Allotment Stuff > The Basics

seed beds



Looking at my packets of seeds I have bought for sowing in spring, on some of them it says I need to sow them into a seed bed, then transplant into the final row or bed when they get to a certain size (leeks was such an example).

Is this really necessary? Can I not just sow like carrots and thin out? And if I do need a seed bed, do I use a spare patch of ground or can I use a seed tray or cardboard box or something? Presumably, if I use a spare patch of ground, it won't need to be included in crop rotation if the crop is only there for a short time?


HIya  :)

Umm, seed that is a blast from the past.  The only seed bed I use is to bring on things like Asparagus and Globe Artichokes.

Use deepish trays mate, for leeks and such.  I am currently pushing the use of damp kitchen towel for little seed that is normally sown direct and then lost, 'cos weed grows faster than the seed germinates; especially Parsnip.

Parsnup/Spring Onion:  Rip/cut lengths of damp KT  place seed at final spacing 4-6", keep warm in kitchen/propagator and when germinated place out on clean soil row, (where you would have normally planted) lightly cover with growbag stuff/compost.

Carrot:  I just get big squares and do the same thing but not in neat rows, scatter all over. When germinated, I lay it out in the baths.  I use old baths for carrots as the Fly can't gain the height to attack them.

Leeks-beg,steal or otherwise get one of those large mushroom punnets you see in the supermarkets,slash the botom with a stanley knife or some such, fill with multi purpose compost and plant out when around six inches high.

Nice one about the KT Merv-thanks,will try that.


thanks for both suggestions. Will start saving those plastic tubs. Interesting about the kitchen towel idea- will give that a try

Ah but it was the bath that caught my eye - we've got an old bath upside down, in the unused plot next to mine.

Moved tomorrow!

All best- Gavin


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