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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: ciaozzy on January 07, 2004, 12:17:11

Title: Strawberries from seed
Post by: ciaozzy on January 07, 2004, 12:17:11
Yo Peeps

Now that I have a dead cheap strawb planter pot...

I have noticed that its much much cheaper to buy strawberry seeds... but in my books they all talk about buying certified established plants..

I am a seed man... and was wondering if anyone else grows strawbs from seed..

cHeErS (sMaLlEy BiGgY wRiTiNg iS  

oZzY %)

Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: The gardener on January 07, 2004, 13:12:44
I have tried them from seed and I wasn't impressed perhaps it was the variety.......'Wonderful Wimbledon'

The berries although plentiful, were so small that by the time you removed the calyx there was virtually nothing left.

May I make a suggestion, perhaps a bit late for this year but what we do on our plots is allow each other to root the runners that are always in abundance at the back end of the year..

This way we all seem to keep on top of plant replacement programmes.

Myself I always work with first and second year plants,i.e. second year plants are replaced each year with 'rooted runners' then the first year plants become second year (if you see what I mean)

Thought!!!!! is there anyone on your plot who wants there strawberry bed tidying up? if so I am sure you will find a few rooted runners kicking about. on there.

You could lift them now and pot them up till a better planting time , if not plant them under cloches.

Hope this helps!
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 07, 2004, 14:07:33
I've got some spare plants if you want to come and get them.
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: ciaozzy on January 07, 2004, 14:45:50
Thanx G

I gave my plot up (I think) in nov last year... but secretary hasn't asked for key back... I would ring him up and ask if I can still have it.... but dont want to sound like an eejit.... hey hum... wouldn't be the first time... so will ring laterz today to see if plot still available... it should be as a new link road is going right by it this year.... I need more space to grow and so what if a road is being built.. a plots a plot.. although I may ask if I can have only 5 perches instead of 10....

Robin... I iz on me way lovely ;)

ChEeRs PeEpS

OzZy %)

Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: rdak on January 07, 2004, 14:51:24
No allotment...where were you planning on growing your stuff this year? Do you have a growbag on your back..?!
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: ciaozzy on January 07, 2004, 14:59:30

Have garden and probably still have plot... but if I didnt
I would walk round with a flowerpot on me head.. growbag on me back (nice one) and compost in me wellies.... if I had to....  now I have more than one gardy... gonna grow veg in other peeps... and hopefully at the hospice too.... looking forward to this year now so much.. now that crimbo is dun and dusted..

ya cant keep a good gardener down... :):):)


Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 07, 2004, 15:46:48
Hey Oz, I grew strawbs from seed - no idea on variety I'm afraid, but they were the wee alpine kinda fruits - and they were delish!  Each little plant produced masses and masses of little strawbs on long long stems so they were way above the ground so suffered no damage from the earth or pesties.  I picked loads and loads and the kids loved them, they seemed to be ripe almost immediately and as sweet as strawberry flavoured sugar lumps!  A different texture to normal strawbs....kinda drier I guess, but gorgeous none the less.  I have quite a few plants dotted around the fronts of my flower beds, and will definately be adding to them, only thing is, they don't produce runners.
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: cleo on January 07, 2004, 16:42:20
Oz--I have grown the variety Fresca from seed and it was OK but not outstanding,or try to look for `Temptation`-from Suffolk Herbs I have not tried them but they sound worth a go.

Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: ciaozzy on January 07, 2004, 18:54:28
Thanks very much EJ and cleo

I just have to grow from seed..
cant do it any other way and I am sure whatever harvest it will be so sweet...

can remember. wel cant is more accurate... a zen thang about the wild strawberry... hmm will hae to go on zen walkabouts to se ifs I can find it..


Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: budgiebreeder on January 07, 2004, 19:13:54
Glad i saw this thread as i had bought a packet of Strawberry seeds last back end and forgotten them.They are Temptation and it says plant October to January for first year fruiting so I'll put some in tomorrow.Can't see anything about putting them in a heated propogator but i think they will be better inside for a while?They are suitable for hanging baskets Oz but i have a stone trough which i will grow them in.
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 07, 2004, 23:56:29
I've also got some wild strawberries which self-seeded themselves, Littl'un's favs, uses them as a handy snacking station half-way up the garden. Season much longer than cultivated and taste nicer.
Reminds me of when I was a kid and used to gorge on those found at edge of local wood, .....yum..yum.

Ozzy I is waiting.................
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: ciaozzy on January 08, 2004, 01:18:48
Yo Robin
Will be there as soon as I can... only fair to warn you that us potheads have a dead long history of getting lost, due to our orienteering skills and our homemade compasses.. which consist of a stick stuck on top of a rugby ball, which we
kick dead hard like and when the ball falls back down to earth... we look at which way the pointy bit of stick is pointing.. and take that route.. dead hard trade to learn it is.. so I will probably cme and see you via cornwall :)

so get the kettle on


Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 08, 2004, 01:22:35
................ I's still waiting........
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: ciaozzy on January 08, 2004, 02:46:56

travel update

now heading towards Ivybridge...almost turned off at Exeter.. but pointy stick said no stariaght ahead... so its Plymouth next stop.. the kicky ball with stick in again and repeat procedure

to the song "follow the yellow brick.....

follow the pointy stick ball
follow the pointy stick ball
follow follow follow follow
follow the pointy stick ball..

babble alert


Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: aquilegia on January 09, 2004, 12:28:02
My mum sowed some last year and now has hundreds of plants. She keeps trying to give me some, but I already have 30, which is plenty for me. I bought eight plants from Woolies last spring for about £2. Two didn't take, but I got so many runners I ended up chopping many off rather than pegging down!

Mine are Cambridge Favourite and fruit wasn't abundant last summer (but then it was only their first year), but that which did grow was really red, big, juicy and so so sweet. Mmmm - I can't wait til June now!
Title: Re: Strawberries from seed
Post by: Shirley on January 09, 2004, 21:48:56
Happy New Year.   ;D  A couple of years ago I grew dessert strawberries from seed, type Sarian.  They tasted OK and provided a reasonable amount of fruit over a long period.  The plants are still doing OK. I posted earlier in December about these plants not producing runners, so I will see what happens this year.  I grow from seed as I buy most of my stuff mail order and did not want ten plants
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