The Show > Pumpkin 'tastic

Squash varieties

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I think its best to grow as many different varieties as your garden will allow as it will help you to narrow down the ones you like in taste and growing habits etc and then in subsequent years you can grow only that which you like.

We all have different taste buds so its often best to try yourself.

With regards to cooking the bon bon and blackfutsu just go in the oven with a little salt and olive oil and are baked slowly until soft.  They are delectable.  You can do just the same in the frying pan on a low heat but the taste is better when cooked slowly in the oven.

Hooligan is a small variey that I would reccomend, see here: and is very easy to cook.  Simply slice the top off, scoop out the seeds, replace in the microwave and heat in the microwave for 4 mins then scoop and eat from the pumpkin which is its own bowl.  Perfect for individual servings and the the plant is not too bug and can yield from 8-15 fruits.

Spaghetti squash is also a good one.  Cut in half and bake or microwave and then scoop out.  It has a more savory taste and is great mixed in with some cheese.  I cooked one in the microwave and forgot about it.  Came back from football a few hours later and found it ion the microwave when I was heating up some hot chocolate.  I couldnt waste it and it tasted just as good cold, scopped directly out of its shell.

This year I am trying two more small varieties called Rolet and Honey Bear.  I'll give you a heads up if ther're good.  Bothhave sweet tastes apparently.


--- Quote from: Spireite on August 16, 2012, 17:59:11 ---Hey D Town...just spoke to the husband who seems to think my pumpkin has already taken over the's only in one bed  :-\  I'm not sure he was too thrilled to hear I fancy trying to grow a selection next year ;D
--- End quote ---

The mention of the word 'pumpkin' and you can see the shutters coming down to my wifes ears and brain  :)

Dandytown, I would not grow rolet again due to the poor taste, especially if stored. But you may like it, it is all a matter of personal taste.


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