Produce > Drink ....

Wine Tasting


Hi, let me introduce myself, I have been brewing for quite a few years now off and on, but I come across one factor each time.

There as so many amazing recipies we can all make, but ....

I am not sure sometimes what they will come out and if I will like them

I have made, Strawberry, Peach (the fruits), Elderflower, Tea (favorite), even Mead, but when it comes to other areas mainly veg what do they taste like when they are ready to drink? ???

Can someone give me some ideas from what they've made so I can broaden my arena please!

Cheers brewers!

FF x  ;D

Pea Pod Wine a must.Beetroot if you like a red .Parsnip if you like Sherry.Dandilion Flower yes thats very nice the list goes on and on.Not that i drink alcohol you understand.

ken (69):
The problem, Fyefly with making booze, is that at some time it has to be drunk.The more you make,the more you drink, the more unstable you become.Some time ago a Rumanian friend (actually he was a German, SS. in the war lived in Sulu before..anyway that's another story),and I made 100 gallons of Apple wine.It got drunk. Only know parsnip and turnip and thought them earthy, and to bypass all the messing about I now ferment using cheap grape juice and flavours from a bottle.Prefer beer really, and buy Premium Pilsner from Lidl at 49p per half litre.Cheers for now

Thanks both that Pea Pod sounds interesting!


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