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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Anne Robertson on April 26, 2005, 19:10:18

Title: names
Post by: Anne Robertson on April 26, 2005, 19:10:18
I'd love to know the meaning/reason/story behind some of the names that appear on here.
I mean you'd never guess from my avatar that my name is annie! ;D ;D
Please tell us the why's and wherefore's of your names. :)
Title: Re: names
Post by: maz on April 26, 2005, 19:18:30
Hi Annie   ;D

Would you believe Im Marilyn? T'is true! 

 Mother what were you thinking of?  ::)
Title: Re: names
Post by: lanky lass on April 26, 2005, 19:24:44
Hi Annie, mine is cos i'm from Lankyshire.
My name's Marie so i too almost used maz like Marilyn :)
Title: Re: names
Post by: wattapain on April 26, 2005, 19:29:27
Well my name's Terri but I got so fed up when tying to join various boards etc - entering my name & password so many times ony to be told ' this name/password has already been taken'
Grrrr.. then what a ******* pain - so there - with a bit of 'expletive deleted'  is my ickle tale ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: johcharly on April 26, 2005, 19:29:55
My nick comes from my two children Joh and Charly (Charlotte).
Title: Re: names
Post by: legless on April 26, 2005, 19:30:17
in 1999 i went to the british grand prix with a load of people i met on a formula one forum. i wore those trousers that zip off to make shorts and earned the nickname legless because of that. i use it everywhere on the net now.
Title: Re: names
Post by: johcharly on April 26, 2005, 19:33:09
By the way Lankylass I used to live in Lancaster, where groups of lads on a Saturday would roam the streets shouting Lanky Lanky Lancaster. Imagine my mates joy when they re4membered I am from Doncaster. Donkey........ ;D :D
Title: Re: names
Post by: ACE on April 26, 2005, 19:33:50
It was a motorcycle name that I owned at the time of joining, I should change it to electroglide now.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Anne Robertson on April 26, 2005, 19:35:05
And there was me thinking you permanently walked around with a drink in your hand, legless ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: Ceri on April 26, 2005, 20:13:41
mine would be er...welll.... Ceri!

It's unusual enough that it doesn't get kicked off as described by wattapain - great name by the way!  I'd only forget a made up name anyway
Title: Re: names
Post by: legless on April 26, 2005, 20:57:41
And there was me thinking you permanently walked around with a drink in your hand, legless ;D

well that's a different matter ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: Svea on April 26, 2005, 21:08:52
mine is simply my first name.
Title: Re: names
Post by: honeybee on April 26, 2005, 21:09:27
Well i always use my mums name Mollie as my username but for some reason i changed my name on this board as i wanted something more befitting  ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: foxyglove on April 26, 2005, 21:12:36
Well I checked out all the other names before I chose one.  There was Rhoda Dendron, Too Lip etc.  I thought we had to be flowers - hence Foxy Glove!   :-*
Title: Re: names
Post by: Roy Bham UK on April 26, 2005, 21:24:30
 ;D Well I guess I was lucky that there wasn't anyone from Birmingham with the name Roy that lived in the UK 8)
Title: Re: names
Post by: simhop on April 26, 2005, 22:10:39
Hi - my name is made up of the first three letters of first and last name. First used wayback when signing up for yahoo email and is now my username everywhere.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Wicker on April 26, 2005, 23:18:14
Mine is because I originally hail from Wick (tho people from there would pronounce it Weeker!)
Title: Re: names
Post by: Doris_Pinks on April 26, 2005, 23:36:24
The person that taught me all my gardening and was my godmother and aunt to boot was called Doris, so I picked the name in honour of her!
Title: Re: names
Post by: Gadfium on April 27, 2005, 00:19:00
Gadfium is one of the characters' names in an Iain M Banks book.

My real name is generally unavailable as an e-mail/registration  possibility; so long, long ago... I became a 'Gadfium' for no better reason than I liked the sound of it!

Title: Re: names
Post by: Amazin on April 27, 2005, 00:19:41
Mine's based on my wit, charm, style, intelligence, phenomenal strength of character and sparkling personality...

