Author Topic: Muller Rice  (Read 13801 times)

Andy H

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Muller Rice
« on: May 03, 2005, 23:20:13 »
 ;D now the dogs are gone we just have Scooby eating Muller Rice last night, we videoed it and played it back to him, upon watching it he said,"Scooby din dins"!!! ;) ;) ;)


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2005, 13:00:03 »
Ha ha thats so funny.  ;D Tell me more about Scooby. What is it like having a pet parrot ?I'll have to show my son your pic as he is mad about parrots and Scooby Doo! He asks for a parrot regularly and wishes Scooby Doo was a real dog. A parrot called Scooby will make his day. (He's 7 by the way).


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2005, 14:45:25 »
Oh andy that has really tickled me  ;D


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2005, 15:24:08 »
Great piccie. Isnt he a lovely bird? How old is he Andy?
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Andy H

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2005, 21:25:31 »
He is nearly 2 and we got him at 18 wks old. They need to be with mother a certain time to learn certain things like preening etc.
Whats it like having a parrot? Always wanted one(or a monkey) :D
They are VERY time consuming and demanding of time. They are like having a 4 yr old kid PERMANENTLY! I don`t have kids but am learning! They go through adolecence etc. Basically this means they are a pain in the butt for a time!

Be VERY cautious about getting a parrot... If you want cuddly then get something else! or cockatoo etc
The African Grey are the most intelligent on par with a dolphin and crow and kid. But they are a ONE person bird. Becky can have the odd tickle before being bitten. I have all the cuddles and play I want but I still get bitten. You have to be prepared to have blood drawn etc.(and then not be angry with them)!!!

Yeah I get angry, but I just have to keep cool and bung him back on the cage etc. If he is really nasty then he gets put back in the cage and doors/roof shut etc.
Being a softy, this doesn`t last more than 10 mins etc ;)
because he knows he has done wrong and whistles and keeps saying hello mate etc or Oh! I`m sorry mate!

If your kid is 7 then you have to be prepared for him not to be liked by a Grey! They are a one person bird, Becky bought him and we both had cuddles for about a month before he started to change & pick his owner. He loves me! :-X
This often changes after about 2 or 3 years :'(
and then they pick a friend for life.

You can`t get anything done when he is out of the cage(like now)
I gave him 4 carrots from greenhouse and he munched on them and now he is JEALOUS of the laptop and climbed down the cage,slid down the leg,waddled across the floor,up the chair,up my jeans and sweatshirt and onto the table for a fight with the laptop screen! eaten a bit of table cloth and paper I was writing on and Heaven forbid if you have pen/pencil in your hand! Hygiene and cleanliness are of paramount importance with parrots. varied diet too is critical(inluding muller Rice)

You have to remember that they live a LONG time and this has to be taken into consideration(50-110 yrs)

But the fun side is that apart from me dreading leaving him at shop while we go on hols in august, is all the things he has learnt!

Some are annoying like text incoming sound and greenhouse sensor warning noise...(He has just stolen the bit of paper from under my elbow and run off with it as I type) He has learnt so many phrases and tunes!

About 25 sentances and about 25 sounds! A new one I was told as I came in from work, he said,"Don`t be nasty"! (In a cute voice)
And all that in 18 months. They say best to teach one thing at a time but he comes out with the unexpected now and then!

We can tell whose laugh he copies...

If you ike preparing food and mixtures of things etc then you will love experimenting with foods for a grey!
They have a few things they must NOT have like choccy and avocado and alchohol and nicitine. The last 2 will get him violent and they become addicted VERY fast.

I think the 1st 2 may kill him.
Non stick pans are a NO if over-heated the fumes will kill him/her.
No sprays in the room ie pits/hair!

No windows open in summer if bird is out unless fit mesh etc.
They do escape even if wings clipped they can catch the breeze and be gone.

But it is great if I wander out to front porch with him on my shoulder and he watches the strange things go by like cars and people...

The local mayor popped round the other day and had to see him cos he could hear all this talking and whistling in the other room!

They are GREAT fun and so funny but need patience and LOTS of attention(Remember a permanent 4 yr old) They get bored quickly and need interaction ALL their life.

They poo where they want and chew anything from table cloths to wood surround to pens glasses and specs get thrown across the room even if you are wearing them at the time!

He blows a raspberry and says "Whose farted","Ooooh"!
When you speak firmly to him cos he is naughty, he will copy it!
Scooby LOVES kebab and spag bol & Noodles from the chinese and cheese(?) & Muller Rice!& strawberries!

Human skin is sometimes a favorite too :-X

Babies first words were Hello then Hello mate and the wolf whistle...
Now he does western tumbleweed sound and 1st 2 lines of Daisy Daisy
Peek-a-boo when I poke head round corner and many many more.

He has now "finished" my "notes" he grabbed earlier so they are now unreadable.

We gave him the old yellow pages and he got through edge 1 inch of the whole thing! What a mess that was! But he enjoyed it :-\

Sorry to waffle! But you asked and it is a BIG choice to get one or ANY animal that lives so long. And although we all enjoy him, only one of you get the cuddle which means if I go out in the evening then he has to go to bed early as I am the only one who can put him back in the cage which he hates!

If anyone wants the vid clip of him eating the muller rice then email me, not got the best bits on vid as he is most talkative when the one he loves goes out the room(another attention getter)!

But he is SOooooo Funny and Soooooooooo cute! ;D

Ssshhhhhhhh,he is watching Buffy.....

