Author Topic: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.  (Read 91330 times)


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #180 on: March 28, 2012, 07:49:11 »
Sounds like your conditions were just right for germination  :) An interesting sounding selection G'life, only a couple I know so I can't wait to hear how the others do yayyy love TPS.

Robert if you need more tps for those give a shout, although the Skagit Magic would be I guess F2 selection?

Well my seeds were sown Sunday evening and are now residing in the propagator. Itchy fingers or what, waiting for the first ones to pop  ;D
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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #181 on: March 28, 2012, 08:12:31 »
This is a Sarpo Mira x Lumper seedling, seed was sown in January and grown on indoors until March when it went out to the greenhouse. Not quite sure what I expect from this one but a slightly blight resistant Lumper would be good, although I'm not sure on the taste combination  :-\

This Sarpo Kifli x Skagit Magic was sown earlier in the year, I've just sown a few more (I only had a few seeds of this one), hoping for something with L. blight resistance

« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 08:22:59 by Jayb »
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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #182 on: March 28, 2012, 17:33:20 »
Mine are just getting their first true leaves, but look healthy enough. They'll soon be ready for potting up.


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #183 on: March 29, 2012, 11:29:52 »
I just spotted the first little seedling pushing through yayyyy  ;D

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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #184 on: March 30, 2012, 09:47:34 »
 i sowed as a trial some tps of  blue Russian i had from jayb thank you, also a few of Charlotte   i collected my self and to day i have one tiny seedling of Russian blue up  , yea


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #185 on: March 30, 2012, 11:05:37 »
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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #186 on: April 02, 2012, 22:12:11 »

i just read all of this post and wow very interesting indeed great work and pictures i been wanting  to have a go at TPS  for years but never got around to it i did not think the seed would come true all the ones i throw out over the years :( ,anyways  little background of me been growing veg and spubs for 25 years in uk barnsley all sorts of ones but i like the salad one best  pink fur apple rattie and Charlotte i am now in USA Michigan,  and i just got myself an allotment over here and i love to try and grow some TPS seeds saw on this post some of the 3 types i like as TPS , i wondering where i could get some of them TPS or any other salad(fingerling they called them over here) i looked at toms website and hes got lot of seeds   but i dont know what sort the salad TPS ones are from the site? and if i did order some am i too late to try them this year or if anywhere in uk i can order some ,this year here i growing Yukon golds and Russian  banana and Irish cobbler seed potatoes this year hope i can get them in in last week of April anyone know if they set seed and first time i will have usa spuds  .
any help would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 22:22:13 by oldpot »


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #187 on: April 03, 2012, 18:54:58 »
They don't come true; if my very limited expereince is anything to go by, you get a vary variable lot of seedslings, and it's a case of selecting the ones you like. Mine have come via swaps on this site; right now, I've got masses of seedlings on the windowsill.


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #188 on: April 04, 2012, 12:56:02 »

Hi ty
As previously said by Robert, potatoes grown from seeds don’t come exactly true there will be variation. So if you saved and sowed seed from say Russian Banana you would find many of the plants produce similar type tubers. Some variation will show up and if it is a cross lots more diversity will be seen.

I don’t have any PFA seed at the moment but I do have some Ratte tps I can send. I’m growing Charlotte this year and although  I’m staying hopeful, they don’t always flower and I think rarely set berries.

Russian Banana does set seed and fingers crossed it does for you this year. I’m afraid I only have a very small amount left so not worth sending. According to the European potato database Yukon Gold does not flower or set berries Although I know Tom W. has used it in some of his breeding. I’ve not grown Irish Cobbler, but they are on the database, indicating they do flower although rare to set berries. You could try giving a hand to fertilise some flowers to see if that helps. Also might be fun to try crossing it with Russian Banana.

I had a quick look at the varieties Tom has listed but I’m afraid I know little more about many of them than is already there. You could try asking at Tom’s forum, lots of knowledgeable folk there.

