Author Topic: Bloody Coppers  (Read 13336 times)

Uncle Joshua

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Bloody Coppers
« on: May 13, 2008, 21:10:43 »
I was driving home from Huddersfield today when I was pulled over by the police and the highways agency who where doing spot checks, the highways chap too about a minute to look at my lights etc then a police man came up wuth a fancy gadget that he typed my reg number into and it told him all my cars details (inc insurance) he then asked me to pull up a bit which I did, 45 minutes later another copper came up and started the whole proscess again, I asked him if he was joking and said that I'd now been parked up for over an hour and had things to do, he then went away for 10/15 minutes and came back and told we to be on my way.

It's a real shame the 40 (or so) police officers that spend a whole day pulling over innocent motorists couldn't have spent the time solving crime of sorting out the kids that hang around the streets (inc ours) plaguing people.  >:(


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2008, 22:39:47 »
Whilst I can see your frustration. We all end up paying for untaxed and uninsured drivers, so its good to get them off the road.


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 22:50:12 »
Police are a complete waste of time... motorists are easy pickings for bonuses to be hit!!!!  If your house get's burgled you wait hours for them to arrive, but you park on double yellows and you can't keep them away. It's about time they started earning the money they are paid by taxpayers.    >:(
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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2008, 23:08:34 »
like most things in the UK, the police also have to achieve pointless targets set by people who have no idea how the world works.

Add that to breach of human rights if they give someone a dirty look, let alone a thick ear and mindless thugs who "know their rights"...

No wonder they target the motorist, most are law-abiding and therefore an easy way to hit quotas.


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2008, 23:14:45 »
I find down our way, they pick on the motorists with minor infractions like maybe a light not working (yes I know it's still not legal, but....) yet they leave the boy/girl racers alone.  I have a public car park at the bottom of my road that serves the beach and you can't have your windows open of an evening because they're all busy racing around down there.  Not to mention that there's only one access road to the part of town I live in and as it's a straight road they use that as a track as well.  I've also overhead on several occasions, the girls in the hairdresser laughing it up about how they drove pissed on the weekend and how funny it was.  They wouldn't be finding it quite so funny if they'd killed a child or an adult for that matter.  Then when my car was done over and I chased the little toads who did it, because I couldn't tell if their jumper was grey or black (it was night!), they wouldn't arrest them.  When the shed got burgled (and they stole the padlock and bolt!) and they stole 2 kids mountain bikes, they didn't even bother to call out and it took me 4 weeks to get a crime number from them.  To say I have little confidence in them would be an understatement.

However I will say that's just my experience and I'm sure there are some good ones who are dedicated to their job and feel tied up with stupid schemes and paperwork.  I just wish they worked in my town!
What I lack in ability and experience, I make up for in sheer enthusiasm!!!

Mr Smith

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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2008, 07:05:01 »
45 minutes for a roadside check is ridiculous maks a conplaint  the police are good at looking into complaints because they get so many  ;)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 07:47:01 by Mr Smith »


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2008, 08:32:57 »
When I was younger (and I'm only 25 now) I had nothing but respect and adoration for the police. Maybe it was the way I was raised but it helped that our local beat bobbie seemed to be WALKING around where I lived day and night. (I feel sorry for his wife looking back  :))
He was a top notch bloke. Always have time to stop and chat when I was out playing, but at the same time I was terrified of him. If my mum threatened to get PC Walker (no I'm seiously not joking) to come tell me off I'd never do it again! And she did once. She shouted him when he walked past our house and he didn't think twice about coming in and telling me off for what now seems like the most trivial of things if he thought it would do some good.

He is now retired, and an ignorant WPC took over his stomping ground along with a plastic bobbie and you just never see them at all. In fact I couldn't even tell you their names.

Maybe it's just that I'm now older and more critical of the police, especially when I pay such a bit portion of my high council tax towards them and yet seem to see nothing in return when I need them.


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2008, 08:52:14 »
there a waste of spece! i was burgled just before new year at 8pm, the police told me not to touch a thing, they finally arived at 1am to a frozen steve! this really isnt on, and after all that the finger print people didnt come till the day after! rubbish, they were more interested in accusing a friend of mine that i had staying for new year of the crime than doing anything!

i think its about time they all had a kick up the you know what! hehe


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2008, 13:23:34 »
We were pulled in on saturday for a 'diesel' check. Hubby told the officer as she flagged him in that we were petrol, still she told him to pull up. Then another officer came over and told him where to park whilst her colleague collected his kit together to take a sample of the fuel. Again hubby explained that we were on petrol NOT diesel, again we were told to wait and be checked. The colleague came over and asked hubby to open fuel cap and said he just wanted to check the diesel, by this point hubby just said ' feel free'. The bloke doing the testing caught a whiff of the fuel just before beginning the test and turned to hubby and in all surprise said ' it's not diesel'. Hubby just said I told your colleagues that twice but they still thought I needed to be tested! Twelve months or so ago hubby used to work for a recovery garage that would take away the vehicles that were to be found having 'red' diesel instead of 'garage' front diesel in them. Many a time people have been made to wait over an hour for their fuel to be checked.....a waste of precious time in my opinion!
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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2008, 14:09:43 »
 >:(      Lost all respect for them after the way they went into the miners and poll tax protesters.

