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Produce => Recipes => Topic started by: caz 406 on May 02, 2005, 22:12:48

Title: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: caz 406 on May 02, 2005, 22:12:48
Picked nearly 3lbs of rhubarb yesterday - the first this year so had to make a crumble!
I chop the rhubarb and leave overnight with sugar, cinnamon and mixed spice. Sometimes throw in apple or raspberries with it.
Has anyone got any other suggestions? It's growing so fast and it would be nice to try different things with it. Might give the rhubarb wine a go too.
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Lazybones on May 03, 2005, 09:31:17

I sometimes put in strawberries or bananas - this means you don't have to put any sugar in.  I have to say I picked tonnes yesterday too and I was going to stew lightly in orange juice and then mix with yogurt.  Yummy. ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Moggle on May 03, 2005, 09:40:08
I picked a load on saturday too  :)
I chopped it up, and mother-in-law made the crumble and we had it on sunday after sunday roast - Yummy  ;D ;D :P
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: BAGGY on May 03, 2005, 17:23:55
I know it's been posted before but .........
stew it till it is a mush and mix with a jelly while it's still hot.  It sets like a mousse type desert and served with evap it's delish.  Mmmmmm.
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Tulipa on May 03, 2005, 17:44:50
The above post reminded me of this recipe:

Rhubarb Whip

1lb rhubarb
¼ pint water
4oz granulated sugar
1 raspberry jelly
7oz can evaporated milk chilled

Prepare the rhubarb and cook with the water and sugar until really soft.  Separate the jelly pieces, place in the hot rhubarb and stir until melted.  Leave until cold but not set.

Whip chilled evap so it is stiff and mixture leaves a clear trail when the whisk is lifted out.  Fold into the rhubarb and jelly mixture and divide between individual dishes or one large dish.  Leave to set and decorate as you wish.

It's a nice light summery dessert, haven't made it for ages but will have a go now, thank you for reminding me!
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Muddy_Boots on May 03, 2005, 20:13:52
Also, it goes just as well with Mackerel as gooseberry sauces does!  Try it with pork too!   :D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: caz 406 on May 03, 2005, 22:41:25
Mmmmmm thanks for all these suggestions...keep 'em coming. Can't wait to pull up some more rhubarb so I can try them all out!  :)
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on May 03, 2005, 23:55:16
What about jam?  Must be able to make jam from bubby.  I am going to hunt out a recipe!  :D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on May 03, 2005, 23:57:38
teehee - found this website!  Never going to need think of a recipe again!

Old Recipe Rhubarb Jam
15 c  Rhubarb, cut up
8 ea Oranges
14 c  Sugar
1 c  WalnutsProcedure:
Put oranges through food chopper. Put sugar and oranges over rhubarb and let soak overnight. Next morning cook slowly for 1 1/2 hours. Add walnuts and put in hot jars. This makes 5 to 6 quarts (5 to 6 liters). This recipe is about 50 years old.

Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Plottie on May 04, 2005, 09:30:45
Oooh EJ, what a find!!!! I too love my rhubarb but tend to make only crumbles with it (although there's nothing wrong with that of course!!)
But now.............ooh the possibilities..............feel another dessimation of the crop coming on  ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on May 04, 2005, 12:30:33
teehee PLottie - that is exactly what I did today.  Came home from the plot with a huge carrier bag full.  Planning to make bubby and angelica jam, and a selection of desserts!  YUMSY!!
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: pebbles on May 07, 2005, 14:17:00
E J ,that is a brilliant site.. my daughter has a mound of rhubarb in her new garden . they dont want it but too much for me ..  we will be trying out  the insecticide , and the freezer has plenty of room . just going to go pick some now  :)
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Pegmumm on May 07, 2005, 23:27:52
Something I discovered a long time ago... if you microwave the rhubarb with a bit of water, it stays sweet and you don't have to add hardly any sugar at all.
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: oubykh on May 08, 2005, 20:48:15
if you can get hold of last months Good Food magazine they had several recipes
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: wardy on May 08, 2005, 21:33:27
Bob Flowerdoo has some posh recipes for rhubarb, such as champagne cocktails and trifle.  Oer.  I think at our lotty open day someone is going to be doing these.  Can't wait  :)
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on May 11, 2005, 22:41:15
We can never get enough crumble; it's going to be a bit short this year as I've moved my rhubarb and it's looking a little weedy. I microwave it till it boils with honey (or brown sugar if I've run out), cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, then add topping made with porridge oats, flour, butter and either honey or sugar. Cook it in a medium oven till the liquid starts boiling out of the top.
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: caz 406 on May 11, 2005, 22:45:34
mmmm hadn't thought of using honey with it...sounds nice...will give it a go  :)
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: North Country Boy on May 20, 2005, 23:52:20
Rhubarb crumble definately my favourite. Cant you make a relish, or compote if your posh, with it to accompany some meat dishes?
Title: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: DolphinGarden on May 21, 2005, 02:06:51
EJ Emma Jane,

