Todays Jigsaw 13/11/2015

Started by Tee Gee, November 13, 2015, 13:29:13

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Tee Gee

Hi all

It would seem that a number of you are enjoying these jigsaws, which is nice, and as I mentioned previously I have been thinking of a method of presentation that meets your request e.g. Obbelix would be happy with a weekly thread and Digeroo a daily one and I have thought of another.

So to that end how does this format grab you?

Starting on Monday 16/11 I will start a weekly thread where I present 7 jigsaws in that week (one/day), this will conform to Obbelix's request, and as I am presenting them on a daily basis this will fit in with Digeroo's request including the picture on the home page.

My input would be as follows:

Rather than having random pictures/jigsaw daily as I have been doing todate, I plan on doing a weekly theme.

This would mean that the thread title would read for example; " The Daily Jigsaw Puzzle - RHS Wisley Gardens"

This would mean that over the week I would select 7 suitable pictures / jigsaws from my Wisley file, then the following week I would select 7 pictures / jigsaws from another file and so on.

I thought using  'themed' thread headings will make it easier if anyone wanted to find a particular puzzle to do again.

This will also make it easier for me to remember what puzzles I have used from a given file.

OK these are just ideas and as yet are not written in stone, so if you have any comments / suggestions to make get in touch in the usual way.

Now for todays puzzle!

This is a picture taken in Edinburgh Botanical Gardens showing part of the 'Heath Garden'

It has 56 pieces

I hope you like my suggestions and todays puzzle  Tg.

Tee Gee


Sounds great to me TeeGee.    Thanks again.
Obxx - Vendée France


 I think your jigsaws are lovely, and i enjoy doing them but don't do them daily. Amazing what you can do on the internet!
Just an idea, (but perhaps it is completely out of order, or not possible) - could you do some jigsaws from entries to the photo competition?  There have  been so many beautiful photos, and we'd have another look at them that way. Not sure if ownership issues might get in the way, but I assume once they have been on A4A then they are sort of in the public domain anyway?


All sounds a very sensible way of approaching the issue and thanks for the effort TeeGee
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Yorkshire Lass

I'm enjoying doing these jigsaws but I get so absorbed in them I 've burnt 2 dinners this week and  I thought I was good at multitasking!
I haven't time to do one every day but I'll go with the flow. The pictures are really lovely Teegee, keep them coming.


They are certainly addictive.  I do them while waiting for dance videos to load onto private Facebook groups for our dance classes or while something's baking or simmering.  Haven't burned anything - yet!
Obxx - Vendée France

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