Produce > Edible Plants


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That is an impressive statistic, John and thanks for the input - it's great that you come here & sort us out.

Hugh - meant to write that I would do a Ph test first and lime afterwards if necessary. Oh, and I see that I wrote I'd manured the plot that takes carrots, etc? Well, I don't, I haven't, and, no! I'd not been drinking when I posted...

My question was prompted by BB writing a while back that he manures his lottie and I wondered if this particular patch might need some now?

Like Tim, crop rotation isn't such an option for me - I'm growing in limited space and, apart from sprouting, don't 'do' brassicas. The carrots (Nantes 2) stay more or less in the same patch & I've never had disease or fly - (may my good fortune continue). Digging the patch out and removing all stones some years ago has paid dividends - perfect baby carrots every time, every year. :D - Lishka

Ahah! :D

Thank you, John - I've read books old and new, talked and listened for four years.  Heard the tutor of a gardening course tell everybody "the idea is probably rubbish, but everybody says it, so no harm in doing it."

Thank you for the explanation and confirmation - much appreciated.

All best - Gavin

While discussing Parsnips and it does`nt seem to have been mentioned before in this topic. The following is an extract from this months Kitchen Garden mag.
Pringles for your Parsnips.
(enclosing a photo of his parsnips which weighed in at 3 and 2lb with two examples)
I decided this year to use Pringles Crisps tubes. I cut the bottom off and filled the tubes with seed compost, then sowed the seed. I kept them in the greenhouse until transplanting the tubes onto the allotments. The tubes protected the parsnips and expanded during growth. I am truly amazed and excited at this year`s crop, so much so, that I have already asked my friends to save the tubes for next season.  Unquote.
Editors reply: Growing rootcrops in pipes isn`t new, but pringles tubes are a bit different. Unquote
So if you have`nt tried this method already, you might wish to try it next season.
I don`t grow them personally as they take too long to grow and I don`t have that much room available on my garden plot. Presumably you could do the same method for carrots, with toilet roll inserts etc!!
Bob  ???

would you bury the tubes or have them standing on the soil?

As it said they were transplanted into his allotment, they would be buried into the earth presumably.!


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