Produce > Edible Plants

Bean feast

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Yup, it's a bug!!!  And incurable.

I lived there for five years - and loved it!

Hope it works out for spring time!

All best - Gavin

Just got to go now I shall blame you for reminding me of the lovely food.Where were you based for your five years?

Two years in Qena, and three years based in Cairo but travelling from Alexandria to Aswan.  I got to to know all the major cities in the valley - and lots of out of the way towns and villages.  Got out into the New Valley, across the Red Sea Mountains and up the coast, and over into Sinai.

It was at the time Sadat was signing treaties and stuff, so the country was only just beginning to open up after years of living on a war-footing.

All best - GAvin

Wonderful you lucky person.Just wonderful.


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