Author Topic: I have a worm factory...  (Read 2600 times)


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I have a worm factory...
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:52:59 »
Does anyone else have one appreciated. XX Jeannine
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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 10:16:34 »
Does anyone else have one appreciated. XX Jeannine

What type do you have?

I have this type of worm bin (not the exact make, and with a tap at the base) and I am happy with it.  Any specific questions?
At this time of year, the worms need quite a bit of bedding (paper shredder contents) for insulation and the bin can go into a protected garage or outhouse to prevent deep freezing.  A few minus degrees won't matter to an established worm bin, but a new bin needs a little more care.  Worm activity slows down in the cold time of year and really picks up when it gets warmer.  I adjust food quantity accordingly.

Food - anything organic, but no citrus and no allium waste.  If you want to be extra kind to your worms or if you want to establish a bin, use only small veg matter, like thin potato and carrot peelings or chopped up outer cabbage leaves.  My worm bin came with some worm 'treats' that looked like cereal, so I have been putting the crumbs from cereal packets into the bin as well and they disappear fast.  Paper shreddings for bedding and a folded up newspaper whole on top (I guess your bin probably came with a proprietary top under the lid).

These are some of the basics.  Any specific questions?

PS:  forgot to say, worms don't like acid conditions (this is the reason for not adding orange peels etc).  Ground up egg shells prevent 'over acidity'.  Maybe a table spoon per week, but if you are anything like me, I remember and then crush about 30 eggshells in the coffee grinder attachment on my kitchen machine and put the lot in.  Because that is a lot at one time, I tip it onto one corner of the bin, so the worms can fetch it when they want it, rather than having to deal with a solid layer.  I do the same with food, put it in one corner, then another for the next lot, rather than a big layer all over the top. 
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:35:18 by galina »

lottie lou

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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2013, 12:20:18 »
Wow Galina, thanks for the info.  I have been doing a bin this last couple of years but didn't know about the egg shells.  Will crush some up and bung in after I start the next lot.  I start mine with manure then lots of tea bags as the worms seem to like them, but just chuck in veggie peelings after that.  Will empty mine in a few weeks, if it stops raining, and start again.


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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2013, 13:10:06 »
Wow Galina, thanks for the info.  I have been doing a bin this last couple of years but didn't know about the egg shells.  Will crush some up and bung in after I start the next lot.  I start mine with manure then lots of tea bags as the worms seem to like them, but just chuck in veggie peelings after that.  Will empty mine in a few weeks, if it stops raining, and start again.

Wish I could remember and tell you who to credit with this info.  We went to a talk about worm bins years ago on an open garden day, can't remember where sorry.  The rest of the day was not particularly memorable, but the wormbin talk and demonstration was outstanding.  The lady who did the talk really knew her stuff.  We still giggle about the way she referred to the worms as her 'pets'.  And when I'm preparing food, I ask OH to 'feed the pets' when I pass him the peelings.  I suppose thinking of them as animals working for you (well even 'pets') helps to remember to put the bin in the garage when it is -12C outside and make sure it is in the shade during a heatwave. 

Yep, mine is due to be emptied as well in early spring, nice rich top soil mulch for the greenhouse.


  • Hectare
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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2013, 17:54:54 »
Hi Galina, Lottie Lou. Good info, thank you.

I have the Worm Factory as shown for which I bought 1/2 ib of worms.

I don't think they are doing very well. They were outside in a sheltered area but I thought it was too cold so brought them in. They are  a very cool room but the bedding looks dry, I was expecting the opposite.

I guess I should have a search through the mass and see just how many there is, there seems no activity when I lift the lid and  nothing seems to be being eaten, well not much anyway. I didn't want to stir them up in case I croaked them but I think I should now.

They are not cold, and not warm, in heat wise they are probably in a prefect spot.

Getting worried here

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

lottie lou

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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2013, 18:23:29 »
Should be okay, perhaps you should damp it down a bit, but I chuck in water along with the peelings etc and really don't bother to inspect that much.  Occasionally give it a stir but thats all.  It is winter and I think the worms know that and kind of hibernate.   Don't worry they will wake up in the spring.


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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2013, 07:54:55 »
Should be okay, perhaps you should damp it down a bit, but I chuck in water along with the peelings etc and really don't bother to inspect that much.  Occasionally give it a stir but thats all.  It is winter and I think the worms know that and kind of hibernate.   Don't worry they will wake up in the spring.

Exactly as lottie lou says.  I remember that my bin needed a bit of water right at the start and not since then.  The top cover under the lid should keep damp in.  Have never stirred mine. I like the idea of some moist manure as starter bedding, but haven't done so here.  If you have ordinary compost bins in the garden, they usually have red worms in them too.  These are different from garden worms (as you know).  When I turn a bin over and see a good quantity, I put a spadeful of that into the worm bin, as that is obviously just the right stuff to get them started.  Failing that, damp newspaper or damp paper shreddings for new bedding with a bit of ordinary soil should do the trick.  And lottie lou's suggestion of tea bags should also help with the initial moisture requirement.

Don't worry too much.  If conditions are not right, the worms will lay eggs before they die, so the next generation is taken care off even if everything is wrong.  Chances are they are less active because it is winter.  And if the warmer days don't show more activity, then it is the time to worry (get a new portion of worms).

I hope somebody has experience with your type of worm bin.  Mine is just a wheeliebin with a larger mass of stuff inside.   But once your bin gets going, it should be much easier to harvest the worm compost.  Just thinking that with a smaller mass, the worms may have less room to snuggle deep inside the bin if it is too cold or too hot.  Maybe you do need to be a little more careful with the ambient temperature with your bin (which is exactly what you have done by taking it indoors).  Keep us posted, please.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 08:44:51 by galina »


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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 10:00:26 »
It has more trays to add on 4 I think. Thank you for the tips, I will increase the moisture tomorrow,

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

lottie lou

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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2013, 12:34:52 »
Jeannine a friend of mine has one of those type.  I have never seen so many worms in my life.  However that was in summer so I reckon the temperature matters.


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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2013, 23:02:48 »
LL, my worms didn't come with it, too tricky with the weather in Canada, I bought 1/2 ib locally. XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

lottie lou

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Re: I have a worm factory...
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2013, 19:12:58 »
To be honest Jeannine I have never bought worms.  A bit of manure/compost and tea bags on top usually do the trick for me.


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