in your recipe, what's a c? surely not a cup? 15 rhubarb, 14 sugar and 1 of walnuts/procedure???

btw, I've made my first three crumbles in the last month, I am only beginning, but would like to make jam.


Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: fbgrifter on June 18, 2005, 19:03:58
rhubarb crumble - honey wih the rhubarb, pine nuts in the crumble, mmmm, delish.

When i have a huge amount of rhubarb i make rhubarb and orange marmalade, recipe here:
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: bunnycat on June 18, 2005, 23:18:46
You're all making me very jealous :D

I adore rhubarb, but definately don't have room to grow it :( My Grandad grows it, but he's down South and I'm not. LOL!!!

Crumble is my fave, too :P
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: sweet-pea on June 22, 2005, 16:06:28
My mum has always added Rosemary in with the Rhubarb to make crumble, which is what I do too. 
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 22, 2005, 23:05:58
I now finely shred a few angelica leaves when cooking the rhubarb as it takes away the sharpness giving a delicate fragrance and a sweeter taste!  ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Debs on June 23, 2005, 20:54:14

I've never used, grown or tried Angelica.

Would you recommend it EJ - how is it grown, cared for etc...

Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 23, 2005, 22:42:11
It is quite a monster, my collection now standing at over 6 foot tall!  I don't really grow it for medicinal/culinary purposes, but more for its stature and lime green colour.  I started them from seed a couple of years back and they grow in shallow clay soil, but in the dappled shade of our willow tree and self seed nicely in the same spot!  I believe if you cut the flowering stem out, it will carry on producing lots and lots of leaves, like rhubarb.  This year, one of the flower heads does have a touch of blackfly, but not enough that you can really notice.  I will save you some seeds if you want to give it a go, I have an abundance!  ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: fbgrifter on June 24, 2005, 19:58:29
Yay angelica!!!



great idea EJ
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Debs on June 27, 2005, 19:20:02

Would love some seed please EJ looks a very interesting plant ;D

Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 29, 2005, 14:12:08
pm me your address Debs.  Collected lots of seeds today as they have started to fall!  ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Debs on June 29, 2005, 17:11:16
Thanks EJ ;D

Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: moonbells on June 30, 2005, 15:11:53
Are those leaves on the angelica or seed pods?

Quite an amazing looking plant!

Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 30, 2005, 18:36:39
That is the flowering head packed with seeds.  They are stunning, lime green, with a great fragrance.  They can grow 6 foot tall and the skeletal stems look great in the winter sunshine!  The bees love them, but you must be careful as the sap on mature plants can cause skin rashes for some.
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: weed on July 03, 2005, 12:00:15
How long would it take for an angelica plant to grow as big as the one in the photo?  From seed that is?  Got lots of area to fill quickly and it looks  a good bet to me. ???
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 03, 2005, 23:01:25
Sowed the seed in spring, they are that big by the summer!  It is advised to remove the flowering heads to encourage plenty of leaves and to extend the life of the plant, but mine seeds at will, and it is the flowers I want!  ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: weed on July 04, 2005, 20:22:53
Thanks for the info.  I think I'll give them a go - they're really spectacular and just what I want to fill big spaces.
Title: Re: Rhubarb crumble
Post by: barrowbob on July 19, 2005, 12:09:32
Try using spare rhubarb to make chutney - but it really needs to lie in the back of the cupboard for 4/5 months to mature.  Lovely and sharp with a bit of cheese.
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