Author Topic: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please  (Read 1721 times)


  • Quarter Acre
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Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« on: July 27, 2017, 11:27:30 »
Despite years of gardening this is the first time I have grown pumpkins and Butternut squash. The crop is looking very good, I only planted one plant of each and they have taken over my garden! Can I start to use them now? They are all getting enormous and I don't really want to wait for optimum size/weight when I will have many, many more than we can eat. Also, I would love any tips on storage please.

Plot 18

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Re: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2017, 12:19:22 »
They will not taste as good if you pick them before they are ripe, it's the final ripening that gives them their sweet or nutty flavour :(

I wait for mine to change colour on the plant, if weather allows, then put them in the greenhouse, or on the windowledge to fully colour up/ripen. Then I store them somewhere like a frost-free shed or garage, here I use a spare room where the heating is kept on minimum, as my shed is just too cold.


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Re: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2017, 12:24:23 »
Butternut squash is not yet ready even at your location.  I agree with Plot 18.  If they have turned colour to buff yellow, you can take them off and store for another month before tasting them.  They will keep for many months.

Pumpkin can be any number of different varieties, some might be ready, others not.  If you tell us what pumpkins you are growing, we can help.  Sounds like you are really successful with them, Galette :wave:
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 12:27:15 by galina »


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Re: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2017, 16:10:04 »
id leave them on the plant at least another month they need to go a dark buff colour  they will store for a long time however mine never last after February  they seem to rot after that i grow a lot  30 plants we  eat them every day when ripe  hope this helps
johhnyc015  may the plot be with you


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Re: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2017, 17:54:37 »
I have grown BN for years but not this year as I have decided I don`t really like them. I normally harvest from 6=8 per plant. I take off leaves that overshadow them, so they are exposed to the sun and I lay them on something like weed fabric. I also stop excessive forward runners. They will be ready in about 6 weeks and I usually finish ripening on a sheltered outdoor sunny windowcill at home


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2017, 15:33:00 »
Thanks to everyone for your comments and advice, it's all very useful.  Clearly I will have to be patient for quite a few weeks.  Just a couple more questions if I may...
1) Some of the pumpkins collect water in the 'dimple' on the top where the fruit is joined onto the stalk. I feel I should stop this remaining wet for too long in case the water causes rot. So I go around with a piece of kitchen paper and blot away the puddle. Is this silly?
2) When in storage, is it better for them to be in the light or dark? Do you wrap them or sit them on a rack? Should they not be touching/ sitting on their neighbour?
3) Should I stop the further growth of the plants at some stage to concentrate the energy on the fruits already developing?
4) Are there any little critters (we have the usual birds and mice always waiting in the wings..) that would eat the ripening fruits on the plant?
5) They are thirsty plants, I guess we will have to keep on watering as long as the plants are growing?

Thanks again


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Re: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2017, 18:16:24 »
If you left the sun get to them and the skins are intact they will store for the whole winter.  So I have lots of other things to eat now but for me the Pumpkins and Butternuts come into their own in February when lots of other things are not longer available.

So be careful to cut the fruit carefully from the stalk, broken ones do not store well.  I do not wrap mine but I try to ensure they do not touch, and keep a good eye out for any starting to rot, and eat those asap. 

Mine have lots of manure so that helps keep the moisture in the soil for them, but they might get a bit more each if I have the strength to shift it.  They are very good at using their leaves to channel any rain down to their roots.  They also seem to get a lot of dew on their leaves so even when it was dry in the early mornings they were dripping with water.


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Pumpkins and Butternut Squash advice please
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2017, 17:58:47 »
Thank you everyone.  Great feedback, and thanks for the links Tulipa.


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