Allotment Stuff > The Basics

sleepers/wood preservative


Hi folks,

I've been offered some very cheap (brand new) railway sleepers to replace the old rotting terracing on my plot. But I'm advised that they've been treated with wood preservative. I'm trying to ascertain exactly what kind at the mo.

Does anyone have any general pointers, regarding what kinds of preserver are and aren't acceptable, given that the sleepers would be banged up against  soil/vegetables ?

Any guidance much appreciated ! Many thanks.

This site might help.

The gardener:
Like you I was uncertain if the wood preservative in my timber borders would affect my plants.

What I did was dig a trench at the plot side of the timber, cut up strips of plastic (old compost bags) and placed this against the timber, then backfilled the trench.

I used some water-based wood preservative on my fence panels which claims to be non-toxic to pets and plants. I think it was by Ronseal.

Many thanks for your help. Very much appreciated. This is a fantastic website !


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