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Allotment Stuff => Locations and Sites => Topic started by: Heldi on April 11, 2005, 10:53:41

Title: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 11, 2005, 10:53:41
This is it folks. My allotment in coastal Northumberland. Took these yesterday.

I didn't get the plot with the rat infestation but the plot with the rubbish tip. The last person who had the plot didn't take down the greenhouse,he smashed it to bits then gave the plot up. The amount of smashed glass is a nightmare!

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 11, 2005, 10:54:31
Forgot to add the pics!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Svea on April 11, 2005, 12:03:16

you have your work cut out. but the plot looks like a good size, and i am sure there is much useful stuff to be found amongst the rubbish, too.

just make sure you wear strong (leather) gloves for when you collect the glass, and maybe for a time afterwards as well.

my plot is on the edge of our allotment, an d occasionally, rubbish gets trhown over the fence - beer bottles included. i did a major clear out of the edge area and a forgotten corner - on a much smaller scale than you, but lots of glass as well! just take your time, and the mount will disappear quicker than you think :)

all the best
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on April 11, 2005, 14:21:43
What a lot o lottie you have got ti  ;D ;D  sorry
Broken glass is my most hated thing in the world, well one of them  :).  I have a big container which I keep on the plot for glass, and It's been emptied at the local skip twice now and it's full again!  The bloody stuff is everywhere and I daren't kneel down in case I sever a knee cap.  I have to great care with the dog as well as he likes to dig for rats (good dog).  Maybe your local council will pay for a skip for you if you write in.  My plotty neighbour did and she let me put some of my stuff in it.  It was a one off and they wouldn't do it again. They also arranged removal of an asbestos shed too.  I segregate stuff into rubble sacks, even asbestos, and take it to the skip.  They are happy if stuff is sorted so they can see what you have.  I have lots of ripped up buried plastic bags - rats  :o :o
Good luck, and I hope you even find time to do a bit of gardening this year  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: legless on April 11, 2005, 14:28:30
congratulations. quite a job ahead of you but it'll be worth it....
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: busy_lizzie on April 11, 2005, 15:16:46
Congratulations Heldi! Lots of work ahead of you.  Main thing,  do be careful - lots of potential for accidents there.  At least the opportunity to make it lovely is going to be even greater when it is in such a state.  I am sure you will relish it though and turn it into a thing of beauty before too long.  Do keep posting the pics as it  will be great to see it's transformation. All the best,  busy_lizzie  :) 
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: lorna on April 11, 2005, 16:28:30
Heldi just to add my best wishes for your mammoth task, as already suggested more pics as you go along would be fantastic. Regards Lorna
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Mimi on April 11, 2005, 17:47:52
Heldi, poor you I wouldn't know where to start.  You sure have your work cut out for you.  More power to your digging arm girl ;)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 11, 2005, 18:22:01

Good for you though.  This time next year when it is all cleared and growing wonderful veg you will know how worth it, it has been!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Marianne on April 11, 2005, 21:09:54
Heldi - Lovely big plot - I would kill for one !
I wish you well and lots of strength, you will need it.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: supernan on April 11, 2005, 21:57:46
Welcome Heldi.

I am new also, some pics in the gallery New plot I have seen the light. Yours looks a two skip job to me. Or four trailer loads to the tip!  :)

Keep us posted on progress, they are a helpful and encouraging lot on here.

I have just cut my hedge, 175 ft x both sides, sorry about the shaky writing I am still vibrrrrrrrrrraaaaatttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnng...
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Roy Bham UK on April 11, 2005, 22:40:48
Don't forget to salvage some of the gear left behind, ie; pallets for compost bin, large tubs for water butts and anything else you can lay your hands on, I can feel the excitement in you, go Girl ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on April 12, 2005, 00:07:01
Supernan   I know how you feel after you've been using power tools.  You just can't stop yourself.  My OH used a whacker plate when he started laying our drive and I put his tray of dinner in his hands and he just couldn;t stop shaking and the gravy was slopping all over the place  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 12, 2005, 10:45:13
Thankyou for all the encouragement. I definately will post some more pics as I go along. Unfortunately I can't get to the allotment during the week as I have no babysitter and I couldn't risk having a toddler there. She wouldn't sit in her pushchair for very long either. Frustrating as I could be doing stuff. (Like standing about wondering what to do next whilst watching the ducks and chickens nextdoor hee hee).

