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Produce => Under Glass => Topic started by: Marley Farley on May 20, 2005, 08:08:47

Title: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 20, 2005, 08:08:47
:)  Hi all.I have a large green house & although I have windows on auto openers as well as a couple that have to be opened manually & of course the door I have very poor air circulation in a couple of areas.  :( I do not have power to it & cannot. :( I really don't want to add any more windows so was wondering if any of you new of a fan that was solar powered   I grow so many different plants & I know the air is not moving around enough.   :'( Any ideas on this topic gratefully received.  ???  No luck googling so far & I have posted this on GC too as I'm getting desperate  :'( Thanks in anticipation I'm convinced someone somwhere here can help ;D 8)
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: supernan on May 20, 2005, 08:14:19
I have a different greenhouse this year it has vents. Manually opened and at the base of one side. They move the air round lovely.

This would mean some expenditure but once in they do the job. Don't blow a gale and would be cost effective cos you will get better plants.
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 20, 2005, 08:20:38
:) Thanks . Some of my vents are low down & circulation is good all around them but as I say I have a couple of areas giving me a problem & openers are not really an option where they are ::) that's why I was thinking of a fan maybe solar powered :) I would also have the option of moving it around as necessary :) as well :) I don't mind the expense as long as it's not sky high. :o ;D
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: tim on May 20, 2005, 08:41:25
How long would a fan run on a 12 V battery??

I'm sure I've seen solar greenhouse fans. But where's the sol??
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 20, 2005, 09:02:02
:) Hi tim, Yes I suppose a normal fan running on a leisure battery might work but then I have a battery to keep charging periodically. ::) They do weigh allot though & I would have to keep bringing it down to the garage to charge back up I suppose that sounds  pathetic but can't carry heavy things far! :-[ Hence the thought of a solar fan :) Take my chances with sol :)
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: tim on May 20, 2005, 09:17:43
Of course, a solar battery charger??

Can only find US or Australian fans so far.

Later - this is the one I was looking for - but difficult to locate? Really need a remote panel? under Propagation.

Later still = 'locate' - I meant the fan - not the site!
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 20, 2005, 14:09:07
:) Hi tim, Good site, maybe an extractor fan would do if nothing else turns up. Like you I had only found US or Oz sites selling them. My OH goes to Leominster now & then maybe she could call in ??? For now though am going to keep looking. If you here of anything else I'd be grateful ;D ;D Don't know about charger didn't even think of one shall go & see if there is such a beast :)
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: ajb on May 20, 2005, 20:56:29
Hi there,

I've been looking for the same things! Solar powered extractor fans that actually shift a decent amount of air can be staggeringly expensive.  Ones designed for conservatories should work. This is the least expensive (I hesitate to say cheapest) here: £110 to £120.

Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: tim on May 21, 2005, 06:24:31
That's the one in Queenswood -  & £99.99?

Same problem to locate if you have a couple of stagnant spots - got to face the sun?
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: derbex on May 21, 2005, 12:12:28
Why not run the fan off a leisure battery and use a panel to charge the battery. That's the way my boat works. Lots of people doing panels, I got a 15W with controller from ebay for < £100, I think they're less now. You could also get away with a cheaper panel as it won't need to be as weather resistent. If you used an inverter you could even run a mains fan.

Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 21, 2005, 14:07:25
;D Hi all, Well I am gradually coming to the conclusion that maybe fans & Leisure battery the way to go.  :)The charging bit is the problem, but if you have a panel on your boat for that purpose :) brilliant idea ;) I shall go off & do a bit of research on this :) & see if I can come up with a system THANK YOU ;D Any input always greatfully received 8) ;D
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 21, 2005, 15:49:34
 :) OK derbex, you have put me in the right direction I think, I am now thinking ordinary swivel fans,batteries, solar panels with cotroler & inverter for the fans. ;D That way I would get maximum air flow but maybe not such a great temp difference ??? With maybe an extracter fitted that I could put on when needed ??? What do you think ??? I don't know  :)I just thought I would be able to buy something off the shelf :-[ :-[ he he,  silly me   :o ::)
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: greenfists on May 22, 2005, 20:38:47
I tried Ebay they had a solar fan on there but £37.50?
they had baseball caps with solar fans, but I suspect that they wouldn't shift enough air.
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Gardenantics on May 22, 2005, 21:01:19
How handy are you with DIY?. Get an old 12v car fan from a scrap yard, fix this to a car battery from the same scrap yard, and recharge with a wind turbine, either bought from The Centre For Alternative Technology, or made from an old alternator, from that scrap yard again.
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: derbex on May 22, 2005, 21:30:26
12v car fan sounds good -you can lose the inverter then, although the swivel is quite attractive. Personally I'd prefer the panel to a windcharger -ideally both :) Maybe you can turn it into an extractor with a bit of ducting?

On the other hand when the weather gets hot I just remove a pane of glass from the greenhouse, leaving it out until it gets cold again (following Tim's tip). Bit early yet this year?

Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 23, 2005, 07:58:44
:) Hi, Yes the car fan sounds good :) I have just found a re chargable generator that will run light domestic stuff. :) It is also very quiet & takes up little space :) but still have to research whether this would work & run the fans all day ??? or if the panel would be better ;) still searching. I am surprised I can't buy what I want in this country off the shelf. Seems you have to live either in USA or OZ to do that :o I shall not be beaten !!! ;D
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Gardenantics on May 23, 2005, 10:16:37
Have a look at this website for the place in Wales;
They do power generation from sun or wind.
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on May 24, 2005, 07:48:33
 :) Hi, Thanks for the link, Wow what a site, it didn't come up when  was googling or I don't think it did, ::) thanks for that  :)
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: ajb on May 28, 2005, 22:04:38
Sounds like an expensive assembly project.
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: legless on June 19, 2005, 09:04:29
i think these vents have a fan in

Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Gardenantics on June 19, 2005, 09:28:46
Just had another idea for moving air around yor greenhouse.
Lots of dead computers have 12v. fans in them that work fine, so why not fix one into a length of plastic drainpipe that will suck the hot air from the apex of the greenhouse, and blow it out at floor level. The fans can run off a car battery that is trickle charged by a solar panel, the type used to plug into your car cigarette lighter when you don't use the car that often. You could easily fix one system to suck air in from outside at floor level and blow it into the apex at the opposite end to the first system so you will cool the whole greenhose down, and both will run from a car battery.

Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on June 19, 2005, 11:46:35
 ;D Thank you all  ;D I went for the solar panel in the end & rigged up 3 extracting & 3 blowing in & very good it is too  :) :) Think I may need more, but then Legless (thank you) that is a very interesting solar affair, have emailed company for more details I have not seen that one despite trawling the internet for weeks  :o If it does have a fan would be very interested in a few.  :) Am experimenting trying to get a swivel fan going for the still corners etc  at the moment while waiting ???
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Merry Tiller on June 19, 2005, 20:57:33
Wickes used to do something like that for conservatories, I've got one kicking around my workshop somewhere
Title: Re: Greenhose ventilation??????
Post by: Marley Farley on June 20, 2005, 07:41:08
 :) Will give wickes a shout too while waiting thanks.  :)
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