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The weather TODAY in... (Part 2)

Started by carolinej, November 24, 2012, 13:24:04

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Light frost, had to scrape off the car.... but only 20 more work days to go! Clear blue sky so getting out on the lotties after Popmaster!



Into 3rd warm, sunny day. My gardening help spent 3 hours yesterday cutting back the raspberry canes,  cleaning the strawberry plants and generally tidying up in my small walled garden  - all jobs I can't do with my right thumb still in a splint (no sign of a hospital appointment any time soon! ). Hey ho!

But the sunshine and plenty more of it in the forecast makes having to shield more bearable.

Tricia  :wave:



Here too! but so frustrating not to be able to get on with some of the jobs that still need to be done.  :BangHead:

Tricia  :wave:


21 here today!
Blossom out on the fruit trees, early spuds in the ground, peas coming up, toms and chilis coming on nicely and the ground is slowly drying out.
So much to do though so best have some brekkie and crack on..
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


Another great day today, not quite 21 but nice enough!


Hardly 21, but bright, dry and sunny. Had to wait in today for boiler servicing, 7am-6pm time slot... but been and done so I can get out on the lottie.... before the rain starts again tomorrow


freezing again


I think they are in the wrong order ACE... we have already had two mud springs!


I used to like to be in bed all safe, warm and cozy listening to the wind outside. Not anymore, how's the shed? How's the poly? Hope it is not as bad as it sounds, then an early morning wakeup and the weather reports of 84mph winds.


Nowhere near that bad here, ACE. Hope they are alright... will do my morning checks in an hour or so.


No point getting to the plot just yet, still blowing a hooley and as I have to cycle there it could be a bit hair raising. Somebody nearby usually pops in and sends out a group email if there are problems.


Miserably wet start here, but the wind has dropped... only flying bin lids, and stray plant pots to collect up yesterday.


Usually get the shorts and t shirts out for Easter, better put them away again for another month.  minus 4 this morning.


I was out there in shorts and a sleeveless top at the end of last week ACE but I'm back to thermal ski socks, long trousers, layers and a fleece jacket this week.   That wind is perishing and we've had some heavy frosts the last few mornings.    Brrr.
Obxx - Vendée France


It's beautiful here!
I have had to crank the well pump into action as they ground is drying out fast and my farmers tan is coming on a treat.  It's been in the mid to high 20s all week with a bit of cold at night.  It does get windy which makes cycling fun - but I have got a few 60km plus rides in.  It is a great way to explore the local countryside which is stunning at the moment, sadly it will be browned off before too long.
Rain forecast for the weekend which I will be grateful for!
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


You can go right off some people :-P
My garden is smaller than your Rome, but my pilum is harder than your sternum!

George the Pigman

Yes Brass Monkey weather today. More like early March than early April. Dry as a bone though as we've had virtually no rain for a couple of weeks. Weird weather!
Had plans to clean up the greenhouse ready for plants I have growing in the house in a propagator but quickly reversed those plans last week. No point in attempting to sow anything outdoors until the weather improves


Cold again this morning, but at least the snow has gone... getting dry here, not enough snow to make a difference!

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