Heres a couple of pics after Sunday afternoon's tidy up. Still loads of glass which isn't visible on the photos but I'm pleased with what we managed to do in an afternoon. I hope the scrapman comes to take the rusty pile away. I was told he is due for a visit so fingers crossed.

I'm trying to sort anything that might be useful and keep it but His Majesty isn't a gardener and doesn't have the recyling vision you sometimes need! Not keeping glass as I can't relax with it about knowing the kids will eventually let loose on the plot.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Moggle on April 12, 2005, 12:43:09
Looks better already! Keep going, it will be worth all the hard work in the end  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Clayhithe on April 12, 2005, 19:06:28
You're a heroine :o

Eat your heart out,  Ellen.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 13, 2005, 11:52:04
What you can't see on those pics is the grimace on my face from the stiffening back!  lol ;D

p.s. you wouldn't want to see it anyway haha!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: busy_lizzie on April 13, 2005, 15:25:33
Your'e doing well to get that much tidied Heldi.  Good for you.  You have already made a difference.  :) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: gavin on April 16, 2005, 23:21:11
B....y h..l - good job, Heidi.  All power to your elbow! - Gavin
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: micsmum on April 21, 2005, 10:50:57

Ive got a rusty oil drum (even rustier) on my plot; It's my tool shed!!! Mind you the kids who vandalised most of the sheds on our site a few weeks ago ignored it!!
Helen ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 22, 2005, 14:40:41
Hi and thanks for the good wishes everybody.

Didn't get to the allotment last baby-sitter.  This weekend might get a couple of hours on Sunday. My little lad is going for his karate grading in the afternoon so it might be a push to get much done. Still something is better than nothing isn't it. 

I will definately post some more pics as I go along.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: supernan on April 22, 2005, 16:19:13
 :) Hey Heldi you've got your work cut out on the lottie. Glass is rotten you will have to watch yourself for ages as bits get everywhere.

How do you get the time, two kids, OH, lottie and take great pics ???
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: bear on April 28, 2005, 23:16:35
You've cleared a lot in such a short space of time. It looks a lot better. Well done.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 17, 2005, 11:19:41
I'm furious!   >:(

I've been finding it hard to get to the allotment regularly because of the dangers of the glass and having two kids,no babysitter. One of them is only 23months so I can't let her wander about. 

I was there on Sunday to find not only had the scrap man (who I was reliabley informed would take the scrap away) not taken anything but a couple of bike frames,that other allotment holders have been dumping their scrap and asbestos. I felt so depressed.

Kids have been wrecking what fence there is.

We set about covering the ground with black sheeting and old carpet in order to get on top of the weeds. We haven't had a chance to get any ground turned over yet. His Majesty set about loading some of the bags of rubbish left by the last tenent into the car and take it off to the tip. I set about hand picking the glass up by hand. My son dug a hole and my daughter sat in her pushchair...not very happy.

To cap it all,this morning a letter arrived from the secretary of the Allotment management committee saying that concern was expressed at the uncultivated state of our allotment and if it isn't "returned" to a reasonable state of care/cultivation in 4 weeks our tenency will be ended. Grrrrrr! No phone number for me to call up and vent my spleen.

How quickly the state of the plot when we agreed to take it on has been forgotten. Atleast I have photographic evidence that I'll quite happily shove down someones throat. I'm boiling mad. I'm so busy clearing up the last tenents mess to even start on what I really want to do.  Absolutely no help has been offered from anyone.  Apart from "what you need is to borrow my chickens!"   

Thanks for listening.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: busy_lizzie on May 17, 2005, 11:41:37
That is outrageous Heldi.  Cosidering the state of your plot when you took it over and all the rubbish you inherited they are being grossly unfair. You must write to them straight away.  Blood boiling for you.  >:(  busy_lizzie
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Svea on May 17, 2005, 12:14:04
yes, write a letter straight away to the allotment secretary.
include photos/print outs of photos also pointing to the added rubbish that other plotholders have dumped on your site.

if you have a copy of the tenancy agreement, check what points there are about entering other people's plots. as they may not be allowed to do so!

but yes, i am mad on your behalf.
have you met anyone on the site yet at all? are they friendly?

and, is the lottie council run? if so, the allotment secretary might not actually ever have seen the plot before and after?

can you also ask for the rent to be stopped until the rubbish man comes and removes all the rubbish/you get some help clearing the plot?

