Author Topic: Old cats  (Read 6657 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: Old cats
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2008, 10:10:38 »
I have found You can have wonderful vets and not so wonderful.

It is such a sad time when our old friends have to go.Hope the memory of all the happy years you gave your pet will help keep you strong. :)

Sending hugs :)


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2008, 11:07:01 »
Poor you, hugs from me too (((( ))))

I'm reading this thread with a lump in my throat, both my cats are 10 but I'm not looking forward  to them getting older cos we love them so much!


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2008, 20:34:21 »
Hi again Borlotti.  I use the same vet and I agree that it hasn't been the same since Mr Lotpatkin retired.  Three years ago they made a major blunder with regards to my wishes for my cat's cremation. I'd wanted him  cremated separately so I could bury his ashes in the garden but they made a mistake and he was cremated with others instead.  Fair play to them they admitted their mistake and refunded the fee but that wasn't really the point.  Then about 2 years ago I was far from happy when they refused to continue to give my other cat her anti-hystermine injections (she gets itchy and pulls out her fur in summer) because they said she had a heart murmour.  This is a cat who then, at 18, was still scaling the six foot fence regularly and chasing the other younger cat around the house!  The 'heart murmour' IMHO was down to her being terrified of the journey in the car and the vet visit.  She's always been the same.  So I'm sorry to say I've stopped taking her.  She's 20 now and I just brush her and rub in a little aloe vera if she starts bothering her fur.  It's my view that this chain is rather 'high tech' and far too keen to suggest as many money making tests as anxious pet owners are prepared to pay.   >:(  Rant over.

G x
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 20:56:40 by Georgie »
'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.'


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2008, 21:28:02 »
Mr Lopatkin was a good vet.  When he retired I sent him a card to say thank you for looking after my animals so well for so many years.  I think because the Village Vet is in Winchmore Hill they think we have unlimited money.  That is not the point, some of the treatment I feel is unnecessary and if you query the price am made to feel that you do not love your animal/s.  Charlie, my stray cat, has gone a bit odd, he is following me about like a dog.  I suppose he is missing Zorba although they only tolerated each other, but were never too far apart, and copied each other.  He sat with Zorba when he was ill, who said animals can't talk.  Well feel a lot better today as went to the allotment and did a lot of weeding, talked to the allotment cat and he is still going strong.  Charlie is on my lap now and won't leave my side which is odd as he is usually out and about.  I think the Village Vet can take a running jump and if Charlie is ill he will go to a good vet I have been recommended in Edmonton.  Zorba was very clever as he could hear me on the phone and if I rang the vet he would disappear next door at the time of the appointment.  I knew he was ill as he seemed to want to go to the vet and didn't mind the carrying box or the car journey, although I did tell the cab driver to turn his radio off as it was upsetting him.  Well enough of that or I will get upset again.  Stayed up all night on Saturday, after the vet, and read my book and played on the computer.  NO MORE ANIMALS, until the next stray comes along. 


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2008, 00:35:20 »
Sorry about your cat Borlotti. I find vets a bit funny sometimes also. Some are really genuine caring people, you'd like to think they all are, but emotional blackmail really is creeping in. My elderly neighbour's been told her 2 dogs need their teeth cleaned - 150 quid each. There's posters about dental health up in the surgery coincidentally. It's a lot of money for her but she doesn't want to feel she's letting them down. All you can do is try and be well informed and strongminded. You know your animal better than the vet does.
           I wonder if this trend is related to pet insurance? They can push more treatments because people are insured and so will agree more easily. Another area of life getting spoilt by fear and greed.