Andy H

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2005, 23:40:54 »
Racket! Scooby not too bad most of time, if he really screaches then I cover him for one min nd he just says hello mate,peek-a-boo and un-cover him and his is all cute again! :)


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2005, 23:52:02 »
Andy I have had such a good laugh reading about Scooby.  He sounds like a little rotter and so much fun all in one. I've no intention of getting a parrot but atleast now I can tell my son the whole story about keeping a parrot. We have a cat and a dog so it just wouldn't be fair on them or the parrot.  My son saw parrots performing at a wildlife park in Spain and has loved them ever since. He has a little blue parrot made out of balsa wood that he keeps by his bed.

I wish you and Scooby many happy times together! Anymore pics? Do please tell us about the things he gets up to and says. It sounds so funny ;D


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2005, 09:06:06 »
Yes hes quite a character isnt he?

My sis used to have her own pet shop and market stall so got to know many pet owners. She never sold animals only feed etc. Anyway an old lady died and left her 2 parrots. Good job she didnt breed Rotties wasnt it?  ;D
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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2005, 09:47:00 »
Oh Andy, I really enjoyed reading about Scooby.  You must have the patience of a saint - my hat is well and truly off to you :D  I love the parrots, have loads of photos of them from places I have visited, but don't know if I could cope with one at home, along with my two dogs and two cats :o - especially a grey ::)

Keep the stories coming, they make my day ;D
Happy gardening all...........Pat

Andy H

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2005, 18:43:49 »
I wouldn`t like to mix my "baby" with a dog but then I hated it when my 2 dogs had a fight(originally bred for it and it was nasty)
But my mate has a grey and 2 dogs and a snake(the latter I rescued from work) ;D
The dogs get too near the cage and the parrot wins :o
I reckon cats would lose too but wouldn`t like to try cats paw in the cage just in case...but then I worry too much...

As I speak and Becky (tries) reads the tv mag,scooby just grabbed it and tore off the top strip! :-X


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2005, 21:01:48 »
what a lovely bird u sound like a very good dad i real,ly enjoyed your story thanks


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2005, 22:40:44 »
Wow.. thanks Andy H for the pic and all the info so interesting to read all about your lovely parrot. A friend of mine had a grey for many many years, in fact he died earlier this year. He would only go to my friend and not to her husband . When I lived next door to them I would think it was the telephone or  I would think Ivan was whistling the labs indoors. It usually turned out to be the grey!! My niece's sister-in-law is an authority on all kinds of parrots. Don't know if you have ever heard of her she has written books Rosemary Lowe..  regards Lorna.


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2005, 23:27:19 »
Scooby looks just like my Nana's old African Grey - he lived to over 70 - my great uncle brought him home from Afica tucked in his armpit to keep him warm  (or so the family legend has it) and gave him to my Nana when she was a little girl. He was called Aku (apparently swahili for parrot - but again that coud be a family legend). his favourite phrase was " Silly old B*gger" which my grandpa used to teach him for when the priest came round to visit!! He was great fun - I have many happy childhood memories - but yes you have to be prepared for a life sentence because they are very long lived - and they really are one person birds -when my Nana died Aku just pined away!

Andy H

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2005, 23:55:34 »
Yeah this is my big fear! If I am the 1st loved one and he changes to someone else then who? Young Becky or her mum???

I will be heart broken really but I guess thats nature... :-\

Time will tell and I will try to keep in scooby`s good books for ever :D

So much fun though...


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2005, 14:49:47 »
How did you discover that Scooby liked muller rice?!

Andy H

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2005, 18:35:32 »
I guess it was the night before when mother in law was holding a bowl and eating strawberries and cream! Scooby was on the table and sneaked up and carefully leaned over the edge of the table to reach the bowl! Slowly,as if not wanting to get caught, he picked up half a strawberry draped in cream and scoffed it :P

Next night, thinking it was more he leaned over edge of table and made little whimper noise like a dog till the spoon was put in front of him and he started eating Muller Rice with strawberry :-*

Scoffed whole spoon full and wanted more! Next night it was MR with raspberry which he wasn`t so keen on but still ate some.

Basically he can try anything that isn`t on his death list and if he likes it then let him have it in moderation. A varied diet is good for them as much as trying different things and strange mixtures of veg and fruit. ;D

Mrs Ava

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2005, 18:38:03 »
Mum has a grumpy old grey, and I have told her I don't want it when she decides to pop of this mortal coil!  He is the grumpiest meanest of birdies ever!  He was badly mistreated and she and dad rescued him from a pet store when I was a nipper.  They had such patience and love for that old grumpy grey as they would sit for hours and hours, day after day, week after week, trying to tame him a little, but it never worked.  He snaps and bites and pecks and shouts!  He talks like a good 'un though and mimics my darling dad.  He says things like, 'Put the kettle on Em', and 'another cup of tea Vicar'  ;D.  Poor old Percy.  One of his fave snacks are wotsits!  For as grumpy and mean as he is, she wouldn't be without him.

Andy H

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2005, 19:08:35 »
Poor old grumpy.
You would think that if he mimicked them a bit then some of the battle towards taming may have worked? Not sure how their brains work though.

I cant tame OH >:(

I "spoke" to a grey at pet shop the other day and he gently nipped my skin together,what a beak! really sharp :-\
Glad scooby blunts his daily!

I wonder if some grumpy ones are tamable somehow when they are young. The mis-treaters should be hung, keel hauled & put in the stocks.

Oh and tied up naked in a cage with grumpy bird ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2005, 22:24:53 »
Who has Scooby learned "who's farted "from? I say this knowing that His Madge likes to let rip with the subsequent question from me. My suspicions are aroused Mr Andy!  Scooby would crack me up.

Andy H

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Re: Muller Rice
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2005, 22:43:33 »
We taught him it by blowing a ficticious raspberry and saying oooooh! Who farted?
He copied it then one morning after a sleepy bowel and the usual morning trumpet ;D scooby replied by saying "who farted"

Needless to say we were hysterical for ages and late for work!!!
 ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :-X :-X


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