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 17, 2005, 13:24:28
Thankyou Busy and svea. I'm not taking this lying down and will be sending a letter!  To think it was said as the plot was offered to us that it "will be a long term project" and "you'll probably not get any crops in this year" . So they knew fine well what a grotty site it is.  Phoned His Madge and he is now hopping mad!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Obelixx on May 17, 2005, 13:34:33
Feeling for you Heldi.  Svea's advice is good and worth acting on.  Make your letter icy but polite and ask them what help they give to people taking on allotments the site managers have allowed to be neglected to this degree.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 17, 2005, 13:37:58
Thankyou Obelixx

That is sound advice.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Twospot Ladybird on May 17, 2005, 14:06:19
I really feel for you Heldi, saying the site is a mess would be an understatement. My blood is boiling too now.

Maybe when you write your letter to the secretary you should ask if he/she has a magic wand  ;D (to help you clear the plot quickly).

Keep your chin up girl, you can do it. Big virtual hugs xxxx
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Lord Steve on May 17, 2005, 14:26:06
Hi Heldi - let me add my virtual 'GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR's on your behalf. How maddening and frustrating. Good luck with your dealings with the Lottie Sec. Chin up and you know where your friends are when you need a quiet rant or just a friendly virtual hug!! Take care and best of luck. Lord Steve x
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 17, 2005, 15:05:31
Thanks Twospot and Lord Steve.

I'm glad it seems I'm not being over the top in my reaction. I do get a bit hot headed but I think this time I have a good right.  You should've seen/heard me have a go at a boy throwing stones at a mouse whilst I was up at the allotment the other day! Can't stand crueltyand cruelty for cruelty's sake I aint going to stand by and let happen.

Anyway this lot aint going to beat me either because when I'm finished I'm going to have the best plot ,then they'll all be wishing they'd taken it on. I will do a very unladylike virtual finger at them!!! They aren't fit enough to lick my pink wellies !

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Svea on May 17, 2005, 15:22:56
just as an afterthought - if the site is council run - or otherwise - can you CC anyone of authority into the letter?
i find nothing gets action quicker than a letter which has also been sent to higher authorities than the person on the adress line :D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: ken (69) on May 17, 2005, 17:04:14
Congrats, done well....
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Juliet on May 17, 2005, 17:32:07
Heldi, that's awful >:(.  You might find the website useful, though not sure there's anything relating to allotments.  Hope you get it sorted out soon.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: caz 406 on May 17, 2005, 17:38:08
You can see quite a difference from the first pictures - must have taken some hard work. Keep at it - will be so worth it when you first get to planting something.  :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Roy Bham UK on May 17, 2005, 21:42:15
What a bl**dy cheek, I would have thought the council or owners would be responsible for clearing, spraying and rotavating the plot before leasing it.

You have saved them a fortune clearing that or them, pah! I'm starting to seethe >:(

Asbestos should be handled by professionals for disposal  >:(

I wouldn't take my advice because I would blow my top and tell them where to stick it. >:(
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: ellkebe on May 17, 2005, 23:25:01
Heldi, good luck with getting it sorted.  Keep us posted.

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on May 18, 2005, 09:07:32
Heidi  Sorry to hear of your allotment woes but don't get discouraged  :)  It was never going to be easy and whilst we know lotty secs should do all sorts they generally don't and plots just are allowed to become rubbish tips and no-one gives a stuff.  When it comes to clearing them up they leave you to it.  Unfair but it's what happens on most sites.

The letter you were sent was horribly unfair.  Try and reign in your temper though as you might be able to get some help with a rent reduction and maybe some dosh towards your asbestos removal and a skip.  We wrote to our Town Clerk and got just that!  It was a one off and we have asked since and been refused but in your case it's well worth asking for as you have such a strong case.  The council does have a budget for such things and being as it's only May there may be a chance there's something left in it.  Good luck  :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Svea on May 18, 2005, 09:51:10
lol wardy - your comment about allotment secretaries reminds me: our secretary hasn't even touched his plot yet this year! all his left over cabbages have gone to seed, last year's potatoes are coming through - again. and it looks like a general wilderness.
i think our president is having a word with him though  ::)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Plocket on May 18, 2005, 10:39:05
Hi Heldi! I don't know the first thing about lottie rules and regulations, but if they gave you a lottie like that they should surely give you a chance to start clearing it. If they kick you off the site then they either have to wait for someone else to start work on it or just leave it. Use your photos and sort it out - once they realise you are keen surely they will want you as a lottie holder?