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2008, 14:16:38 »
I feel OK today and not missing Zorba too much, but still feel guilty.  Should I have agreed to have him put on a drip for two days and have blood tests done.  I feel I have committed murder.  The senior vet suggested it would be kinder to put him to sleep.  The other vet has put doubts in my mind that I was just too mean to pay for treatment.  The senior vet said it was kidney failure, it was distressing seeing him trying to get water and not being able to drink it and I think his brain had gone as he didn't seem to know me and wanted to be in the dark, either sleep in the bath, crawl under it or jump in the toilet.  I would have liked him just to go to sleep at home but the senior vet said his death would be distressing at the end and after two days on the drip it would only have been a week before he died.  My little granddaughter was upset as she has never seen me cry before and keeps asking if I am OK.  My granddaughter didn't want to go to school on Monday as she had told them Zorba was ill and didn't want to tell them he was dead and didn't want to cry in front of the class, but luckily her supply teacher was very good and she came out of school happy but was worried about me.  Charlie (my stray cat) is still acting strange and slept on my bed on my back on Saturday night. He is still looking for his friend (enemy), am going to change my vet if Charlie has to have treatment.


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2008, 15:09:09 »
oh borlotti I do feel for you, and you mustn't feel guilty. it sounds to me as if you did the right thing for your beloved Zorba, and the same thing that I would have done if I'd been in your shoes. please don't give yourself a hard time over this, it's always heart-breaking to lose a pet but beating yourself up over it is the last thing you should be doing. the most we can hope for is a dignified peaceful end for our pets (and for ourselves), and I think from what you've said the decision you made gave Zorba exactly that. sadly, there comes a point where the end is only a matter of time and I think the least we can do for our little furry family members is to do our best to make it as painless and peaceful as we can.
if it was kidney failure, all the drips and blood tests in the world wouldn't have made Zorba any better, so it has nothing to do with being mean or not wanting to spend money on more treatment. I've lost three cats over the years, two were lucky enough to die of old age but one had to be put to sleep. it's one of the most difficult decisions you have to make as a pet owner but I really think you made the right one. but my heart goes out to you, I know how traumatic and upsetting it is. unfortunately there are a few vets out there that lack a good "bedside manner" and aren't very good with people, so if you don't like your vet, I'd ask around and get someone to recommend a new one.
take care x


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2008, 22:54:56 »
I feel sorry for Charlie (my other/stray cat) he keeps looking for Zorba and following me about.  Strange because although they were always together didn't think they liked each other much and always sat slightly apart.  Charlie does this strange wailing sound in the middle of the night, thought he had caught a bird or mouse but he was just crying.  Sometimes the cat flap goes and there is no cat, Charlie is asleep, perhaps it is the ghost of Zorba (or more likely the wind).


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2008, 14:52:00 »
Ourhearts are big enough to have a place for every cat that brought us joy and ultimately sadness.

Only another cat and you can decide when it`s time for one`s passing to mean space for another to know the love of a good home


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Re: Old cats
« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2008, 09:18:24 »
I don't want another cat but wish Charlie would stop this wailing at night, then running up stairs and jumping on me.  Wonder how long it takes before he settles down and stops looking for Zorba.  He is driving me mad.


  • Hectare
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Re: Old cats
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2008, 16:16:29 »
Charlie (my stray cat, for 8/10 years) is still acting very odd.  Charlie slept rough for his first two years and would not let me touch him, but I throw food out for him and after a few weeks/month he trusted me.  He is a long haired cat and had to take him to the vet as he was a terrible tangled mess. Then he moved in and lived the life of 'old riley', no trouble at all, loved his cat food, wouldn't eat fresh meat or fish and tolerated Zorba (my cat). He is now brushed everyday and has a perfect coat.  But now he is complaining about his food, never any trouble before, and follows me about like a dog.  He does not like me going out even to the allotment and when I get home is meowing at the door.  The worst thing is in the night, he will not sleep alone and wails at about 3.30 am.  Last night he jumped on the bed and stared at me with two yellow eyes, quite scary, as if to say what have you done to my friend/enemy. He never liked Zorba much, apart from when Zorba was ill, but they were two copy cats.  If one slept somewhere the other one followed. He has taken to sleeping in the bathroom which Zorba did when he was very ill.  I am very tempted to get another cat, but OH (so miserable) said NO.  Perhaps I should book OH/Charlie into the Priory Hospital for counselling. (JOKE).


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