Two of his varieties I have may be similar to what you are looking for, Near Yukon(Yukon Gold types) and La Pan (yellow fleshed fingerling), I’ve not many seeds but I could send a few of those for you to try too. If interested send me a pm.
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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #189 on: April 05, 2012, 17:06:34 »
ty for your answers
i emailed tom and not got replay from him yet i wondering if it too late to send and sow one of toms varieties , i will keep checking the Russian Banana ones does that self pollinate ?? ty for the offers jayb i will keep reading this thread as its very interesting indeed ty again :).


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #190 on: April 06, 2012, 18:56:13 »
I planted TPS in mid-May last year. It was definitely late, but I did get some very small tubers from the stronger plants.

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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #191 on: April 06, 2012, 21:13:16 »
I   have some     more Russian Blue up and a few Charlotte(  my own saved seed )quite excited about them all


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #192 on: April 09, 2012, 11:39:47 »
One of the things I've noticed is that the seed seems to germinate over a period; every time I water my pots there are a few more. It makes it hard to decide when to put them up.


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #193 on: April 09, 2012, 12:10:23 »
Yes, I've noticed that too.. ::)
My TPS are now about 2-3" tall and potted up into 6" pots..I keep gradually topping up the level of the compost in pots so eventually the seedlings get buried deeper and me nice stocky growth. They are looking good flopping all over the place.. ;)
Once these 6" pots are filled up with good root system I'm going to plant the whole potfulls into large buckets..and that's their this years final growing place.


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #194 on: April 09, 2012, 12:14:28 »
That sounds like a way to go. I can't bury mine at the moment as I've still got very small seedlings, but they could go into bigger pots, and perhaps be broken up into smaller groups in the process.


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #195 on: April 12, 2012, 14:50:29 »
does anyone know how long tom takes to send seeds i ordered some 8 days back and no sign of them ty


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #196 on: May 03, 2012, 18:02:39 »
i got my seeds from tom and sown them on the 16th april (hope i will get summut out of them) just got first true leave on them going to try ( got rosalina x and free seeds brevoort river ) as anyone grown these variety ?? more info later .

hows everyone else doing with there's ???


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #197 on: May 03, 2012, 18:06:01 »
All mine are about 4" tall..filled nicely their 6"pots and now ready for planting into buckets.
This weekend job...


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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #198 on: May 03, 2012, 21:16:03 »
I only got mine sown last weekend however, as they are a Sarpo/PFA cross what I'm looking for is an ultra-late blight-proof fir apple with significant cold tolerance.... So I'm growing them for late cropping anyway and anything that gets blight is a goner anyway... Last years experiments that are ongoing  went into their ridges on the plot a couple of weeks ago, the Russian Blue derived pair are a blue-fleshed vigorous cultivar I call Jayblu and a wierd one that turned up looking like a white spud... until I cut one up for the pot and discovered that all the flesh inside the vascular ring is a pastel pink... it's called Russian Blush, then there's one that's a derivitive of Rattethat was also decently productive (even as a TPS) ... I call it Siberian Hamster (if you remember the bit in Fawlty Towers when Manuel was insisting "eees not a rat, ees Siberian Hamster!..."

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Re: Growing potatoes from True Potato seed.
« Reply #199 on: May 03, 2012, 23:34:43 »
The TPS I had from JayB have gone to the plot. Just a few small plants in a small trench covered in a few inches of used coconut coir. I'll use straw to mulch them with as they grow, to try to keep any resulting tubers away from the dreaded wire-worm.  ::)
Hey-ho... I'm Loving all this involvement and trying different things.  If only education was always this interesting and fun.
I also tried pulling individual 'chits' from some seed potatoes, a bit like pulling the legs from a daddy-long-legs one at a time, but slightly easier to plant. Each one has rooted out happily and is starting to put out leaves. I would expect each of these 'chits' to become a clone of it's parent.
Next year I will certainly be trying this in earnest as a way of getting my money's worth from a bag of seed potatoes.
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