As for kids smashing up the fence - can't the Council or whoever owns the lottie help out? It is in their best interests after all.

As you have quite a bit of lottie to work on, would it be prudent to start on a small area, clear it and start growing as soon as possible therefore showing that you are doing something? That way there will also be a bit of ground for the kids to play on too.

You have a hell of a job ahead of you, but from what I gather about you Heldi you are a tough bird and will knuckle down and get on with it. You have mental support from everyone here who will be more than happy to encourage you when you get down about your lottie. You go girl! Px
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: crackintackle on May 18, 2005, 12:50:11
Hi sweetie

Once you have sorted out the wet wipe who runs this shower (and you will!!), you should throw a lottie party.

I'll make the journey to help you..........

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 18, 2005, 22:15:28
I've written and sent the letter. I've included most of the advice given to me on here. BIG thanks to everyone! Once the committee gets their dictionary out they'll be quite taken aback I think. I can be quite lucid when I need to be...unbelievable as it may seem lol!

Wardy, we were given the plot rent free because it in such a state of disrepair and it wasn't thought that we would be able to get any crops in this year. That is the crux of my anger. They said that,they knew that, yet they can send us a snotty letter after 1 month.

Hi Plocket!  I have cleared a very small area though I'm not too concerned about the weeds at the moment. The plot doesn't effect any other as it is stuck out on a limb. The main reason I'm not too concerned about the weeds right now is that the earth is a dream to work with. Extremely easy to fork through. I don't denie there is an awful lot to do, but it will be done.I don't find that a big problem. We have concentrated on the rubbish,especially the glass. We want that stuff out of the way so we can enjoy the plot and not still be shifting rubbish in months to come.  I'm so angry with the last tenant. I could wring his neck! It feels like we're getting the flack for his slobby behaviour.

Crackin,you are more than welcome to come and have a lottie party with us. That would be fun!  That allotment site wouldn't know what had hit it! Mind you having said that,here is an awful lot of beer cans on that plot!  All tidied up now ofcourse! 

His Madge had words with the guy who handed out the lottie today. He felt like the guy was pretending he knew nothing about the letter. The guy said "ignore it" Very strange. Methinks the ars don't know what the elbow is doing.  Anyway whilst there His Madge mentioned that we have ambitions of keeping some chickens. Another lottie holder on hearing this has kindly given us some mesh to make a run for them. (We're thinking chickens will  help with the weeds!).  So they aren't all a bunch of "insert rude name of your choice".

Once again folks thanks for your support and very good advice.  I will keep you posted and promise some more pics really soon.

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: busy_lizzie on May 18, 2005, 23:15:08
Can't help but conclude somebody has sent that letter out by mistake Heldi.  Hope you get a letter of apology soon.  Good for you for sending your reply straight off, it must have made you feel much better to get it all off your chest.  I was even fuming for you.   :) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 18, 2005, 23:41:27
Hmmm. I don't think it was a mistake Busy. I think the guy didn't like being put on the spot today. His Madge said he got the impression that the guy knew all about the letter but was pretending he didn't. 

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on May 19, 2005, 09:49:04
It makes you suspicious that the lotty guy prompted the letter being sent as he may have a pal who wants a plot so if he can get you evicted his pal picks up a plot that you have tidied.  Convenient eh?   

Hope my suspicions are unfounded and that everything will be ok Heidi  :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 19, 2005, 13:22:58
Hee hee Wardy you sound as suspicious as I am!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Clayhithe on May 21, 2005, 21:00:13
Glad it's working out,  Heidi.

Don't let them distract you.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 24, 2005, 17:06:08
Allow me to say "Hah"!  I have received a written apology for my "justified"  complaint.  Goody, I'm pleased I made an issue about it. Apparently there were a few letters that went out about unkempt plots but the secretary reckons they (the commitee)were unaware of the original state of our allotment when we took it on.  Well whatever their excuse atleast I've made them sit up and take notice. No word about the scrap other than the chairman is supposed to be phoning skip companies for prices. Don't really hold much hope for that. The fence is being discussed with the council but I don't expect much from that either. Not bothered, as long as they don't hassle us and give us the time to turn that plot around.