...or maybe just my first name
Title: Re: names
Post by: the_snail on April 27, 2005, 01:57:39
Basically I like slugs and snails :D I think I must be the only gardener that does like them! They do provide a great food source for thrushes, blackbirds and frogs plus many more animals :)
Title: Re: names
Post by: wivvles on April 27, 2005, 07:27:01
I live in Wiveliscombe, known to locals as Wivey.  I am "Wivey Wolf" on other MB's I use (due to my birthplace and football team) but thought that didn't sound right for an allotment board.  Wivvles is a nickname one of the users on one of the other MB's I use came up with - so here I am!!!!
Title: Re: names
Post by: slugcatcher on April 27, 2005, 07:30:15
And theres me Sexy snail thinking you wanted to be caught by Slugcatcher ;D ;D ;D

I have no idea why i decided on this, must have had one of those funny days

Title: Re: names
Post by: Bionic Wellies on April 27, 2005, 07:57:27
When I bought a computer from Gateway some years ago it came in a box disguised as a freesian cow (kinda square maybe - but definitely cow-like).  So, as I was setting up a network I decided to have a theme - the computer became known as Ermuntrude.  Later I added a new machine for the kids so that I would be able to use my machine - I named it Daisy.  Then I needed a laptop - so that became Rover (corny I know). Finally, I set up another machine and called it Wellies.

I had used Daisy as a nickname on other sites but kept being chatted up by blokes who thought that I was a girlie. So, when I first joined A4A and needed a name I thought that I would keep in theme and wanted to portray myself as a macho/male fit gardener (despite all the evidence to the contrary) - it just had to be Bionic Wellies - and it made me smile when I though of it.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Palustris on April 27, 2005, 09:11:09
Mine is a rather boring Latin pun!
Title: Re: names
Post by: JohnnyLarge on April 27, 2005, 09:26:56
A friend started calling me Large 'cos of that programme on telly where they say 'Laaaaaarge'. ( Paul Whitehouse thing??)
It then became JohnnyLarge.
I'm not really large at all. 6ft and 14stone.
John ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: Fingle.... on April 27, 2005, 09:43:25
Erm...apart from the F it includes all the letters in my first name, apart from 2 others  !  Thats not the actual reason, but it looks plausible. I think I was reading about Celts etc at the time and it just kinda popped in my head.

Bit crap really, sorry !!
Title: Re: names
Post by: SpeedyMango on April 27, 2005, 10:12:07
My first car was a dark green VW Beetle (elm green, if I recall), and given the shape,  a friend named it the Speedy Mango. It became my 'call sign' when we took multiple cars on a few holidays and to VW rallies and used CB radios to keep in touch on the road.

Title: Re: names
Post by: sweet-pea on April 27, 2005, 11:27:17
I picked mine because I like Sweet peas, and 'cause I liked the sound of it.  I'm really called Kate  :)
Title: Re: names
Post by: Roy Bham UK on April 27, 2005, 11:54:07
;D I'm waiting to hear from "Crackintackle" ;D Thought she was a he at first :o
Title: Re: names
Post by: Lazybones on April 27, 2005, 12:43:19
Guess why I chose mine???  ;D
No, I'm not really THAT lazy.  Just felt it when I happened upon this fab website and realised I hadn't been down to the lottie since Christmas.  Although working part-time and having a 19 month old daughter might have something to do with that. 

Maybe I should change it to 'notquitesomuchofalazybonesasiwaspreviously' but it doesn't flow off the tongue as well. :-\
Title: Re: names
Post by: Lillypad on April 27, 2005, 13:20:26
One part's a slight variation on my abbreviated Christian name.

The other's my surname - or would be if I ever make an honest man of Mr L!