Old bird

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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2008, 14:58:15 »

My son is a policeman in Bristol.  He has an honours degree from Bristol University and could have got any number of jobs - but he wanted to "make a difference". 

When he was in uniform he daily received abuse from Joe Public just for being a policeman in a public place.  When something serious happens - what do we do we call the police!  We expect them to pick up the pieces (literally in car accidents) sort out the marital arguments - keep the peace - he picks up bodies from the bottom of car parks.  He picks up drunks too addled to get home after a good night out.  He is expected to put his life on the line to protect JOE PUBLIC who all they can do is moan about the police!

Have any of you had to put your life on the line for someone you don't know?  He does a job where loads of cars are untaxed and uninsured - sure you may have to wait a few minutes.  I bet you would be happier to wait a few minutes rather than have some uninsured and untaxed vehicle plough into you and maim you or your family.

So people are burgled - nasty - but are you under threat any more?  No - You have lost some "precious possessions"  - better than your life I would say.

There are so many crackheads, youngsters,career criminals you name it - the chance of finding the burgler is slim - because there are so many.  What are you wanting - a copper walking up and down every road in the country to protect your valuables - your telly - your hi-fi.  Some lady has been raped/attacked - which would you say is more important?

Yes - not all coppers are good - but equally not all members of the public are and the abuse that the police get is phenomenal - and generally they don't retaliate.

The miners strike and the poll tax protesters - why should they be allowed to attack the policemen, hurt them with iron bars or bricks?  These policemen are ordinary folk like you and me they have wives, families, mortgages.   Did they make the miners come out on strike. They certainly didn't make the rules re Poll Tax  - it was the government.  So many police got hurt and eventually had to retire on health grounds for doing what - their JOB - so you have lost your respect for them!

They don't get paid Bonuses!  What are you like!  Maybe the odd Parking Attendent got the odd bonus - but policemen and women do not get bonuses.

Remember each and every policeman is daily prepared to put their life on the line for YOU!  Yes they have faults - don't you?  I do and I can imagine that the few people that don't admit to any faults are sick!  There may even be policemen and women that have allotments - whoa does that mean you couldn't talk to them because they are a "waste of space"?

This thread has REALLY irritated me as it shows just how ungrateful and ignorant  some people really can be and yet any hint of trouble or having been involved in an accident - one of the first people you will call will be - the emergency services - police, fire or ambulance.

Old Bird



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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2008, 15:08:07 »
i have listened to all of your complaints and i would like to say i work very close in this field of occupation shall i say i do apperciate at times you i put up with blunders of sorts the problem doesnt exist with the police it self it lies to the current goverment who has seen it best to reduce the amount of police on the street and have community suport officers to do the dirty work of patrolling the streets as  in the police not having the time to get to your needs at the earlist conveince shall we say stop and think why so much time is spent with bogus calls and wasted police resources i dont condone what has happend to you sitting on the side of the road as was said earlier they have ther own league tables to enforce // eg : if they catch somone it takes an extraordenary amount of an 8 hour shift to process one custody again accountabilty is the real issue so called good doers over the years have instigated the problem tying the police up in duplicate copies of paperwork all this is bye the byw to speak i will say one comment email your local mp for change unless your actively doing somthing about it what is the point . we all have complained about it how many of us do somthing consrtuctive how many of us make the call or intervene when there is wrong doing going on how many sit back and watch


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2008, 15:20:31 »

This thread has REALLY irritated me as it shows just how ungrateful and ignorant  some people really can be

Not me - I will be eternally grateful for the way they smashed in my front door at 6:30 in the morning and arrested me in front of my 2 year old daughter, just 'cos I have poor taste in friends...


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2008, 15:35:38 »
Have any of you had to put your life on the line for someone you don't know? 

Oldbirl I always look forward to your contribution to posts and 9 out of 10 times I agree with you. This happens to be the other 1 out of ten.

You asked if any of us would put our lives on the line for someone we don't know. I would hope everybody would answer this question as yes.
I myself am a serving reserve soldier, I've put my life on the line for a whole country full of people I don't know & domestically here in Britain when the lazy firemen decided they don't get paid enough for responding to a job a day. (On this subject I agree that the police do a hell of a lot more demanding work than the fire brigade)

The armed forces don't ask for thanks and they certainly don't get paid as much as a serving police constable and yet they get on with thier job to the best of their ability.

I do not doubt that your son is a superb PC and joined the service for all of the right reasons. However I also do not doubt that many PC's joined with that intention and got fed up with all the paperwork and red tape imposed on them by the government and became dissilusioned with it all. So I sympathise with them. But I'd also ask them not to take it out on Joe Public.


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2008, 15:47:06 »
We live in a rural community, and the only time you see a police officer in the area is if they are lost.

I wish, when the government is quoting statistics about crime levels being down, would add the word 'reported' in front of their figures.  If you are burgled there is just no point ringing the local 'part-time' police station.  All you will be given is a 'crime number'.  Nobody will bother to visit.

