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Seed Saving Circle 2016?

Started by Jayb, March 10, 2016, 09:19:05

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markfield rover

Thank you galina, I'll get the seeds to you ASAP .

markfield rover


Clumsy, your lovely parcel was the first to arrive this year   :sunny: 

Thank you for starting us off   :wave:


........... and then there were three   :sunny:

Thank you Markfield Rover, including a lovely handmade card.  The white stuff we have is just hoarfrost, but we can hope for the real thing.

And yours also got here in record time, Sunloving.  Thankyou both for your kind messages too. 

I took the liberty to open a packet of your Salmon Flowered pea seeds, Sunloving and there is nothing to be worried about regarding dimples.  The seeds look right.  I don't normally allow myself to peek before everybody gets their return package, but I wanted to put your mind at rest. 

Thank you both   :wave:


Another parcel arrived safely today.  Thank you Penedesenca    :sunny:

Loving the special seed label logo!   :wave: 


i will post my parcel after the weekend.


Thank you Ruud and I will let you know as soon as it arrives  :wave:



Mine are packaged up and ready to be posted Monday morning too  :icon_cheers:

I've changed my offering slightly but will post on that later..........


Quote from: pumpkinlover on January 28, 2017, 14:58:46
Mine are in the post

........... no more in the post, but arrived safely  :sunny:

Thank you for your kind message and for some great seed additions to our growing number of return varieties for this year.  We are halfway there now  :wave:     



I just sent my seeds. 13 packets of

Parsnip F4 hybrids

cinnamon vine (Dioscorea batatas) bulbils (if that's the correct anatomical term) original bulbils were a gift from aj  :angel11:

Alexanders (something halfway between a vegetable and a herb) It's fairly hardy and thanks to the mild winter we're having this year it's still growing now. Biennial (I think. Because I let it self-seed I'm not quite sure whether it might be perennial.)

Chervil. I hope these seeds are ok. Some maggots were growing in this, so I had to redry them at a high enough temperature to kill the maggots. I then left them for ~6 weeks to check that no new maggots were going to grow in them, but I hope that the high temperature didn't kill the seeds as well.


Thank you Martinburo.  How do you germinate Alexanders and Chervil please, do they need stratifying?  I have always wanted to grow Alexanders. 

I have the same with lettuce, which seems to attract tiny maggots.  I  just pick them out manually.  Guess chervil umbels probably attract similar beasties, not an issue for seed viability. 

I'll look out for your package in a day or two.  :wave:


Quote from: earlypea on January 29, 2017, 15:05:39
Mine are packaged up and ready to be posted Monday morning too  :icon_cheers:

I've changed my offering slightly but will post on that later..........

And arrived safely today EarlyPea  :sunny:

There are a couple of packets that have been on my personal wish list for a little while, thank you.  :icon_cheers:  Very nice looking seeds and I will pass the generous spares on.  Thank you for your bounty!  :wave:


I don't think I stratified chervil or Alexanders. But when I google it, it does say that Alexanders needs stratification, and as I said, apart from the first year, which I may not remember correctly, I let it self seed whereby it gets stratified by nature, so it might be best to sow half as soon as you get them and stratify the other half in damp soil in the fridge for 90 days.


That sounds a good plan, thank you.  :wave:

Quote from: martinburo on January 31, 2017, 14:16:44
I don't think I stratified chervil or Alexanders. But when I google it, it does say that Alexanders needs stratification, and as I said, apart from the first year, which I may not remember correctly, I let it self seed whereby it gets stratified by nature, so it might be best to sow half as soon as you get them and stratify the other half in damp soil in the fridge for 90 days.


You can usually kill any grubs, maggots etc but putting things in the freezer for 48 hours. Not much will survive that!


Martinburo, it's arrived!  :icon_cheers:  Nice parcel with all your goodies for the circle.

Thank you very much. Lots to look forward to  :wave: 


Morning all, am back from Italy and my parcel will be going off today. Apologies for the delay - my nephew also v kindly shared norovirus with me...

Also, for BlueJay and anyone else interested, everything the HSL holds in its seed bank is listed on They are listed as Institute GBR017 and the list was updated in January this year. It makes for a fascinating read for a seed nerd. Like me. Sorry if this is old news - I only just saw it on Twitter and wish they shouted a bit more about the sheer volume that they hold.


Thanks sparrow, interesting link.  Glad their seeds are backed up elsewhere.  I thought they were all backed up at Wellesbourne also, but I may be wrong.  It is also very pleasing to see just how many are actively and practically  'backed up' by this lovely group of growers, seed savers and sharers.

I'll inform you and all in the group when the seeds arrive. We are still waiting for a few more   :icon_cheers:

Get better soon! Not a nice thing to happen when travelling   :BangHead:


Galina,  I dropped the seeds in PO this morning.

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