Seed Sharing Circle 2015 and growing progress

Started by Jayb, January 26, 2015, 08:51:19

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The initial line-up was:

Markfield rover
Ian Pearson
Earlypea -
Cambourne 7

looking forward to more confirmations  :sunny:  :wave:



Hope all is well with JayB. Personally I am hating all this grey weather - seems to have gone on for ever. But sending seeds in after the Christmas postage carnage would be a much better idea. :)


Hi could I put these round courgette into the collection. They are from asia we grow them every year very sweet and meaty if possible. It's just a thank you for all the help I've received from the forum.


Hi all - I'm still in  :happy7:

I have, as previously advertised:

Red Swan dwarf French bean

Purple Heart dwarf (from the online dwarf tomato project)
Paul RobesonBlack Russian, (gorgeous, big, early and totally black-tasting)
Oxacan Jewel - Very large, bi-coloured sunset-looking orange with red glowing through it.  Unusual, fruity, juicy taste.

Plus: Realseed's vegetable mallow (I find useful in mid-summer)

My Atika Root Parsley seed is of variable quality due to drought conditions, I think.  Some seeds very small, not many a good size.  I don't know whether people still want it in that case.  No point wasting time on duff seeds is normally my feeling.  Do people want them?  I'll be using.  They might come good.

I have a problem with delivery though.  I am away from 10th January for 5 weeks so I really need to be able to send these seeds to someone before then. I suppose I could send them to someone else in the circle if JayB doesn't surface in time.


That's great earlypea!  And what treats you have saved for us too.  We never had root parsley before and maybe worth a try?  Why not.   :sunny:

You are welcome (should the need arise) to send your contribution to me and I will make sure your seed packets get into the big share-out.  But I am confident that Jayb will be in contact well before your away date.  PM me if needed, also for instructions when to send your goodie packet back to you.   :wave:


That is very nice and generous of you Clumsy. 

I hope Jayb will be along shortly.  She is the 'brains' behind the seed circle. Just briefly, it isn't like adding seeds to a swap parcel, more like a community of seedsavers who strive to grow seeds of 2 or more varieties for each member of the group. 

Jayb explains this much better on the first page of this thread:,78706.0.html

The call for signing up usually goes out in January or just after the parcels were sent.  I hope you will be joining in if and when Jayb calls for members again next year.   :wave:


My sincere apologies Clumsy, my bad! I only just realised that you had of course joined the circle earlier this year and I accidentally left you off the list.  Very sorry about that.   


I'm in. I lost my mother a few weeks ago, and things have been a bit difficult, but I should be able to get seeds sorted now.


That's rough Robert. Am really sorry to hear it.


I'm still in  :hello2:

January is such a good idea to receive the  best pressie of the season !!

Hope you all have a very happy Christmas !!

Debs  :icon_flower:

markfield rover

Getting excited now👍 having been bamboozled over the last two months in all sorts of publications over the perfect present for gardeners ...THIS IS IT ! On so many fronts... Thanks to all and seasons greeting's.


Sorry to hear about your Mum Robert.
I'm still in, just french beans this year- climbing french Ryders top of the pole and Vermont Cranberry ( dwarf). But they are all ready dried and waiting for packing, which is preety good for me :glasses9:


I have just come across this free webinar on seed saving starting in January 2016.  No idea what it will be like, but it could be interesting and informative:

if you would like to have a look or to sign up.   :wave:


Robert, that's really tough, I know what it's like. I feel for you.

I'm still in for the circle. I have marjoram and parsnip F3 hybrids.


earlypea, root parsley would be really nice, don't worry if the seeds are not perfect, I'm sure a few of them will grow, enough to find out if we like it.


Have just had an email from Jayb with greetings to all circle participants.  She is feeling better, but still has to take things easy for a while and has asked me to oversee the share-out on her behalf.

We had several confirmations of people who can participate recently and I have sent personal messages to others.  By next week we should know the final number of participants.  Then we can prepare the right number of packets for everybody.  I am hoping for a fast turn-around.  It would be great to enjoy holding our new seeds by the end of January or before Valentine's Day at the latest. 

Once the numbers of participants are firmed up, I'll pm everybody with my address (and ask our Postie to be careful with all the incoming treasures too  :happy7:).  Postage costs for the return of seeds will be £3.30 for First Class and £2.80 for Second.  Ruud, we will work something out.   :sunny:


Galina if you send the package to me as last .I will take the costs to send it back to the u.k.


Thanks Galina - I'm really sorry Jayb's not well.

I've got my seeds ready to go as soon as we have final numbers.


Good plan Ruud, no problem.

Jayb is getting better Sparrow, thank you, just takes time  Yes several people have their seeds all ready and waiting to pack into little packets.  In a few days we should know the final numbers and then its all go.


Good to hear that jayb has been in touch, Thanks Galina for offering to step in while necessary  :happy7:

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