Put the two together and they make Lillypad. Simple, if somewhat boring.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Plottie on April 27, 2005, 13:32:45
When I first got my plot, I talked to anyone and everyone who would listen (and a few who didn't want to listen!!) about it, what I was going to do, where everything was going to go, when I was going to do it etc. etc.
One day a colleague came in and said "How's the plot, Plottie?"
So when I was signing up for the site it seemed the obvious name...............
Plottie :)
(or Janet, as I really am)
Title: Re: names
Post by: BAGGY on April 27, 2005, 18:10:44
I'll give you three guesses ...........
A gold star to the closest guess.
Title: Re: names
Post by: wivvles on April 27, 2005, 20:50:47
I'll give you three guesses ...........
A gold star to the closest guess.
I suspect that you may be a regular at the Hawthorns... in which case you have my sympathy!!
Title: Re: names
Post by: bear on April 27, 2005, 22:50:12
Like Paddington Bear years ago my favourite coat was a duffle coat. The duffle coat has long gone to the Oxfam shop but the name has stuck....In the real world I'm called Caroline.
Title: Re: names
Post by: aquilegia on April 28, 2005, 14:51:39
Can you guess?

I took a huge leap of imagination and named myself after my favourite plant.

It's kind of like my real name, but much much nicer!
Title: Re: names
Post by: busy_lizzie on April 28, 2005, 15:41:58
When I first started going on the internet, friends kept warning me,  never give your name out, or any details about yourself.  So paranoia set in and with each e-mail and password I had to set up I conjured up an appropriate name.  Busy lizzie just seemed appropriate, I have often grown them, they are cheerful and colourful and gardeners are always busy.  So hence the name.

My proper name is Jean, which I always think sounds like a 1940's land girl or someone who was a Wren in the Second World War.  I was named after my mother who was called Jane, but she thought I would get plain Jane, so she switched the letters round to Jean.  Think I would have preferred Jane which is now quite popular.  ;D busy_lizzie 
Title: Re: names
Post by: BAGGY on April 28, 2005, 17:31:22
Wivvels - I don't understand the Hawthorns bit  :-\ but no star I'm afraid .
Title: Re: names
Post by: Columbus on April 28, 2005, 17:54:32
Hi all,

Columbus = Malcolm

My real name is Malcolm which has a meaning something like, "follower of Saint Columbus"

I`ve been Columbus all over the internet for a very long time.

Some people used Col as a familiar name, so I also use that.


Title: Re: names
Post by: caz 406 on April 28, 2005, 17:59:36
Mine is v boring - it's my car reg, but I am called Caz, short for Carol most of the time.

Wivvles - I got your 'baggies' joke (not a supporter though) but then I do live in Walsall so they'm local to me, but the others day understand yow cuz they ayn from round ear ar kid  :D
Title: Re: names
Post by: Aidy on April 28, 2005, 18:51:11
The name is mine, not commonly spelt this way and my avatar was chosen because I am a dying breed of original punk rockers from the seventies.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Merlins Mum on April 28, 2005, 19:29:07
Mine's because I am, Merlin's Mum that is.  That's him on the left.  I love him to bits.
I've always loved cats, every since I was a few years old.  :)

Title: Re: names
Post by: kitty on April 28, 2005, 19:45:27
it was either  kitty or
'slightly portlymiddleaged woman who doesnt act her age'

and the first one was easier.
plus i like cats too!
Title: Re: names
Post by: BAGGY on April 29, 2005, 00:03:46
c'mon guys have another guess - I'll even give clues if ypu're stuck and the closest gete TWO gold stars - can't say fairer than that.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Wicker on April 29, 2005, 00:32:48
Hi, Baggy - see you are a latenighter like me!!  My brain is sharper at this time of night/morning whatever............
Caz 406 mentioned Walsall, mentioned supporter and "spoke" in Midlands(?) accent ......... West Bromwich Football Supporter! Genius eh - actually no - I googled to make sure so maybe I forfeit my gold stars??

Ah well, I enjoyed my lonely moment of fame...........
Title: Re: names
Post by: BAGGY on April 29, 2005, 00:44:35
Not even close.  I have just got home a little worse for wear and thought I'd see who was up and about.  G'on Wicker - I am sure you can guess it.  There was a clue in two of my previous posts (albeit v.obscure).  Think Rujard Kipling (sp)
Title: Re: names
Post by: Gadfium on April 29, 2005, 00:57:21
Bagera, from the Jungle Book   ???
Title: Re: names
Post by: BAGGY on April 29, 2005, 01:14:27
Gadfium - you get the reward.  Where did you guess that from?  I thought most 'normal' people were all but asleep at this hour.  However we're far from normal aren't we ???  But why am I Baggy ?  It's because I run a cub group and we all have to have our pack names.  Hence Bagheera - baggy for short.
Title: Re: names
Post by: wivvles on April 29, 2005, 07:46:06
Hi, Baggy - see you are a latenighter like me!!  My brain is sharper at this time of night/morning whatever............
Caz 406 mentioned Walsall, mentioned supporter and "spoke" in Midlands(?) accent ......... West Bromwich Football Supporter! Genius eh - actually no - I googled to make sure so maybe I forfeit my gold stars??

