Produce > Ponds 'n' Stuff

Just a quick note to say Hello I'm here!!

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http://[glow=red,2,300]Hello all![/glow]

I've been a pond owner for approximately 4 months!  after inheriting (through the purchase of our new house) what could only be described as a building site of a back garden.  I've managed to turn part of it into three inter-linked smallish ponds, 2 of which now have Fish!

Thanks to some sound advice on the BBC website namely from Margaret (maggie on here I think) the fish (goldfish, shubs & tench) in the top, (goldfish, orfes & comets) in the bottom seem to be doing just fine.

Would love to see what setups others on here have,  Can we post piccies etc!

Hello Tony!!!! You will love it on here.You will find so many escapees from the bbc.No list of rules and regs and you can post all day and night if you want!

Plus you can send a private E mail to anyone on here.I have got to know teresa,Ruth D and Jacque quite well and we have some lovely conversations.

;) ;D ::) :o :-* :)

I don't know Margaret!!!
--- Quote ---"Post all day and night"
--- End quote ---
you'll have me getting sacked and/or divorced before I even get married (Next August :) )!!

If I can work out how to do it I'll post a before/after picture of the ponds!  Have you any piccies of yours?

back to work


Sadly,Tony I don't have any pics.I am still getting my head round computer jargon,a digital camera would spook me!!

However I do know a couple of people with one so you never know.Teresa has posted pics on the appropriate site.I am sure she will be able to advise.

The only reason i got you to come on here was to find out your age.!!! Now i know!!Trouble is you can also find out mine.Never mind,with maturity comes experience......In fish keeping.

I had a feeling the only reason you could only post every few days was because you were at work.You don't have one at home then?

I do have a PC rigged up to the net at home but I generally find that when I'm not in work I'm either out in the back watching the fish :) or keeping the 11 year old quiet!! ......and then there is the fact that I'm with AOL and the connection speed can leave alot to be desired at times.

I can't believe you have 18" Orfe.  That is some achievement and I dare say you will need one heck of a sized pond to keep them happy in.  I know what you mean about them jumping out of the water for the food.  Alas I think I'll have to wait till next spring at the earliest to see mine do it again!

Not sure if I mentioned it on the bbc site previously but I've worked out that I can probably extend the bottom section of mine to about 10 foot by 5 foot and as deep as I can be bothered digging!!  I'll see what I feel like next year!

If I get chance I'll post the piccies (watch this space)

Right back to work again :(  Here till around six tonight.



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