Author Topic: Update on plot and growing things QUICKLY!  (Read 1987 times)


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Update on plot and growing things QUICKLY!
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2007, 15:40:18 »
we have empty allotments on our site and other members wish more people would take them on. where our plot is we have nobody either side of us and we have knee high weeds and yes brambles which keep coming over to our side, grrrrrrrrr brambles, the people are very friendly on our site always giving lots of advice, little bit at a time, don't do too much in a day. we have a variety of folk on site the older ones(who give great advice) and i think we may be the youngest there, but all are friendly and all have a conversation with you, we've had ours for a year now and we still have lots to do on both our plots, but no-one seems bothered really, i think they are just glad that we have took on two, friends of ours have just took one on too. The nice thing is though if you take one on our site they do get it ploughed for you now, whereas when we took ours on they didn't, we had to dig until a couple of weeks ago a farmer rotavated it for us for a tenner but hey it was worth that it costs £35 to hire for half a day then we've got to do it ourselves. keep at it....


  • Hectare
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Re: Update on plot and growing things QUICKLY!
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2007, 16:28:42 »
In France, well at least in my town, these are run by associations - you pay a fee and in turn they rent the land from the council. The association has a board of elected members etc that run it, as usual no one ever wants to be elected :( The guy that supervises ours was objected to by a number of people (who felt mostly that he was dishonest) but no one else would stand. I did not stand as I was completely new so no "street cred". I was on the waiting list for 3 years so you can see why I jumped at the chance to garden there. I was told by others that apparently there had been a few scuffles over the waiting list as some people that evidently knew the right people had queue jumped. It costs me 70 euros a year (about 50 £) for 100 m2. Luckily there are still some nice people on our lot, the lady right next to me is very friendly and helpful (she showed me where my spuds had come up). The first year it is hard work, I know that later it will be easier once I get the hang of it, but after 3 months that is just impossible. Thanks again for all the helpful comments.
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


  • Hectare
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Re: Update on plot and growing things QUICKLY!
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2007, 16:45:38 »
Keep your chin up Antipodes, if he gives you any more grief tell him to frog off.  ;D ;D ;D


  • Half Acre
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Re: Update on plot and growing things QUICKLY!
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2007, 14:37:21 »
Mmm, sounds like you have one of a kind there! On our plot we try to help newbies - not scare them away! After all even he was new once!
I guess some people are just like that and expect that everything should be done there way, or not at all!  >:(
When I first started on my plot I got a few raised eyebrows at my `rasied beds` and wood chip paths!  :)

I would study your Rules Handbook though. I'm sure they have to give you (by law)an improvement notice in writting, then 3-months to improve... then about 3 more warnings before finally giving you 12-months notice to vacate the plot... hence the reason why you never take on a well cultivated plot!  :)

But if what you are doing is not breaking any rules... then tough to him! Like you say, he might be wanting to push you out for his own gain - DONT LET HIM!!!

Also do you have an AGM where Commitee Members are voted in? Go along and vote him out - or stand against him yourself!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Hectare
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  • W. France, 5m x 20m (900 ft2)
    • My allotment blog
Re: Update on plot and growing things QUICKLY!
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2007, 16:25:13 »
yes as I said he shouldn't really have been voted in as most people there don't trust him, but no one would stand against him so he ended up being voted in again anyway :-( I was just joining up at the AGM so I could not have stood and I don't really know the others so I don't think I have any credibility. But I must dig out the rules, or ask the secretary to give me a copy, as I am not sure he can dictate how you cultivate, I mean if you are present regularly and crops are growing, I can't see how that can be against the rules? If they hadn't seen me for 3 months, well, I would understand. But I am there at least once every wekend and sometimes in the week. And every time I have dug at least one section and planted something. If they don't want beginners then they should make you take a test before you join!!! Maybe he is just an a***hole and I will find out that he is all mouth and no action.
Tonight I am going past the racing track, they have a big stack of soiled straw and bedding at the gateway, think I will relieve them of some for the lottie  ;D I can use it to mulch my taties on the weekend.
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


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