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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Multiveg on April 12, 2005, 21:40:30

Title: asparagus
Post by: Multiveg on April 12, 2005, 21:40:30
3rd season (and hopefully first cutting season) for us - but there is no sign of any asparagus showing. When should I give up hope of a harvest?
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: BAGGY on April 12, 2005, 21:48:49
I wondered that -  can't find it through the weeds as yet !!
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Mimi on April 12, 2005, 21:49:34
Bit early yet  Mia.  Wait a couple more weeks then the little beauties will show. ;)
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 13, 2005, 10:15:29
good good good.  phew phew phew!

Keep looking, wiht a magnifying glass.  Not a weed on that bed, I am so determined to do it right, but still nothing, nada, nowt!  I shall keep waiting with fingers and toes crossed!
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Multiveg on April 13, 2005, 11:49:14
Was looking at me allotment pics from last year, and found asparagus in full ferny state by mid-May. I should have made a note when they first appeared.
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: gavin on April 13, 2005, 16:34:28
15th May - first time I tasted fresh asparagus straight off the plot :) :)

All best - gavin
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 13, 2005, 20:02:20
I wondered that -  can't find it through the weeds as yet !!

A bit of salt on the asparagus bed helps to keep the weeds out
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: undercarriage plan on April 13, 2005, 20:43:02
Feel better now, was wondering if I had managed to do something wrong with my asparagus! In same boat, no sign as yet ::) Lottie
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: jamie on April 13, 2005, 20:54:49
Have been harvesting Asparagus for 2 1/2 weeks now from our 20 crowns. My wife has just harvested approx. 30 spears today. Don't worry, you'll all be harvesting asparagus long after I stop harvesting (22nd May, after 8 weeks), and I will share the delights of the asparagus beetle when I've got asparagus ferns open. I realise that my crowns produce an early crop, someone else on the allotment has just had his first spears up, the usual initial spindly ones.

In the meantime I would carefully scrape away the surface to look for any activity, just to get a warm feeling that everything is ok.

By the way my allotment is on the south coast.

Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Lizard Man on April 13, 2005, 22:17:23
My allotment is in the south-east and my three year old plants are producing nice big shoots now. They first started appearing about two weeks ago. Guess it depends on a whole host of things, including how deep you plant them?
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Wicker on April 13, 2005, 22:47:20
Found my very first very small asparagus spear poking up through its mound of compost yesterday - all the more of Ia relief as I got them as 1 year plugs last April/May and went against all the rules by lifting them from their first bed in August and transplanting them in their (I hope) permanent bed.  Will be grovelling around every day now for more signs of progress tho I know I can't actually harvest any this year - can I ?
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Clayhithe on April 14, 2005, 17:28:49
I can't actually harvest any this year - can I ?

Go on:  be a devil.

One from each plant can't hurt.

Can it? :-\
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Multiveg on April 14, 2005, 17:40:44
Well, shall give the asparagus till the end of May - if not, then I shall reclaim valuable growing space for my hoards of leeks and brassicas!
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: undercarriage plan on April 15, 2005, 18:42:15
They've appreared!  ;D At last, the little darlings are peeping through the soil, champagne all round :D Lottie
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Multiveg on April 25, 2005, 11:15:26
Mine have now appeared  ;D not many but at least they are still there  ;D
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 25, 2005, 12:27:40
boohoo boohoo, still nothing on my bed!  And I can assure you, Sunday morning, crack of sparrows, Emma was on her hands and knees going over the bed with her finger tips looking!  My lottie neighbour has some wonderful spears through already, however, I am wondering, her patch it is full sun, mine is in quite deep dappled shade.  I am hoping fingers tightly crossed) that as soon as it warms up a little more, I will have spears poking through.
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Suffolklad on April 25, 2005, 22:18:50
slightly off-topic..............

I fancied trying asparagus (though I don't know if i like them) and couldn't afford to buy the crowns on a maybe, so I grew from seed. Supposedly 10 in packet, but 11, and I got 6 to germinate - now decorated with 6 inch high ferns.

I read somewhere that they are quite hard to grow from seed, so have I done well, or is 50% poor ?

Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: redimp on April 25, 2005, 23:04:15
I bought (or my partner bought) six green crowns from Wilkinsons for about £6.  The first night, three of the crowns were dug up by a mysterious being and then my son went for a sprint across the beds just as they were showing some signs of activity.  I now have four stubby shoots above soil level and I am thinking that I have been quite lucky.

PS when should I fill in my trench a bit.  I am keeping them well watered.
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: littlegem on May 04, 2005, 14:10:16
hi everyone, new to this today, great forum. I planted my first crowns in march this year and saw 2 spears off one crown coming up after bout 5 wks. then a spear off anothe crown last week, doing really well even thou my d**n dog has trampled on them chasing a cat out of the garden!!!!!!!!!! and my horseradish is doing well considering doggy footprints!!!!!!!!!! A 1½ft high string fence hasnt stopped the cat crazy beast!!!
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: jamie on May 08, 2005, 21:12:31
Not many weeks to go before I stop harvesting asparagus. Today I harvested another 50 spears (it's this quantity every two days). I've let a couple of the spindly spears grow into ferns and I've squashed 2 asparagus beetles already! The beetles are trying to mate and lay black eggs which produce grey grubs which eat the ferns. I'll try to take some photographs next time I'm at the plot.

I buried my autumn cut ferns in one of my potato beds. I've just noticed very small asparagus ferns coming up, these were from the red berries that were buried with the ferns. No problem growing asparagus in my allotment.

I do have the occassional brown asparagus, I can only think that either something has got to it below the surface or I've managed to damage the spear whilst cutting other spears with my asaragus knife. Some of the spears curl and split, I can only think that this might be lack of water, I haven't had the hose out yet this season, although keeping the bed moist is essential in the early years.

I've got an infiltration of couch grass in both my asparagus patches. I'm going to control this by painting roundup on the grass leaves.

Do remember to support the ferns throughout the summer, this will prevent wind rock.

Enjoy the asparagus!

Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: tim on May 09, 2005, 06:11:33
jamie - surely the browning & curling is typical of beetle damage to the emerging spear?

I reckon that that's my problem.
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Mrs Ava on May 09, 2005, 13:26:26
50 spears every couple of days!!  From how many crowns??  I have cut and eaten 2 spears.  Yes, you heard me, just 2 spears!  Mine are being very slow, or have given up the ghost!  I have now interplanted the sparagrass bed with lettuce to make some use of the ground!   hey ho, globe artichokes is another tale, have 18 so far!!!! ;D
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: chriszog on May 10, 2005, 12:53:15
A couple of my spears have browned a bit but I put it down to some frost damage?
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: tim on May 11, 2005, 18:27:02
When & where does one see asparagus beetle??
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: jamie on May 11, 2005, 22:19:22
Not sure that the browning is asparagus beetle, it may be soil based pests such as millepedes that I have trouble with most crops. The asparagus beetle only seems to get interested when the spears are left to open to ferns. The beetles can obviously smell the food source. When they have mated the eggs are laid on the ferns and shortly afterwards the developing grubs start devouring the ferns. I've squashed the grubs in my fingers and have sprayed derris dust over the eggs/grubs in the past. The asparagus beetles like other beetles can fly. The most damage from the emerging ferns is from slugs.

The fifty spears every 2 days is from 20 crowns. I'm on the south coast. I do have trouble growing carrots/parsnips/spring onions, they don't seem to germinate very well, going to fill in the gaps this weekend.

Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: tim on May 12, 2005, 06:26:36
Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: derbex on May 12, 2005, 09:03:10
I think that bl**dy pheasant has been at mine >:( I thought it funny that there wasn't any new growth so I dug around to find a stump of a frond that looked like it had been cut.

I'll have to try putting some bird scarers up -the plot is going to look like a resting home for old CDs

Title: Re: asparagus
Post by: Lizard Man on May 21, 2005, 08:51:49
50 spears every two days from only 20 crowns. That sounds very impressive, Jamie. How old are your plants? And how big are the spears you harvest?

I have about 10 crowns which are two and three years old. The younger ones I am leaving until next year, as they are still producing weedy, thin spears. But I've only had a handful of pickings this season from the others (and the base of the spears are too woody to eat). The first lot to come up were caught by the frost (as happened last year) - the brown and curling spears mentioned here I think. And now the growth of new spears is very slow (despite some being very thick in size).

What do people give to feed their asparagus plants?
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