Author Topic: Redigging a pond - when's best?  (Read 1755 times)


  • Quarter Acre
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Redigging a pond - when's best?
« on: May 10, 2006, 16:05:24 »
I was wondering when would be the best time to redig and relocate my pond, and how to best go about not upsetting the beasties.

The pond liner is split at the top but not obviously leaking at the mo, so it can wait a while.

At the last count we had 8 frogs and 10 newts in a less than 5 x 3 foot pond, plus lots of other minibeasts and I would like to give them a bit more space, without upsetting or scaring them away.


"I grant indeed that fields and flocks have charms,
For him that gazes or for him that farms."


  • Hectare
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Re: Redigging a pond - when's best?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 19:57:57 »
If you don't do it soon it will become more and more diffucult due to the heat and the dry soil.Also you will struggle to keep the plants and the water creatures cool.The frogs and newts will be able to take cover if you pick a cool and cloudy/damp day.I should imagine there will be a few more of those to come in May.

If you have everything ready,then you can always start at short notice.The main thing to have to hand will be as many receptacles you can find,the deeper the better.

When we did ours it was amazing just how long it took to ensure that all the creatures,right down to the small water beetles and shrimps, were saved.You will be ok to save some of the mud from the bottom and as much of the water as you can.Put it through a sieve and then you wll not lose any living insects.

If you can also manage by leaving the topping up to a good rainfall so much the better.If you do put the frogs and newts into water they will possibly not want to stay(awkward things they are!!) so be careful to ensure they can climb out.

I just loved redoing mine.Never happier then when i am up to my armpits in muddy water.Need any help??  ;D


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Redigging a pond - when's best?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2006, 16:32:30 »
so is it better to redig in the spring/summer (ie when the frogs etc are in the pond doing froggy things) rather than the winter (when froggies etc are hibernating elsewhere)?

sorry for my lack of pond knowledge - it was here when we bought the house and I feel terribly responsible!

"I grant indeed that fields and flocks have charms,
For him that gazes or for him that farms."


  • Hectare
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  • Posts: 558
  • My precious granddaughter Lauren
Re: Redigging a pond - when's best?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2006, 21:21:36 »
Sally,don't apologise.We all had to start somewhere and oh how i wish there had been a site like this when i started out,instead of learning by trial and error.

The trouble with frogs and newts is that they don't always do what it says on the packet!! in other words though you expect them to be in the pond in spring and summer and out hibernating in winter it doesn't mean they will be.My frogs are to be found in the pond one minute,hopping around the garden the next.Generally though when it is hot and dry they will retreat to the pond but at night,and days when it is wet they are around the garden looking for food.In winter some of my frogs hibernate in the mud at the bottom and some under rocks and logs,and  under my shed.

If you have a split liner then it is probably because it is old and worn,so you never know when it might get worse lower down.It would be awful to wake up one morning and find all the water drained out,which wouldn't affect the adult amphibians but would kill any young newts and tadoles,and of course all the insect life that is so important to the balance of a pond.

I would most definitely recommend you do it as soon as poss, then you will not only have the pleasure of seeing them enjoy a bigger better pond but you could be averting a disaster.

Just ask for any advice you need.Always happy to help,there are lots of us on here who are pond mad!!


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