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Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
Last post by JanG - January 01, 2025, 17:37:17
Indoor play indeed, at the moment. I hope more indoor play can be had with the updated database which is now more or less complete I hope. I've sent individual PMs to all participants with a new link. I hope that all the information and photos you have contributed here on this thread are there, with quite a lot of new information too. Let me know if anything isn't right or if there are gaps and do have a play with different views - gallery or grid - and sorting in different ways.

And very best wishes for this new year. May all your seeds germinate, your crops grow tall and your harvests be sumptuous. 
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
Last post by markfield rover - January 01, 2025, 09:42:21
Indoor play and no mistake ! Whilst perusing the Thomas Etty seed catalogue ( online)  ,he has an interesting list of vegetable and flower resources starting in the 1400's , some great names ( familiar too ) and spelling. A salad was a much simpler dish back then , not sure garnish was a thing more a dish or remedy.
Edible Plants / Overgrown gooseberries
Last post by davholla - December 31, 2024, 14:09:46
I have some very overgrown gooseberries - please be gentle I have the flu.
Any advice on how to prune them - I guess drastically with trying to make them as open as possible.

Do I want to remove old or new growth? And how do I tell the difference?
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
Last post by Vetivert - December 29, 2024, 12:53:46
JanG, thanks for sharing a much needed taste of summer with that photo.. having thoughts of fresh berries and cream for some reason. I look forward to seeing those poppies in the flesh next year.

Markfield, thank you also for the descriptions of your lovely seeds. Sorry to read about the beasties, what a bother!
The Shed / Re: Merry Christmas (Boxing da...
Last post by markfield rover - December 29, 2024, 10:07:29
I always leave a number of leeks to go to flower and have a bunch in the garden sticking out of a watering can , looking very life stylee. That now leaves me with an issue as three heads have now germinated and there are many seedlings (?) and another two,Babington have gifted bulbils , guess I need to get off the sofa and.........
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
Last post by JanG - December 29, 2024, 07:29:48
I didn't attach it properly. In the flesh it looks a little more pink and slightly less red. It's four to five feet tall.   IMG_0019.jpeg
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
Last post by JanG - December 29, 2024, 07:27:45
Thanks for your notes, MR. Very helpful. Airtable database is moving very slowly having got caught up in the Christmas activities. It will happen though!

I realise I haven't written any notes about the annual opium poppy (or bread poppy I think it's also called), Papaver somniferum, which I contributed seed for. This is a variety which self-seeds through my vegetable garden and is specially attractive and always welcome. The photo here is of Vetivert's very lovely Enigma sweet pea growing amidst my poppy
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
Last post by markfield rover - December 28, 2024, 14:44:27
A few notes, I only tasted the tomatoes as too many bugs and beasties were happily doing that for me on the beans and peas and wasn't sure what or if there were going to be any left.

Tomato Essex Wonder, plant bought a at nursery. A good strong and prolific plant reasonable flavour, found this link ( sorry longhand) The blog of Essex Record Office , the storehouse of Essex History...archive September 23 2023.

Scotland Yellow, HSL ,ind golf ball size yellow fruit, nice flavour fruited over a long period, last fruits went floury but interestingly spreadable!!

Silvery Fir Tree,(HSL) very pretty carrot leaf bush plant , tasty with a bite . Red.
All the above grown in a greenhouse in case of blight.

DFB Elba, Pennard Plants.Dark green very fine beans.

Pea , American Wonder. Dwarf. Real Seeds. From the 1800's grows to 20 inches , small fat pods .

DFB Nautica.  Pennard Plants. Green Kenyan type fine pencil pods

Pea, Sankia HSL. Thought to have originated in San Kia , Chinese Turkistan now Xinjiang, acquired by the U S dept of agriculture in 1910 to be trialled as a potential forage crop, more recently for research into seed bourne pea mosaic virus in the Netherlands. Tall plant white flowers short curved pods.

Pea. Sutton's Phenomenon, HSL ,white flower, large pods ,short.

DFB, Dior, Pennard Plants. Yellow pods , fresh and for drying.

CFB. HSL .Bob and Mary. Prolific, eat at all stages.

CFB . Hodgkin,HSL, Romanian HSL. Notes too vague, sorry.

CFB . Kentucky Wonder , Pennard Plants. Notes with JanG .

Dragon's Tongue Oriental Greens.  Peppery/ mustard leaf with an attractive leaf as in JanG's picture.

Tree Peony , from my garden and could possibly be yellow !
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
Last post by JanG - December 27, 2024, 07:17:07
Thank you. That does at least mean that Real Seeds don't need to be blamed for rather unnecessary name changing.

I guess all this search for certainty goes to show that trying to chase the naming history of seed varieties is fraught with difficulties and uncertainties. Maybe one day dna analysing will be so widespread and available that some of these mysteries will be more easily unravelled.
The Shed / Re: Merry Christmas (Boxing da...
Last post by galina - December 26, 2024, 09:49:57
Quote from: InfraDig on December 25, 2024, 10:31:45My sweet peas were sown a while ago,( I forget when!) and have had their first pinching out, and are in the unheated greenhouse. Probably sown way too early but I got away with it last year! Same with Senshyu onion seed, now outside. They will get knocked back in late winter but came through last year.
Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy and healthful New Year.

Ahhh, the balmy winters in Kent.  Good luck for these sowings and hope they work out.   :sunny:
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