Was up there on Sunday. Actually did a wee bit of digging. Just to make a change from picking up glass.  >:(   The soil is so easy to work with. :) Wish I had it at home. Wouldn't want the weeds though. Mares tail,ground elder nettles creeping buttercup,couch grass to name a mere few of them!  His Madge has constructed a couple of compost bins out of some pallets. Things are on the move even though it doesn't look much like it!

Are planning to get some chickens so need to find out as much info as possible about keeping them. So will be trawling these boards unless some good people put some advice here for me...hint hint!!

Thanks for all your support. It really helps. 
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on May 24, 2005, 17:36:26
Sorry to hear you have ground elder - you have my sympathy.  Don't leave it or it will take over.  I have been tackling it for what seems an eternity.  I zap it with glyphos, wait for regrowth and zap it again.  I did that twice last year having dug over an entire spagetti filled border and hand picked every bit of root I could find (which needs removing from site) or burning.  I didn't have to wait long for it to come back so I let it get big enough and then weedkilled it.  I checked yesterday and it's piggin well back again.   :(

The rest of your message sounds more optimistic.  I hope you get your skip as it looks like you'll need it.

Good luck and keep letting us know how its coming along.  Before and after pics please  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Twospot Ladybird on May 25, 2005, 14:07:05
Hi Heldi,

I'm so glad you got your appology, let's hope they give you plenty time to get  your plot up to scratch. As Wardy says please keep us up to date with your progress and include pictures  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: maz on May 25, 2005, 17:08:16
Ooooo just caught up with this.  >:( 

Well done Heldi for taking on a task like that and getting stuck in and also for getting things sorted with the committee. I cant believe they were unaware of the state of the grotty lottie.  >:(  Never mind its all sorted now. ;D

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: busy_lizzie on May 25, 2005, 17:44:43
Good result Heldi. Well done for not taking it lying down and for making a fuss. Glad they sent you a letter of apology, as they should have.  Now you  can get on with digging your plot.  Keep posting pics so we can see it's transformation. busy_lizzie
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: ellkebe on May 25, 2005, 19:01:47
Well done Heldi!  I'd keep a copy of all correspondence though, just to be on the safe side!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 25, 2005, 22:22:38
All letters are filed!!!

I aim to try to be organic.  :'(  :)  I hate to kill anything (c'ept aphids)so I'm hoping to get an equilibrium going. Might take years but I don't mind.

I forgot to take my camera last weekend. Mind you, with the weeds growing at an alarming rate you can't tell what we have been doing! Have laid black sheeting down on some parts and dug over a little. I guess picking up glass doesn't make an initial impact. There is still an enormous amount to get shifted. I really can't get over why anyone with half a brain would smash a greenhouse down with a hammer.  There is ofcourse lots of other bits of glass lying about and also sheets of the stuff in the shed. Is there an easy way to turn glass back into sand I keep wondering. I need a smelter I suppose! I live by the sea. The sea could do it but I don't think people would like it!  See how it is affecting me!!!

Apparently the guy who used to have it years ago had it very well kept. You can tell by the soil that at some point it has been tended to. Wonderful stuff. I wonder if the poor old guy turns in his grave to see how it is now. I never knew him but I have it in my mind that given time, we will make him happy. I hope so.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 25, 2005, 22:27:49
p.s. Wardy you must've been with me in spirit cos I was chucking that ground elder into the fire as quick as I could get it out of the ground.  No doubt it will be an eternal fire with the eternal ground elder!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on May 26, 2005, 09:44:32
Heidi  I'm tackling ground elder again today.  Yuk    When I've done that I'll be mostly collecting broken glass.  It keeps coming to the surface all the time  :(  I think I'll have to invest in some knee pads as I just daren't put my knees on the ground in case I sever an artery  ;D      I curse the pillock who put it there  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 26, 2005, 12:40:10
We shall curse our pillocks together!

Knee pads are a brilliant idea,hadn't thought of those for the allotment. Had pondered getting some for at home.In the front garden I have to kneel on the path and it blinking hurts. Will definately get some now. Thanks Wardy that is a great idea.Might get things moved on a little bit quicker.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on May 27, 2005, 00:03:11
Went to the plot tonight and found my OH has bought some old window frames, complete with glass, onto the plot.  Just what I wanted - more bleepin glass  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 27, 2005, 10:23:59
Hope you told him off!

