Produce > Drink ....

Info on Winemaking from Allotment Produce

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Message for Theresa,   Thank you so much for your information on the Book "Drink your own Garden".  Have ordered it today.  You are lovely to have gone to the trouble of finding it for me. Much appreciate it. :D busy_lizzie

Message to Teresa,  Sorry I have just noticed I have spelled your name wrong, apologies :-[ Thanks once again for your trouble.  busy_lizzie

Hi Busy Lizzie

Your welcome, hope you both have loads of fun with it.
dont worry about spelling my name wrong my aunt spells her's Theresa and I always think it looks so eleglant but I got Teresa ah well luck of the draw hee hee

violet mum:
I am a Teresa too!!! and I think it is less common spelt without the H as everyone seems to think it should have ;D

Go ahead and fill your boots!  CLEANLINESS, CLEANLINESS, CLEANLINESS.  Use good yeast, don't rush it, drink it soon as "interesting" wines do not keep nor improve with age after about 12 months.  Start with fruit wines as they are more "forgiving" and Invest in a GOOD recipe book.  I have a few and if you want I'll pop the I.S.B.N.s on the page?  Cheers Tony.


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