Ah well, I enjoyed my lonely moment of fame...........
Wicker - that's what I was alluding to above and why Caz slipped into "yammer" in response!
Title: Re: names
Post by: wivvles on April 29, 2005, 07:47:53
Wivvles - I got your 'baggies' joke (not a supporter though) but then I do live in Walsall so they'm local to me, but the others day understand yow cuz they ayn from round ear ar kid  :D
Yow orright ar kid? Cum on me babbies!  ;) ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: Ceri on April 29, 2005, 07:58:53
Them Baggies are Bostin

(Many moons ago when a mere lad, my Dad played for the Baggies' Colts team - that would have been when they wore those ace extra long shorts and ran really quickly with their knees up high!)

I'm a Welsh born Brummie transplanted to Geordie Land so I've learned never ever to have a conversation about football with anyone!
Title: Re: names
Post by: caz 406 on April 29, 2005, 13:03:27
Yow orright ar kid? Cum on me babbies!  ;) ;D

Arrr this site is great ay it?  :)  not sure I've got the hang of the quote bit yet though... ???

Actually I do my best not to sound like a local! Am not a supporter of footie though - especially as my OH comes from Essex and supports Westham - hardly football!

Some of these names are quite inspired and the avatars too...I need to find one that's 'me'.  :)
Title: Re: names
Post by: Justy on April 29, 2005, 13:28:56
mine is very boring - real name Justine hence Justy.  Surprising how few sites let me have justine - I have only ever met about 3 others.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Gadfium on April 29, 2005, 15:03:32
Baggy  :)

Got a two year old niece, and she's just had her first run through of Disney's take on 'The Jungle Book'... lucky timing!

Weird hours, oh yes... bit of a closet insomniac, has its advantages though: peace, quiet, night skies, old b/w films, catching the cat's latest live offering, and reading a few more books.
Title: Re: names
Post by: Glyn on April 29, 2005, 15:16:00
Not too many Glyn's, (especially over here..Canada) so I kept me real name.

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: fat larry on April 29, 2005, 19:47:25
fat larry, cos I'm a bit tubby and my name is Lawrence - named after the fantastic fat larry's band, who performed Zoom (larry was apparently the drummer) among other things, and when my son tom was born 6.5 years ago, as i held him for the first time and he cried a bit i soothed him by singing 'zoom, just one look and then my heart goes boom..etc' --aaaaahhhhh!
Title: Re: names
Post by: maz on April 29, 2005, 20:01:46
Awwww..............  ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 30, 2005, 00:06:34
Very unoriginal - tis my name!  On other forums I crop up as Mrs Ava, being as my better half is Ava Banana.
Title: Re: names
Post by: clairenpaul on April 30, 2005, 09:46:05
We're not very inspired - just our names joined together. should have been a bit more inventive really but then again my memory is like a seive so at least i won't forget our names - hopefully...
Title: Re: names
Post by: giantseye on April 30, 2005, 13:52:15
Hi Ani

I am an avid astronomer, and the first thing that I saw out of my telescope was the "storm eye" on Jupiter.  As jupiter is a gas giant, then the name GIANTSEYE was born.

Title: Re: names
Post by: Glyn on April 30, 2005, 14:31:20

                               ( (

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: names
Post by: Anne Robertson on April 30, 2005, 17:47:17
Thanks for all the replies folks, I hope everyone Else has been as fascinated as me as to the origin of the names.

 Lovely pic of Giantseye
Title: Re: names
Post by: giantseye on April 30, 2005, 20:30:13
Thanks Glyn, Perfect picture :D
Title: Re: names
Post by: johcharly on April 30, 2005, 20:48:18
yeah great topic!
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