Author Topic: I kidnapped a failing geranium  (Read 1469 times)


  • Acre
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I kidnapped a failing geranium
« on: June 06, 2012, 20:07:54 »
My children have some friends whose parents are obviously not gardeners, two weeks ago I spied a beautiful geranium outside the front door, having a holiday outside I guessed. two weeks later same geranium outside with dead leaves and only about four growing points on the ends of 30cm stalks. So I suggested she may need me to see if I can get it growing again. when I picked it from its house pot it was sitting in water - who knows for how long? I have spoken to my neighbour as she is great at cuttings  we have concluded that leaving it to dry out a little may help and then letting the end tips grow a little more and then take cuttings. My question is will I need to discard the main plant or will the naked stalks sprout once more.
would potting it up in some gritty compost help?
Obviously I don't usually interfere with others plants but if I didn't do it today I fear the plant would be dead before it's time and it's a glorious Carmine pink / red.
Norf London


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Re: I kidnapped a failing geranium
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 18:32:37 »
I always think with a plant that has been this neglected that you have nothing to loose.  Let it dry out and sprout (if it lives) and take cuttings from new growth.  The plant may shoot or it may not and will just give up the ghost.  Worth a try and you may end up with some nice new plants.  I have even been know to bring home a leaf or bit of plant found in a trolley to try and revive ::), so I know how you feel ;)
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


  • Acre
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Re: I kidnapped a failing geranium
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 22:19:27 »
thanks Mimi, I am giving it a go - drying it out as best i can in this weather the leaves ar turning red and i might just remove the follows.
I will keep you posted.
Norf London


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