Author Topic: personal profiles  (Read 58946 times)


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Re: personal profiles
« Reply #120 on: December 18, 2003, 00:16:28 »
oh no!

Oz, so brave to talk about your deep sorrow. hoping so much for you and your sweetheart to find some peace and joy together.
words simply cannot do justice.
my thoughts are with you and yours.
hugs, suzy xx
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: personal profiles
« Reply #121 on: December 18, 2003, 00:24:24 »
Ozzy,you are so brave to have had to live through such a nightmare.I have had some very bad times in my life,but nothing comes close to what you have suffered,and puts my current problems well into perspective.I only hope you can gain some comfort from all these messages from the people on here who really are the most wonderful group of understanding and uplifting human beings.You have cheered all of us up;and made us smile.I just hope we can do the same for you.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: personal profiles
« Reply #122 on: December 18, 2003, 02:54:01 »
Yo peeps

I iz a bit botaxed at the mo, but thank you all so much, for your kind words.. I love comminghere, I love being around other gardeners  and I have so much love and respect for you all, itz unreal...

I just could,nt go on hiding, hope that make sense.. you peepsreally have made a dif this year  and I feel very priviledge to know you all in such a big world.. god you guys are the best.......


and I feels sooo much better now, thanks xxx
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: personal profiles
« Reply #123 on: December 18, 2003, 08:59:17 »
Yo peeps

Again a big huge thank you and this has really helped big time and you peeps are the coolest on the planet.  I walked out of my job 2day... lifes to short and the work very stressfull.. I may
go back but my gut sez stay away  
and take some time out.. maybe some voluntary work in the new year.... oh and sum daytime TV :):):)

OZzY %)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: personal profiles
« Reply #124 on: December 18, 2003, 09:57:20 »
hey ozzy! well done, i did that about 3 weeks ago and its such a huge weight off my shoulders, i have to get some part time work in january to pay the bills but hopefully i will have plenty of time to do some gardening and voluntary work etc as well, i've compared it to teenagers going travelling - except i'm not going anywhere - just taking some time to do the things i want to do.

there's nowt much on daytime TV though  ;D
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: personal profiles
« Reply #125 on: December 18, 2003, 10:42:57 »
Aaaah but there is this site!!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: personal profiles
« Reply #126 on: December 18, 2003, 19:51:59 »
hey, well done OZ

i left my job after 25 years of running hostels for the homeless - i just couldn't be part of such a horrid system where vast amounts of money is made frompeoples unhappiness and helplessness. Everyone (in Cambridge at least) sees all these hostels and drop-in centres and clinics and think the homeless have it made - so not true. They do not want to be stuck in a foul hostel which costs £240 per week where they can be chucked out at the drop of a hat - they do not need to be patronised at a useless rehab clinic......sorry,mustn't rant.
my point is, you have made a decision which has to be better than suffering stress and grief. Yep, do a bit of voluntary gardening or summat - i started doing that and now make a living doing what i love (only a small living tho' but my needs are few and can easily be met with a bit of space and a selection of seeds).
Go for it - daytime TV is rubbish tho'.
cheers, suzy - thinking of youXX
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #127 on: February 28, 2004, 16:23:58 »
DAN - I don't recall seeing YOUR profile??

And your centres of expertise - beyond the obvious one!! = Tim


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #128 on: March 05, 2004, 09:51:22 »
How do I place a pic on my profile from my hard-disk rather than from a URL? Also, how do get my location pin to show on the map? mmm. OK, I'll work it out. I did it before, just that the grey matter gets greyer by the hour...See? I did it. Now, how do I post a pic here...>
or here....> frin'stance?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2004, 13:44:11 by kenkew »


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #129 on: March 05, 2004, 13:44:39 »
Thought it was about time I added my bit.

I'm 53 (although for some reason I keep telling everybody I'm 54  ???) My real name is Eileen although it would be nice to have a change once in a while - maybe Snowdrop - my favourite flower. Quick look in the mirror - no - maybe not after all!!

I'm married to Ian and have three children Duncan (31) David (25) and Laura (21). None of them live at home now (thank goodness) but we see them regularly.

I'm an ex veterinary nurse. I still 'keep my hand in' by treating injured wildlife and (hopefully) releasing them back to the wild afterwards.

I live in a 17th century conservation village where all the houses in the main street are either A or B listed (mine's B) it's lovely and quiet here.

I don't have a lottie but do have 1/3 of an acre of garden which is totally organic and set out with wildlife in mind.

I love my garden, painting, sewing, photography, DIY, puzzles and my computer.

I'm now registered as disabled because of a surgeon's mistake whilst replacing one of my knees (had both done) but it won't, and doesn't,

 keep me down.

