope Hubby is feeling better very soon  :wave:
Just a thought, but if you are going to be pushed to change the PT around this year, why not just go with the beds as they are this summer. If the paths are extra wide you will be able to plant the beds right up to the edge and still have room to get by? Or what about placing some pots with veggies in along the path to soak up some of the width? You could then perhaps get it a bit more to your liking when you have more time in the autumn?

Hopefully if you have slightly raised beds then if we do have a similar wet summer they should miss the worst of it. Last year was grim here, spent most of it in wellies as sooooo wet and muddy!

I've a few tomato plants looking a bit iffy but on the whole they are not doing too bad, bit late but hopefully with our gorgeous summer to come - they will be romping ahead! I've had to feed them sooner this year, perhaps manufacturers are cutting back to cut costs? Might be worth trying a feed and seeing if that perks them up?

What to grow; all those warm lovers, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, cucumber, melon, aubergine. I usually put in some beans, and later a crop of peas and beans for the autumn.

Tee Gee:
You do not mention the size of your tunnel!

This is how i have laid out out or 36ft x14ft tunnel


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