Produce > Pests & Diseases

I hates those meeces to pieces

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Mice are eating my spuds, I pretty much caught them at it yesterday when I was harvesting them.

I think it's (at least in part) because they were grown as 'no-dig' potatos, and the mice nest in the mulch.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to stop them? If not for this year then next.

Thomaaaaaas -where is that cat when you need him?


Oh dear
Cats are either indoor ones or outdoor ones.
indoor havent the faintest idea of catching anything outdoor ones catch all fur and feather.
The mice you could put poison traps down a poison mixed with bran or meal.
Or change the way you grow your potatoes?

Given where my allotment is I don't think I can keep them out, and given that I'm doing this for fun I'm not going to use poison (apart from worrying whether my daughter or her friends will play with it).

I might change the way that I grow them. If not I should probably harvest them sooner and more often, easy with no-dig, as this would save more and the disturbance might keep them away.

I guess I was hoping someone knew  of 'mousebane' or something similar.


There are a lot of catch them alive traps about which you could bait
with stuff a lot more attractive to them than your potatoes.
But hope when you release them they dont find their way home and get your spuds :D cheers .Jim

Jim -I'm right next to a wild area which goes onto a field- I think they can breed quicker than I can trap them and unfortunatley they can get through the chicken wire which was only of a size to keep rabbits out :-[

Hey Ho -there's enough spuds for us all- if I'm quick.



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