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Started by Chezzie, June 16, 2004, 22:18:15

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My neighbour who lives five houses away  [on a windy corner if that is relevant] has got mainly bushes and trees on her terrace but I have never seen such a selection of bugs in one small area, all sorts and colours, black, green, white  including ones that look like ladybirds but are black with little yellow stripes [no not bees]  and you can see dark marks on the leaves where they're sitting.  She's using meths mixed with liquid soap which doesn't seem to be doing much good and I'm worried they might move house and come and live with me, I've done a check and have not got one bug at  the moment, I had something called spint [in Dutch] on the passiflora but I got rid of that with a spray and the luis on the Brides Veil has also gone, I've just planted all the streptocarpus and petunias and don't want to lose them, is there anything I can use as a preventative measure?

Thanks for any help Chezzie


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