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Deterring squirrels

Started by Digeroo, April 16, 2023, 13:37:53

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I have been loosing seedling to squirrels.  I have not seen them, but since they started with the broadies I am assuming it is them.  After I netted the broadies, they started on the sunflower seedlings and broccoli.  The broccoli was more or less ready to plant outside so a real pain. 
I have finally found a good move, I have found my small module trays with 12 modules fit nicely into the netting bags which supermarkets sell for vegetables.   Hopefully they will not learn to chew through the bags too quickly.




Yes could be pigeons, except it is very selective.  No interest in cosmos or onions.  Pigeons tend to uproot more than they eat.  This is a clean break in the stem.


Well that was not so clever!!!  How long was that? Only three days.
The critter has chewed a hole in the netting and eaten two beans.  So not a bird, this thing has got teeth!!
Not sure now how to stop it.


Rabbits will chew holes in plastic netting. I had to resort to metal mesh.

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