Author Topic: Oh Crikey it's getting worse  (Read 3573 times)


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Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:50:38 »
Hi Guys,

I wanted to start a new thread as we now need some more of your good advice to help combat the utter lunatics who run our allotment.

You will all remember our 'warning letter' thread well we were left alone till things developed even further this week.

My daughter rented half the chairman's plot as he didn't want it in July, as it was halfway through the year he wouldn't take any rent just said she could have the whole plot in January and pay full rent then of £20. I asked him to please take the £10 but he wouldn't, well she is now in Cuba on holiday and when we went to the allotment on Sunday there was a stake in the ground halfway through the edge of her allotmentl. So basically she has winter potatoes and cabbage one side of the stake and brussel sprouts and potatoes the otherside, we thought he was defining the path so didn't say anything (and by the way neither him or the secretary now come to the allotments when anyone else is there so we dont see them). Then another gardener who had 1 1/2 plots told us he and his sharer had had their extra bit taken off them because the council had told the Secretary we had to reduce plots sizes and make half plots available if anyone wanted them. He then said the stake in our Daughters plot was to cut hers in half, we were shocked, our plots are not that large anyway, ours is about 40' by 40' square so loosing half is ludicrous plus what about the plants. I decided to phone the council allotments manager again, I have left 2 messages but he hasn't called me back as yet.


Now on Monday the Treasurer had a text message to say as he had run a electric extension from his house over the fence into the allotment for wood cutting, mower, building polytunnel etc. (last year)he had broken council rules and had 2 weeks to remove all his stuff he was evicted. After much shouting on the phone the Secretary said if you want a fight bring it on I have full backing of the council and you will do as I say or F off', oh and by the way your not treasurer anymore we dont need you, oh and were not an allotment association either were an allotment society and the rules are different. Well the Treasurer went mad as you can imagine, he went to the council to see the allotments manager who said the secretary had no such authority, no council backing and we had to have a full gardeners meeting at the allotment and they would mediate. The manager phoned the Secretary who agreed to this. Later in the day the Secretary said the meeting would take place at his house with him, the chairman and the ex treasurer, nobody else was invited as he didn't want riff raff. The council were informed of this new developmenbt and they said well we think you should sort it out yourselves we won't be coming. The chairman's dad leased the land from the council and unfortunately has died this week, we found out yesterday that the chairman took over the lease and the secretary is now the official appointee all signed and sealed at the town hall.

Where do we go from here, can we call a meeting of all gardeners and invite these two nutters to it, if we all go against them where does that leave us as they have rights now they have signed the lease.

We think this Secretary is pushing for owning all the allotments to provide community gardens for his well publisised (newspapers and houses of parliament) recovering addicts group, our garderns were even called 'his groups gardens' in the local newspaper.

Were getting tired now.

Sorry this is so long and sorry for the new thread but we need help.

Regards Karen & tony


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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2011, 09:22:23 »
As per my post on July 30Th on your other thread.....told you to watch this space.Been around allotments too long to know they are not all that little bit of heaven.

If you are the type of character who can cope with constant conflict...............fine.If not I suggest you get out and grow veg elsewhere.

Personally could not be is for living. :)

pansy potter

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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2011, 12:35:04 »
Sometimes I wonder what parks are for. Are they not somewhere to spend your leisure time.
God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2011, 22:04:02 »
Hi, are you a member of the NSALG, if so their legal people will take on your case.

The NSALG is a good way of getting advice and is so cheap to join.



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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2011, 23:44:37 »
If the Society/Association is a member of NSALG individual plotholders won't get any advice if they're in dispute with the Committee.


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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2011, 08:38:34 »
I am going to look into the NSALG and we will join, we knew there was some organisation but couldn't remember what it was called. Lots of things we read seem to be for massive sites and state so many committee members and officers, quorums of 10 people etc. One of our main problems is that we only have 5 gardeners with 1 plot, 1 gardener with 1/2 plot, the secretary with 3 plots and the chairman with 5 plots, so we are very few in numbers.

However, if they won't give us help with disputes with the committee (which only consists of 2 people) and the council won'#t now get involved who do we go to for help. Surely we cannot allow bullies to keep getting away with these silly ideas. Giving up and moving on has been at the forefront of our minds yet again but why should we. Is it really true that our only course is to sit down and shut up and do as we are told.

Were getting very tired of this and it needs to come to an end but giving it and letting people get away with treating others in such a dictatorial manner is very wrong.

Regards Karen


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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2011, 14:34:57 »

If you are a member of an Assoc. or Society that is a member of the Nsalg, you are yourself a collective member of the Nsalg, by being a member of your Assoc. The Nsalg would very quickly attempt to resolve the dispute if asked.

If your Assoc. is not a member, join yourself. I think it is only £5.00 a year. Not only do you get good advice but also legal direction.

A secondary thought, do you have an Allotment Federation in your area ?


Ps. Never enter a battle you cant win and never fight the fight if the prize is not worth the effort.


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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2011, 17:50:57 »
If the Society/Association is a member of NSALG individual plotholders won't get any advice if they're in dispute with the Committee.  That's what they told me.


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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2011, 07:41:22 »

Without getting into details, who told you?

The other question to be asked is, Can two people form a committee ?

I would have thought that a committee consisted of:- Chair, Sec. and Treasurer. Along with several others as working party.

Also if the committee is official it should have a written Constitution, balloted for by its members.

Perhaps the Nsalg could check this out if the Assoc. is registered with them as members.



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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2011, 18:49:21 »
Hi Digmore

It was the NASLG that told me, they also wouldn't let me join as an individual member, but I believe the guy who used to make the decisions has left/retired, so maybe different now. I've joined the South West Counties Association since.


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Re: Oh Crikey it's getting worse
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2011, 19:44:48 »

I will ask the area rep when see him this weekend about your situation.

Roughly, which area do you live in.



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