Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Planning permission -Sheds

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Contact the NSALG. Theyre the experts.


--- Quote from: FOPV on October 04, 2010, 14:34:56 ---Help!.. I am confused. We  are a community group and have been given use of a piece of land in sheffield for which we want to create a community allotment. the area is 1 acre. We have been told by sheffield planning department that we will need to apply for planning permission to erect some sheds and poly tunnels. I am  confused by all the infomation I am getting. some say i do some say i don't.
Before I have a go at the planning office I need to know if i am right or wrong. I dont want to get the planning officers back up before I start.
We will also need to terrace the site as it slopes so we want to use rock filled gabions to create 3 terraced allotment areas with pathways for a small tractor and easy access for disabled users.

Help.. thanks

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the above information is correct, and theres nothing confusing about it. The High Court ruled you do not need planning permission, and Sheffield Council is exceeding its lawful authority in demanding it.

Would it be possible that they've made it a condition of the granting of the use that you get their permission regarding structures, that would be legally different to "Planning Permission" which has some pretty strict legal definitions as to when and when it does not apply as linksyokel2 adn unwashed have pointed out, However for any practical purposes the first thing a council is going to do is to hand the responsibility for policing the granting of permission to place structures over to their regular planning folks ("because they deal with this sort of thing all the time") and at that point you'll have to deal with people that make the HSE grit its teeth occasionally......

I read through the Crowborough High Court case and it's clear that planning permission is not required to have an allotment on agricultural ground.

But I cannot see any reference in the Crowborough transcript to sheds so I'm wondering where the NSALG got the information and can catagorically state that you do not need planning permission for sheds, and/or greenhouses on an allotment plot.

I have a quarter acre private allotment upon which I intend erecting a shed but before doing so can anyone point me in the direction of where I can find a legal definition or court ruling that confirms whether I need planning permission.

Because councils don't necessarily know either, as proved in the Crowborough case, I'm reluctant to ask the councils advice.


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