Produce > Ponds 'n' Stuff

Making a clay lined pond


Since making it just under a year ago I've been nurturing my new pond and taking snaps of its progress. Can't believe how quickly it's developed and the list of wildlife now inhabiting it.

If you're thinking of having a pond and wonder if a clay lined version would work for you I've included a map showing where the highest levels of clay are found in England, as well as images showing progress, at the following link...

That looks great but the refilling must be a bit of a pain?

Fortunately I'm not too far from the water tank and the wheelbarrow filling method is pretty efficient... and worthwhile for the pleasure the pond gives me. Nevertheless the filling is a consideration when thinking about a pond.


I built what was going to be a Sun lounge for me Mam, but she died before she could move down here.  However, when digging the footings, the ground was solid red clay, no stones, nothing, just good grade clay.   Next years project (or one of thgem) is a clay lined pond.   Cheers,     Tony.

your pond is gorgeous! and very inspiring too.we are making a bigger and better one for next year so hope its as good as yours!


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