I used to enjoy horse riding but can't do it now - pity.

I have a good sense of humour, love to help others out if I can, am t. total but smoke (bad, bad Eileen) that's about it.

All pretty boring stuff really compared to you lot but hey I like being boring!




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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #130 on: March 05, 2004, 15:41:16 »
Hi eileen, good sense of humour? you'll need it on this site  ;D , SMOKING, ah a fellow sufferer,  :-\ smoke 25 a day myself (rollies) sometimes with added ingredients  ::).


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #131 on: March 05, 2004, 18:56:18 »
Naughty, naughty Jethro. Stay away from the black pepper inserts! Any ideas on my above question?


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #132 on: March 05, 2004, 21:17:10 »
Hi Jethro,

Only ten a day for me. Don't smoke in the house or car as no-one else in the family has the habit. That's why I only smoke ten a day ;D In winter I'm down to two or three - too bloody cold and wet to stand out in the garden just for a f*g.

Really like the folks over here - my sense of humour seems to be as good (or bad) as everyone elses  ;) ;) but it helps to be a little bit mad too I hear. Now that counts me out as I only bay at the moon when it's full.  ::) ::)

Cheers Eileen.


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #133 on: March 06, 2004, 00:08:29 »
Well I have spent some time reading others profiles so I fell safe enough to add my bit.
I was born in Galashiels, Scottish Borders and lived there until I married in 1967.  I married Ian who was in the RAF.  We left for Singapore  RAF Seleter (Tim) in 1968 and spent 2 half years there.  I did not like it one bit, hated it and was sent home ill after 2yrs 4 mths.  We returned to the UK and to RAF Wattisham in Suffolk where I enjoyed 3 yrs.  I took up work again as a Secretary and then Ian posted again but to Scotland.  He was posted to RAF Leuchars in Fife so we lived in Monifieth Nrr Dundee and then we bought the next house in Dundee.  We lived there for 7 yrs and during that time I worked as a Secretary to Electrical Enginers.  This firm moved from Dundee to Edinburgh so I decided to follow them.  By this time hubby had left the RAF and was now an oil Engineer with Shell UK working off shore.  We bought the next house in Inverkeithing in Fife and lived there for a further 6 yrs.  I was still working with the same firm.  So after receiving a long service award and gold watch I decided to chuck it.  I had decided to move home to the Scottish Borders but hubby said NO unless he could build the house.  I said OK build a house.  We moved into Berwickshire in 1989 and the work started.  Hubby done all the work apart from the brickwork and roof.  All the interior and exterior work was his.  He is a clever bloke....  I helped with the painting, outside and inside.  Garden came next and then a pond was built.  A big one.  
I have integrated well into this village.  I am a Session Clerk in the Church here.  I am a Family Historian and that kept me sane for a number of years while going through lots of family illnesses and so on.  For a time I spent lots of spare time recording headstones in the old churchyards with a group of women.  We had great fun and very interesting work.  I saw a ghost once.  I was also Secretary for the Borders of the Family History Society.  I am a School Governor as they say in England.  My present hobbies are helping hubby drink cappachinos and eat scones.  We have taken up walking and have a caravan.  We used to get holidays but  now just get 4 or 5 days away at a time because I am a full time carer to my Mother.  I am an avid Bird Watcher.  In fact Birds are very important to me and feed them before myself in the morning.  I will drive miles to see something.  I like everything that is round about me.  The countryside, trees, hills, rivers just all I see.  I am content with my lot.  I have a good husband and should be grateful for everything.   Husband has retired at the age of 55 and we hope we enjoy many happy years.   Pretty dull life I dont really know.  But grateful.


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #134 on: March 06, 2004, 07:07:52 »
Eileen - so sorry to hear about the 'miss' - wife had a new one last year &, thankfully, she can now do the weeding again, after 2 years!! I imagine you wouldn't want to try again after all that?
 = Tim


