Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Another compost query...

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Nice one Claire - I'm  not sure of the legalities of skip raiding - but hey - reuse is worth the risk.  I love skanking, and have no shame in knocking on doors/going into shops etc. on the skank - I have never yet had a bad reaction - most people just find it funny.  Building sites are fabulous especially if you are a girlie,  speak very sweetly and don't use the proper names for things (yes I know, but I'm old enough now to be a post-feminist so get to do what I d**n well please and if that includes exploiting building workers for the allotment's gain, so be it!!)  Luckily I have loads of access to building sites through work so never come away empty handed - its amazing what goes in their skips.  I think we should have a 'my best skank' competition!

Cerig, Its one of my husband and my favourite hobbies, acquiring things from Skips, always with permission. I know we have spoken about this before, and have all agreed that it is incredible what people throw away.  Last week I got, would you believe, a Water Butt, which someone threw away in a Skip.  We have acquired loads of wood and pallets over the last few weeks too as people seem to be having jobs done for Christmas.  Our children think we are very odd when they see our eyes lighting up at a new Skip being delivered in the area.  What a brilliant idea lining your Compost Heap with a big cardboard box! busy-lizzie

unfortunately, I've had no reply from Comet - so their e-mail customer service is just as helpful as their telephone service - I will live in hope though, and physcially go round the stores if I need to


Best skank competition sounds great! At the weekend I was walking near along the railway near our house and someone had just dumped some plastic boards with loads of holes in - anyway, tied together they made an excellent leaf box on my allotment! Along side them were about 10-15 old wooden railway sleepers (which I think are worth quite a bit now days?). Anyway, I'm going to contact the railway maintenance people and see if I could have them for the lottie - what cracking borders for my beds! Think they'll be quite wise though and say I can't have them! Good luck with Comet!


the railway sleepers might not be possible. they will probably be treated with now illegal creosote so can't be sold but also do you really want their creosote leaching into your veggie beds?


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