Author Topic: stress  (Read 3917 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2010, 21:08:09 »
Next year, I will be in control.....

I've been saying that every year since I got married 30 years ago...  ::)

Sow it, grow it, eat it.


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2010, 12:19:51 »
Here it has been waiting until the squash vines all die, then clean up.

But the biggest fattest most horrible groundhog we have ever seen :( got into the garden and ate up lots of things- including all the leaves off my parsnips <grrrrrr!> 
so they won't be sweet after a frost I guess!

 And he pulled down part of the fencing to get in >:( so I am severely ticked and losing interest in clean up.

But, we're having the whole clan here for Thanksgiving so that will put a fire under me big time to be Miss Tidy  ;D  for a change.
The handle on your recliner does not qualify as an exercise machine.


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2010, 13:40:59 »
But the biggest fattest most horrible groundhog we have ever seen :( got into the garden and ate up lots of things- including all the leaves off my parsnips <grrrrrr!> 

Did it just happen the once?

But the biggest fattest most horrible groundhog we have ever seen :( got into the garden and ate up lots of things- including all the leaves off my parsnips <grrrrrr!> 

Did it just happen the once?

But the biggest fattest most horrible groundhog we have ever seen :( got into the garden and ate up lots of things- including all the leaves off my parsnips <grrrrrr!> 

Did it just happen the once?

But the biggest fattest most horrible groundhog we have ever seen :( got into the garden and ate up lots of things- including all the leaves off my parsnips <grrrrrr!> 

Did it just happen the once?

Sorry, couldn't resist that, it's one of my most favourite films...

Sow it, grow it, eat it.


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2010, 14:00:08 »
Groundhog  ; sounds so exotic ;D...our wildlife doesn't get wilder than few foxes...
What else, wildlife sort, wonders on your land..anything dangerous?


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2010, 14:32:57 »
I have had my plot for nearly 25 years

Now that really is something to celebrate Queenbee  :)

Back to Groundhog day...................  ;D  ;D  ;D


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2010, 15:53:53 »
Interesting - I'm finding it difficult to get motivated and get things tidied up, the chicken manure spread and the ground covered.

I think part of it is the dark evenings, as I can't sneak out after the kids are put to bed.  Plus, we seem to have hectic weekends at the moment.

However, the main thing is that my wife is due to give birth to our third little one this weekend, so things have been hectic here.  I'm hoping that things will settle down, and I'll get to 'defect' to the allotment to get some peace and quiet over the next couple of weeks   ;)

Strangely for me, I've not been motivated to start my planning for next year.  I usually love that bit.

I've managed a chunk of next years plan.... I need to find a way to dig the allotment by torchlight though, I can't afford the winter weekends for it, got a load of decorating and house stuff to do..... I need the big days, I can spare the couple of hours after I get home cos I dopn't find I get much DIY done of an evening (plus it's a bit antisocial to the neighbours if I fire up any serieous tools at home at that time of night....)

Unfortunatley the plan came up with the straight info that I need another allotment of the size I've got (my old one was twice the size this one is and I'm not giving up the beans, onions and potatoes , so need to find spacve for sweetcorn, brassicas and squash.....



  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2010, 16:53:02 »
Code: [Select]
I'm not giving up the beans, onions and potatoes , so need to find spacve for sweetcorn, brassicas and squash..... ;D..and..and.. ;D Sound like you've got similar work order there...I do catching up with House stuff, DIY etc, during winter too..summer is too precious to spend indoors. How big would be your ideal plot? I've got 1/4 acre and it is just right..Now I just wish I could afford not to go into work..I would love to do allotment all day, everyday..I could afford then to have leasure days doing 'nothing' just wonder around looking things grow and talking to birds ;D That would be total de-stresser ;D


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2010, 21:43:08 »
oh yes goodlife that's my retirement fantasy too. I hope I'll be fit enough in retirement to be able to do it. We'll probably have to work till we're 80 :-(

Anyway, best not to think of that!

I've got DIY and decorating still from when we bought a shabby house 2 years ago. It's still almost as shabby, because in my spare time, after family, allotment is the next priority! I like DIY but gardening really makes me happy.

Artichoke - it sounds like you've worked very hard. Surely your plot must be immaculate now!


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2010, 16:24:03 »
Not immaculate, sadly, you have to stand with your back to the weeds to find anything to admire. But I am pleased with the good bits.

And I AM retired, more or less! Don't expect to have any more spare time than when you worked, anyone. I know it sounds illogical, but there seem to be as many demands on time as those made by work - they just come from different directions.....


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2010, 19:31:39 »
Yes I have occasionally thought I ought to try not to look forward to retirement as a time when I have no shortage of time and can do everything I need and want to do... I'm sure it won't be possible!

It's like when you book time off work, I always expect too much and think I'll laze around, see all my friends, take the kids out, do all the DIY, spend hours in the garden, read lots of books, learn a new language, develop a cure for cancer etc...

Must try to be more realistic.  ::)


  • Hectare
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Re: stress
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2010, 22:14:31 »
Yes I have occasionally thought I ought to try not to look forward to retirement as a time when I have no shortage of time and can do everything I need and want to do... I'm sure it won't be possible!

It's like when you book time off work, I always expect too much and think I'll laze around, see all my friends, take the kids out, do all the DIY, spend hours in the garden, read lots of books, learn a new language, develop a cure for cancer etc...

Must try to be more realistic.  ::)

Don't worry about a new language they all speak english ........don't they?
A space? I need more plants......more plants? I need some space!!!!


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