Author Topic: Dirty Vent  (Read 1487 times)


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Dirty Vent
« on: April 14, 2012, 15:08:14 »
One of my sussex has a very dirty vent. We have cleaned it once but it has come back. She is laying well and appears quite healthy and happy otherwisw. Any ideas please.


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Re: Dirty Vent
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 15:27:25 »
Dirty vent = runny bum.. ;D Most often caused by changes in diet or if your girls are not up to date with worming treatment.
Have your girls got more of or different kind of green stuff than usual? Lettuce is very common culprit for doing that and not recommended given other than small amounts now and then as treat ,it is not fibrous enough for their guts and run straight through them.
In spring when there is lot more new lush green growth about, chickens are like 'kid in the toffee shop', they love it all and it is not unusual them to have runny bum. In itself it is not causing them harm..but in long term it can lead to other health issues.
For now..keep eye on situation..keep their food in very basics..pellets/mash..little mixed corn for the night and fresh water and if you provide the greenery to eat..little amounts in few times a day is better than one big heap to scratch as they can eat themselves to death if getting to taste of it too much. If they are free ranging..well..cut back for any  additional treats and hopefully it sort itself out.
Bottie bath every now and then is good and keep them wormed if that should be the case.


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Re: Dirty Vent
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 10:36:13 »
It may be a pain but try and stay on top of bottom cleaning.

We had a Buff Sussex prone to a dirty bum....

It was warm damp weather and we left it a bit long between bottom cleans.....the result was 'fly strike' 

Horrible, Horrible,Horrible...words can not describe it!  All I can say was I got her to the vets VERY quickly to end any suffering.  :'(


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