I'm chucking cardboard down over the bits I've dug. It looks a state but I need time to clear the rubbish. That rubbish is giving me nightmares. I'll bet there's more when I next go back. Picking up the glass just doesn't look like it makes any impact what so ever.Whilst the weeds are running amuck. It'll be worth it in the long run though.

I'm trying to make nettle fertiliser with some of the nettles. Hope it stinks to high heaven to keep the kids away hee hee!

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Anne Robertson on May 27, 2005, 19:04:56
I guess the one (only) advantage of not being allowed a greenhouse on the lottie is that we don't have to contend with lots of broken glass. I wish we were allowed a shed though :(
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 27, 2005, 22:00:36
I know an allotment site in Newcastle where the council deemed it necessary to "tidy it up". Greenhouses and sheds were swept away. I think alot of its character was lost and probably some of its usefulness.My friend's mum was so depressed about it she gave her plot up. She used to hold barbies there and that was disallowed too. I don't think allotments need to look trashy but a bit ramshackle is quintessentially English!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 27, 2005, 22:01:28
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Obelixx on May 31, 2005, 08:42:28
When driving through Zurich on the way to skiing we pass some of the neatest, straightest, tidiest lotties you can imagine.  All with straight rows of fruit bushes and winter veg and clean paths between and uniform little huts which often have lace curtains at the windows!!

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: beejay on May 31, 2005, 08:55:17
I think that in some countries 'sur le continent' allotments are called leisure gardens & are regarded more as leisure facilities than purely growing plots. There is one plot on our site which has been recently developed more on those lines with lawn, picnic table, ornaments etc. This is a big change from the usual ramshackle 'even your shed should be re-cycled material' approach. My worry about 'garden' type plots is  that they might be more likely to be vandalised as sadly we do regularly get groups of kids causing damage on the site.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on May 31, 2005, 20:53:36
My allotment is turning into a leisure garden as my oh puts finishing touches to shed.  He's built a table today as he had some wood and a piece of yellow laminate stuff, he's also built a pergola for the runner beans and a shelter for my tomato plants.  He's putting decking round the shed next made from pallets and painting it green to match the shed  ;D   As we practically live on the plot we are eating meals there so he's built me a worktop into the shed and we're on the scrounge for some oven racks so we can make a barbecue.  Yesterday we had fish and chips for lunch and our friends came round with the lagers.  It was red hot and we had a lovely time  :)

Heidi   just keep going with the glass - you'll get there in the end. I've cleared most of mine but there's still bits left under the hedge but they're out of harms way sort of.  Just dog I have to worry about.  We've got rid of all our scrap metal as well.  Phew!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Roy Bham UK on May 31, 2005, 22:44:10
;D Can't wait to see it finished Wardy ;D sounds Divine, I also spend a lot of my time up the Lottie and will endeavor to make it a little more like home...eventually ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 31, 2005, 22:51:45
Obelixx I have a lace curtain up in my shed at home.  It was there when I came so I've left it. I quite like it. Makes it look like some kind of wendy house!

Wardy your plot sounds fab. I want to use mine like that. I want a sitting area where we can eat and have a drink.  Hope to spend lots of time there with the kids and will hopefully have some visitors. I can't think of anything more pleasant than spending time amongst ones veg!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on May 31, 2005, 23:11:16
I love my lotty and wish I'd got it years ago.  I help out on another one nearby and that one is just heaven.  That was a nightmare just last year and was so bad the lotty assoc had to get a working party to sort it and get the council to take the rubbish away.  I go there every single day - can't keep away I love it so much

This is the new shed on the lotty I help out on with volunteers helping to put it up.  It's now got a coat of paint and a water butt  :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Roy Bham UK on May 31, 2005, 23:29:56
 ::) Thought you'd just had a new / old shed ??? ::) or am I dreamin ::) ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on June 01, 2005, 00:17:33
Heres some pics of my plot
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on June 01, 2005, 00:20:01
the weeds have been growing whilst I've been dealing with this...
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on June 01, 2005, 00:21:15
Later on.... same day
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on June 01, 2005, 00:25:31
Some kind person donated a superser fire,complete with gas bottle.

