Allotment Stuff > The Basics

"Companion" plants

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I remember at school learning that some flowers can be grown near veg to reduce the risk of pest attack. I was thinking of trying this, but can't remember which plants they were. Can anyone offer any advice?


No practical experience, but these are the ones I've heard of:

[*]Old English Thyme with all brassicas to deter cabbage fly
[*]Some types of Marigold with tomatoes (I think to deter white fly)
[*]Garlic chives with carrots to deter carrot fly
[*]Summer Savoury with Broad Beans to deter blackfly
[*]'Sacrificial' Nasturtiums with French beans to deter blackfly
[*]Sweet peas or sunflowers with Runner beans to help pollination.

somebody who actually remembers what they hear may know which one, but heard (I think it was Mr Titch)  it has to be only one type of marigold, the other one attracts whichever pest they were talking about.

African marigolds are the anti white fly (though they are originally from Mexico) Calendula officinalis is the pot marigold grown as a salad flower. Different family. And while I am typing a sparrow-hawk has just taken a blue tit right in front of the window.

I remember seeing the aftermath of a sparrowhawk hitting a pigeon in my parents back garden - carnage it was - feathers everywhere :P


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