Author Topic: Am I a saint or just got conned.  (Read 5645 times)


  • Hectare
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Am I a saint or just got conned.
« on: February 11, 2016, 20:06:27 »
Thought OH has forgotten his key, so opened the door.  Got a story about someone living in my road,he actually told me the number of the house, and the children were cold, as no electricity, and gave him £10 as he was very polite and didn't stab me.  Said I would get it back tomorrow, but said forget it.  Afterwards just thinking maybe he went round the corner for beer or cigarettes, but hopefully my good deed will win me a competition tomorrow, I do loads every week.  Luckily OH is out, so will not tell him as he will say I am stupid.  Well not a very nice world if you do not trust/believe anyone. 


  • Acre
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Re: Am I a saint or just got conned.
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 21:32:12 »
Go to the house tomorrow - ask if he needs any further assistance or offer him a packet of biscuits. if he did need the money as he said I would be highly surprised as wouldn't he ask friends or neighbours he knew. I guess we will never know but in the world of karma it may just have been a test.

Norf London

Deb P

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Re: Am I a saint or just got conned.
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 23:18:14 »
I think unfortunately I would have not responded in the same way. My heart has been hardened by so many attempted cons over the years, I just would not believe a neighbour would act like that, particularly if you had never met them before. I understand you were probably feeling very vulnerable and it was the simplest way of getting rid of him,but I would be concerned you are now perceived as vulnerable, and might get more visits? I really hope I'm just being horribly pessimistic, honestly.
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


  • Hectare
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Re: Am I a saint or just got conned.
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2016, 13:09:01 »
A very nice thing to do, but I hope it don't come back and bite your backside. Just check your gate for chalk marks that will single you out for a soft touch. Iif you have the house number phone social services because if they are really wanting, the children could be at risk.


  • Hectare
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  • Johanniskirchen
Re: Am I a saint or just got conned.
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2016, 16:20:43 »
As Ace said.

How about making sure about the house number/floor etc and telling the caller that your son will be round with something for the kids.  If you don't have a son, they've got a long wait.  It allows you/OH/whoever to check out the address at their leisure.  Also check with your neighbours.  There are gangs with gangmasters controlling the guys who knock on the doors, but if a gang was operating then other people would have got the knock too.  In that case go straight to the police.  You can ring the non-emergency police number in any case and ask what you should do if something like this happens again if you still have concerns.  Are you in a neighbourhood watch area?  Worth asking the organiser whether there have been other cases. 

It does you credit how you reacted, you are a nice person  :sunny: and I hope this was a one-off and a family in real need.   :wave:

A very nice thing to do, but I hope it don't come back and bite your backside. Just check your gate for chalk marks that will single you out for a soft touch. Iif you have the house number phone social services because if they are really wanting, the children could be at risk.


  • Hectare
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Re: Am I a saint or just got conned.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2016, 19:51:37 »
Probably was a con, but must say he was very convincing, but I was caught off guard.  Anyway OH is in tonight, so he can answer the door but so far all quiet.  The number he said was either 86 or 68, I am 114, which is not too near me so may walk up there tomorrow to see if either of the houses have been let to refugees, as he was foreign.  Did say he was getting money today, so if he was genuine he didn't have to give the money back, but a thank you note would be good.  I have seen people paying for electricity tokens in the local shop, and I remember running out of 2 shillings when we had to feed a meter, but will also check to see if my immediate neighbours had a visit, as do not like the idea of gangs, although this was only one man, but I suppose there could have been a car full nearby.  Haven't told OH as he is still cross with me for letting a young man clean my windows and come inside to do the inside of the windows, and we later found out he was a drug addict and next day tried to sell me boxes of plants from B & Q, the ones that they leave outside, but I said I couldn't buy suspect goods, and have to avoid him now.  Time to move to the Isle of Wight, me thinks.
Years ago I gave a young man money at Liverpool Street for his fare home, we did try to ring his mother from a phone box but she was out walking the dog, so another young man said.  He said his mother would be so grateful and promised that she would ring me when he got safely home, but no phone call.  I did ring his number to check he was ok but it was never answered, so another con.  I should have taken him to the Transport Police at the station but I was thinking if my own children were in trouble would like them to get home.  He seemed such a lovely lad, but when I told other people they said this was a good con and I was stupid.  Oh well no more good deeds from me, until the next time I get caught.  You never know I may get a lovely thank you note tomorrow, or probably not.


  • Hectare
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Re: Am I a saint or just got conned.
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2016, 17:57:50 »
Well, he came back, but i was out, but oh didnt give him the pound he asked for. Same story about the children but qqapparently he is now living next door, strange as i known next door for over 20 years. Oh said he was shaking so maybe drugs. Oh well i did my best. Not answering the door at night again.


  • Hectare
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  • Johanniskirchen
Re: Am I a saint or just got conned.
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2016, 23:46:10 »
Sorry Borlotti,  hope he lied about having children.  If you find out that he does, Social Services should hear about it.


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