If you do report it to your insurance company all you will end up with is dearer premiums.

Police - a complete waste of bagging.

What I really object to is the percentage increase in our council tax for police.  We pay a hell of a lot of money for nothing!!!


Old bird

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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2008, 16:20:16 »

You choose[i] your friends - shows a lack of judgement if that are that horrendous!  Maybe to protect your child/children you should be more careful with your choice of friends.

Valmarg - you probably don't live in a crime "hotspot" what use is a copper to you when your place has been burgled it has happende  - do you expect him to come up with the "burgler" with his SWAG bag in handcuffs -  with all your stuff in his bag?

What would be the advantage of a policeman not looking lost in your rural area.  They aren't allowed to "waste time" just to be seen in your area.  What also would be the point if there is very little crime?

Lacelotte I agree with all your points and say "thanks" yes I for one appreciate what you are prepared to do as a reservist.  The paperwork is ridiculous and there are so many "human rights" "racial prejudice" issues that the police have also to be mindful of.  I doubt that they "take it out on" Joe Public but I can understand their frustration with the Courts system and the ridiculous amount of paperwork that has to be done - for even very minor indiscretions!

Old Bird


What can they do for you - take fingerprints?  Wow that will help - how many people live on this island?  60 odd million!  If and it is a big IF they found someone who had burgled your house they would have to find "evidence" do an inordinate amount of paperwork and the likely possibility of "lack of evidence" ie he/she had got rid of your stuff, he would get off scot free with the local magistrate saying that the police supplied "insufficient evidence"!

If the police weren't there Valmarg - you may get cheaper Council Tax but it would cost smaller rural communities a hell of a lot more for "security"!

Old Bird


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2008, 16:31:25 »

You choose[i] your friends - shows a lack of judgement if that are that horrendous!  Maybe to protect your child/children you should be more careful with your choice of friends.

Old Bird

Well, any idiot could tell that I wasn't involved, apart, it appears, from the police. And please, you think I haven't looked at what I could've done differently? I've nearly posted several times on listening post, but it's not really appropriate for public discussion and even though this is a lovely group of people, I don't think most people would understand (we always automatically think where there's smoke there's fire). Suffice to say, it's astonishing how much time and money can be wasted whilst the police play around with your life. And I know they're only doing their jobs.

Hindsight's not much use though... I can't go into details I have a trial pending, but the police have an amazing amount of power which should be used carefully and isn't always, from my point of view.


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2008, 16:33:05 »
I have every respect for the police.

How many times have any of you phoned them up and said "thanks".

Thanks for taking gods knows how many tonnes of hard drugs off the street, thanks for taking that peado off the street, thanks for looking after the woman who has been raped, thanks for catching the person that murdered a relative or someone you love.

We only seem to remember the time we got pulled for speeding or some minor offence. The key word there is OFFENCE, if you brreak the law then you get done. Simple. They dont break into your house they are using a warrant which has been issued by another person who agreed with there request.

There always bad apples but thankfully they are as few and I WANT to believe far between. I would not want to do that job, you could not pay me enough. Judging by all these remarks i am glad i dont.

Go easy on them and if you take one thing away from this thread. You could call them all the names under the sun and have no repsect at all for them. But when the sh1t hits the fan. Who would you call ? me ?


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2008, 16:39:03 »
Four police forces have warrants for a man's arrest.  We tell them where he is, but they don't go and arrest him.
We called all four police counties and told them where this person was staying.  Still nothing.  Apparently its not in their jurisdiction.  He is still walking the streets and committing the same crimes the warrants are for!!!

If you knew what this man had done, you would want him off the streets too.

The victims however, have to be moved and hidden so this person doesn't find them.

I will never understand how this system works in the UK.   

My friends neighbour is committing crimes on a daily basis, she has evidence, photographic and taken details to the local police station.  She was told thanks and that was that, this person is still doing the crimes.   Its not been investigated or looked at, but we get told if we see crime to contact the police.

After my own experiences, I don't have no faith in them whatsoever

I had been in my home 4 nights, with two children.  Woke up at 2am in the morning with banging on my lounge window.  I was petrified, I looked out the window to find armed police everywhere on my property.  Never seen so many police in my life in one place..... then they realise they have the wrong property!!!!!... I had no apology, and was told to go back to sleep!!.

I bring my children up to respect them, and to go to them if they are in trouble.  Just hope they don't have the experiences that I have had.


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Re: Bloody Coppers
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2008, 16:54:18 »
I've had nothing but good experiences with the police. When I've been in trouble or been burgled they've been there the same day and even went and knocked on doors all down my street. And they caught the bloke that did it and wrote to me to tell me about it. I think they do a great job against horrendous odds, but sometimes are too rigid in enforcing things when they could be more lenient or flexible. However, on the whole I would rather that were the case as I've seen countries where the police operate the other way around. As a rule, they do their best, and it annoys the hell out of me when people criticise them for enforcing rules they don't like (invariably traffic offences - why are drivers so incredibly selfish?).
For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else.


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