Can anyone identify these weird 'flowers'?

Started by Galette, April 10, 2020, 18:28:59

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Happy Easter folks!  I found these two strange stems/plants in my garden (South Wales) yesterday. When I touched them clouds of pollen were given off. Never seen anything like it before.  Any ideas?  Sorry, the photo has been turned on its side...


Tee Gee


I can see what you mean TeeGee but I have a vague memory of something else... might come to me later...


Equisetum equisetum - close cousin of mare's tail with thicker stems and usually grown as an ornamental bog plant in pond margins.  Not as bad as the weed but not one to let loose either.
Obxx - Vendée France


Thanks guys, yes - Equisetum equisetum would seem to be right.  I also have the thin and wiry mare's tail in my garden unfortunately.  So that's two nuisance weeds to get rid of.  Much obliged for the identification!


I've seen those in amongst rubble where buildings have been demolished and the land has gone back to the wild. I'm in S Wales too. Maybe they like it here lol

Doug Kelson

Horsetails, not Marestails. Horsetails are of very ancient lineage and giant ones (over 30 metres tall) feature much in coal measures from the Devonian epoch. today, the tallest species reach around 4 metres (in central and south America). The illustrated plants are the reproductive structures which produce spores, not pollen; they are not flowers. Marestail is an aquatic flowering plant, Hippuris vulgaris.

Comiserations, if you have an infestation of Equisetum arvense; it's a quickly-spreading, smothering weed and very difficult to control. Plenty of advice on that on line, though.


Thanks for that Doug, I am now well informed!  Not good news however, but I'm ready to wage war on them.


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