Produce > Drink ....

Info on Winemaking from Allotment Produce

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Hi, said to be a smooth drink so goes down well then it hits you sounds good. Might give it to the sons girlfriend not to keen on miss perfect ha ha meowwwwwww.  ;D Teresa

How much kit do you need and how much space will things take up?

I'm pretty good on the jam making front, and recently found a book called Drink Your Own Garden in a charity shop.  

Have got fed up with picking brambles after three batches of jam and have left them for the birds.  Only problem is the fox cubs have been eating them and getting the runs!

Ok, 2 demijohns ( need a spare one to rack off) an air lock and bung, piece of plastic tubing about 3ft to syphon , plastic bucket to ferment, better with a lid but you can use a teatowel to cover, wooden or plastic spoon for stiring, a piece of muslin you can buy the nets or a pair of clean tights works just as good.
wine bottles and corks,
General purpose wine yeast,
Yeast Nutrienent,
Pectic enzyme ( for the blackberry wine)
The demijohns you can buy from the local tip at 50p that what ours sell them or Wilco's sell new ones also all the bits needed.
Blackberries 3lbs to a gallon of boiling water will make 1 demijohn. Makes a port type wine I added a couple of over ripe bannanas took a little longer to mature made a lovely heady port wine a tot of that with lemonade and ice lovely. have fun Teresa

has anyone tried rhubarb wine?

Yep first one I did. Old lottie had a huge bed I brought some crowns to go into the new lottie.
Do you want the recipe? :-/ Teresa


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