Author Topic: My mums dog - weight problem  (Read 1855 times)


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My mums dog - weight problem
« on: July 29, 2007, 23:08:39 »
I thought I'd post here as something doesnt seem right with my mums dog.

He is about 3 lhasa x shih tzu and has been neutered.

Even before he was neutered he was big and he still is, he is just soooo solid. he weighs 10kg and should weigh 8kg, even the vet said he was obese.

For a while mum was feeding him scmackos and stuff but she stopped about 8 months ago when the vet said he was obese.

he goes for 2 x 40min walks at least a day and does a lot of playing in between.  He is always hot and even in winter will lay out on the paving slabs... his fur is really really thick though mum does keep it very short as he gets so hot.

He eats - get this! One tiny Caesar tray per day - 1/2 in morning, 1/2 at night... my shih tzu eats a full can of dog food a day plus biscuits, she would eat at least a tray per meal if she was on those. He even has to force himself to eat - the box says he should have 3 trays a day but even if you gave them to him he would eat 1/2 tray and leave the rest.

He is often sick, constipated or got diarreah, but then perks up a couple of days later.

Everything seems fairly non specific but it just got me thinking that there could be some condition that he could have and wondered if his 'symptoms' rung any bells with you guys.


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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 09:59:53 »
Hi OO,
Dogs that have been neutered do put on weight, its a hormone thing.
So dont worry too much what the vet said.
Hes fit and active so not much wrong with him.
As for the sickness, constipated and the runs, it sounds like the dog food is too rich for him.
Try changing the dog food to lower protine and feed once a day in the evening when cooler.
Put him back on tit bits doggy ones as these do have cereal ruffage in them if he wont have them in the dog food.
Does your mum have him clipped down to the skin? I had westies and had to have them clipped close to keep them cool.
ACV works well on all animals to cleanse the system it may be worth giveing him some in water.
Last resort is to withhold food one day a week, water only,  this sorts out fussy eaters, and is good for the stomach like they do to meat eaters in zoo's. I had 3 dogs and if one would not eat the others did not either, wasted a lot of food and some one told me to do this worked a treat they all ate what was put in frount of them.


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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 10:09:55 »
I agree it sounds like a food problem, had similar with our collie.  I assume it's wormed?  We now use Chappie and kibble.  As far as fussy eating is concerned, put the food down, give it 15 minutes, take it up if not eaten.  Doesn't take long for them to get the message and in fact "grazing"is one way that dogs put on weight.

All the best



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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2007, 08:35:19 »
Thanks guys - you already said what i 'think'... but he is such a fussy eater he really will not eat anything... I'm trying to convince mum to put him on chicken and rice - they took him away last week and he didnt eat a think for 4 days - finally on the 5th day he ate some chicken.  I know from experience the rich diets can cause digestive problems.


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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2007, 09:30:56 »
Make your own low cal dog biscuits, you can control the fat in them
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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2007, 10:01:17 »
What does your mum give him if he is not eating dog food? he must eat something left overs of plate ?
Mums neighbroughs had a kennel and they use to buy fresh tripe and cook it for their dogs. But a pack situation all will eat.
Mums dog years ago had its teeth out, would not eat, so I made him curry from basic oh yes apples and onions curry powder and mince. He ate it no problem but it was his fav food.
It could be something in dog food he does not like?
Try mince cooked with instant gravey and weetabix , pasta or rice.
I had one of my westies on boiled chicken and rice he hated it, and it did not improve his skin condition had to get special shampoo.
One chap I knew he used winalot biscutis and a oxo in 1pt of hot water over them. But these were working terriers and caught mice and rats ( for meat) but he used to take them rabbiting and would get the odd rabbit.


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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2007, 12:07:01 »
Seriously Teresa he will starve himself and does it for days at a time - hence why i cant understand his weight.

I've given all suggestions to my mum - hopefully he will start eating something good for him.  He's such a funny bugger though.

Jeannine - he has no back teeth - he chewed them away, vet couldnt believe it - he did that in his first 18 months... so has to have soft type treats... I'll look up some recipes for mum.


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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2007, 13:50:16 »
Oh OO,
think its just a case of finding something he does like and building from there.
Bonny ( our westie) when in pup she had pilchards in tomato sause, and loved them, kept her in top condition before and after when feeding pups.
Your mums vet needs to do blood tests to find out if its a hormone thing or a throide underactive.
Tell her not to worry too much about the weight its the eating thing our westies loved spaggettii boug, not the thing for white dogs with orange whiskers  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: My mums dog - weight problem
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2007, 20:38:03 »
Try making your own dog food, I do, it solved all my dogs problems, weight and tummy troubles and a perfect way to controll their weight.

fresh liver or kidney, water, vegetables, Weetabix.  One extractor fan, it stinks.

Boil fresh liver or kidney, dogs can't resist it.  Blitz the meat and to the water the meat was cooked in add mashed boiled veg, swede, carrots, courgette, etc and Weetabix. 

You can controll the individual amount of each ingredient according to the dogs needs and make it to the right consistency, chunky, lumpy or smooth.

Anything with salt in it is bad for dogs and their digestion, stock cubes etc.   A teaspoon of honey and natural yogurt is very good for soothing an upset tummy.
got a lottie got a life


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