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #135 on: March 06, 2004, 12:08:29 »
WoW  what an interesting bunch you all are.  Makes my life story seem very mundaine in comparison.  Im 48  a Taurean and very typical of my sign Im told.  Have been married twice to Jerry, the love of my life for the past 27 years.  We have two girls, eldest is 24.  Sarah is a leiutenant in the Royal Logistics Corp.  Bex (Rebecca) is the youngest and is 20.  She is at the moment travelling around New Zealand and due home around end of June. I miss her very much and cant wait for the day that she is home. My husband Jerry was a seaman when I met him and stayed at sea until we moved to Wales about 20 years ago from Cheshire. He then became self employed and restored vintage motor cycles for the next 10 years before returning to a life in the Merchant navy.  I am a scouser and still have a lot of family living in Liverpool and visit often.  I am a nurse and work as a ward sister in a small community hospital, where I  care for patients recovering from strokes and various other problems. I love my job very much but hate the way things are in the NHS at present. We moved to our present home 20 months ago to put an end to the 70 miles a day I used to have to drive from our last home.  Did it for 16 years and had had enough.  You did read correctly when I said that I have been married twice to Jerry.  My father had a massive coronary 36 hours before I was married and therfore missed the big day.  20 years later we found out that he had cancer and wasnt sure how things would go so we rearranged a renewal of our vows so he could say he had been to one of my weddings. :D We had a quiet service where we married. Just Mum Dad Jerry and I  and our youngest(eldest was unable to come from collage)  We all enjoyed the day so much that the following year Mum and Dad (now fully recovered)decided to do the same and retake their vows.  What a very emotional day that was.
My garden was a small part of a field and only grassed when we moved in.  Most people start with the decorating and settling in..... not me  lets get digging the borders and plant some of the 300 pots of plants I had brought with me,from the last house.  I love gardening and have recently taken an allotment at a new site on the shores of the Menai Straites. Although I have never had a go at veggie growing the help and advice available on this site will make things a lot easier I am sure. I have a strange sense of humour and can be a bit smutty at times.  Like most of you this has got me into trouble more than once but hey lifes to short.  How could I forget my little girls...we have two adorable standard longhaired daschunds Missy is nearly 5 and Poppy is 5 months old and a handful at the moment.  Last but not least is Tinky the cat.  I spend a lot of time on my own, with most of the family away here and there, but am very happy and content with my lot. All I can say is thank God for MSN messanger and the Internet.
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #136 on: March 06, 2004, 13:16:47 »
HI mimi what a lovely story of getting married twiceto the same man beautifull.  glad all is well in the family.
Well here goes!!quite boring really when i read other peoples stories.
I am Mary.  Have been married to the love of my life and my soulmate, since i was twenty.  I have 3 children 40 37 36. 3 grandchildren the eldest who completely turned my life around for the better.can you love somebody to much? :-\.  I am a scorpio
and often told very true to my sign (oh dear) i do not like to be messed with ummmm :D.I live in Essex have lots of friends one of which is frommy teenage years . i was born in Yorkshire and proud of it lived there untill i was 5 years old then lived in the east end of london untill i was 16.  I was a nanny for 7yrs and did allsorts of jobs
untill i went into catering for more years than enough very hard work. I have quite bad Angina looking at bypass at some stage next year or whenever it is needed.  GOOD things i have a nice garden back and front which keeps me very happy and busy. I love the wildlife birds in particular.  i have a lovely happy family, a treasure of a husband and i have made some lovely friends on this board.
 :D ;) :). I have done a 2yr course at college on floristry .  I have now started a computer course with LEARNDIRECT so i can enjoy my puter more,Computer course is free which is a bonus.
I am 5ft 5ins dark hair  could loose some weight diabetic so i have to watch it.  well thats boring old me i`m afraid. Rosebud.


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #137 on: March 06, 2004, 21:52:13 »
Hi Tim,

I see the surgeon in a couple of weeks again to review the situation, fingers x'd he'll be able to do something this time around to sort the foot out.

I love gardening but am finding it a real strain as I have to weed 'giraffe drinking style' nowadays!! Not a pretty sight  :o  Still life goes on and I get most jobs done in my own funny way.

I keep my secateurs tucked into my leg brace and the crutches come in handy for a variety of jobs - just don't tell the NHS on me please!!!



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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #138 on: March 15, 2004, 10:05:15 »
So much effort has gone into this thread, with such interesting result - don't you think it deserves  to be a locked subject??
I know I touched on this ages ago, but it's even more worthwhile now? = Tim


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Re:personal profiles
« Reply #139 on: March 15, 2004, 10:38:58 »
It's about time I did mine really...

I'm 28, live on the London/Essex border. I'm a half-Maltese, vegetarian semi-Buddhist/pagan. I've been married for five years to my best friend/soul mate (NGOH). We met at university 10 years ago. It's not been easy (I won't go into details there), which has made us even closer.

After working for five years in the area I studied at university, I realised last year that it just wasn't the career for me, so left, spent six months gardening, riding and doing a lot of meditation/self-therapy and am now much much happier, despite the cut in salary (I'm earning half what I did a year ago). I now work in admin. Dead easy, doesn't stretch me by any means, but it gives me time to think about and do what I love, and I'm not making rich people richer, but actually helping people.

We bought our first house two years ago, so I've only really been gardening since then (although I did help mum and gran out as a kid). My passion/enthusiasm for it has grown far faster than my knowledge! The rest of the time I spend riding, reading, watching films and generally enjoying life!
gone to pot :D


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