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 Fruit, Herbs

SOW Beetroot Broad Beans Broccoli (early sprouting) end month Calabrese (early) - protect French Beans (end of month) Runner Beans (protect) Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrots (early) Carrots (maincrop) mid month Summer Lettuce Maincrop Onion seed Spring Onions Peas (early and maincrop) Summer Radish Sweet corn (protect) Tomatoes (indoor and cloche)

PLANT Onion sets New potatoes Maincrop potatoes

HARVEST Broccoli (late sprouting) Spring maturing lettuce Summer Radish (cloche protected) Forced Rhubarb

SPECIAL CARE Spray Peas with derris

PLANT Strawberries

Basil Bay Chives (outdoors) Dill Marjoram/oregano (outdoors) Mint Rosemary Sage seed outdoors Sage rooted plants outdoors Tarragon Thyme (by root division)

HARVEST Tarragon Rosemary Sage

SPECIAL CARE Protect peaches from frost Spring prune peach trees


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