The pile of scrap that was supposed to be taken away. Half of it now hidden by weeds.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Obelixx on June 01, 2005, 07:54:54
The lotties I pass in Zurich seem too small for a play area, though I do think a lottie social life sounds attractive.  All the huts are in neat rows and fairly close.  On the other hand, we do pass by in the depths of February so, apart from the lace curtains, the only thing visible is the occasional row of Brussels sprout stumps.

Your task looks Herculean!  Why on earth did the previous holder not get several of the stinky letters you got about all that mess - or has it beend dumped by others after he went?
Still, plenty of room for a BBQ and sitting area - you could use those pallets for some decking!!   Saw it done on garden invaders once and it would keep the bairns off any surprise glass till you're really sorted.

And that metal grid work for reinforcing concrete could be used as fencing or runner bean supports or, as I am trying this year, for rampant squashes to climb up and get the sun on their fruits.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: ken (69) on June 01, 2005, 08:50:39
Ooh you are a worker, Heldi..lovely pics.The rows of veg at my neighbouring allotmenteer not only were precisely at right angles to the path but also in line along the length of the carrot in line with parsnip in line with spinach in line with cabbage. I might ask him about housekeeping, I mean since the missus left....
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Svea on June 01, 2005, 10:47:27
what a difference a day makes, heldi :)

thanks for showing us update pics. who is the young chap in the last picture?
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: busy_lizzie on June 01, 2005, 11:18:47
Wow!! Heldi that is looking tons better.  You must have all worked so hard.  Huge difference in such a short time. Good work!  :) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on June 01, 2005, 12:32:39
Thanks for the support! 

That young chap is my 7 year old. He's dying to get stuck in and do some digging. He and his little sis are to have their own bit to do as they please.

The big chap is His Madge and he won't thank me for that pic!

Here is his sister enjoying her relaxing afternoon in the sun.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Juliet on June 01, 2005, 18:20:09
Hi Heldi, just caught up with what you've been doing.  So glad you got your apology from the eejits who sent you that letter.  Looks as though you are doing a great job on the allotment - what a lot there is to do though.

If you have a look at the pests & diseases section of A4A there's a thread about marigolds - apparently they are toxic to ground elder, among other things - so might be worth planting some!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on June 03, 2005, 09:57:02
Great posts Heidi.  It looks tons better now.  Those sheds are they yours?  Are they full of rubbish too?  It's all looking much more organised and the sheeting you've got down will do a good job.  I just pulled a piece back and all the weeds have died (hopefully) and I used a bulb planter to put some cabbages in. 

I know you've been working flat out but have you got any veggies in anywhere yet?  I've put some spuds in sacks I found and some in an old wash basket as I had nowhere dug - still don't  :)

Keep up the good work and the posts  :)

ROY      This pic is of another allotment - not mine - but one I help out at  :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on June 03, 2005, 21:53:19
Hiya Juliet. thanks for that tip about marigolds. Will have a read about that.

Wardy,I haven't got any veggies in at all. Today though,His Madge was stopped by another allotmenteer. He has got some leeks and kohl rabi for us to grow. How nice is that! Ah I knew there would be some good souls on that plot. I am new to veg growing and don't know how to grow either leeks or kohl rabi!!

Cousin has hired a rotovator for himself and said we could have it by tomorrow night if we want. Is this a wise thing or not? Thinking about all the roots etc? Would get it turned over quicker than we imagined though. Oh I don't know what to do!!

Still need to get the fence shored up. Have got some rails for £2 each. His Madge knows someone who is a woodcutter,who knows someone who owns a sawmill.  Hopefully when HM gets some spare hours he'll get the fence sorted and then we will think about some hens.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on June 06, 2005, 11:38:49
Heidi   I took over my plot at the same time as two other ladies and they rotovated all their weeds.  I didn't but put mine under plastic and cardboard.  They regret rotovating now and wished they'd left well alone.  Their plot is now much weedier than when they started so they've had to start covering it over. 

Our lotty guy was inspecting our vacant plots the other day and he says they were looking for prospective half plots.  They were looking at the plot next to mine as the guy who rents it only uses a little corner of it and the rest is going to rack and ruin.  Hmmm tempting  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on June 06, 2005, 21:47:39
We didn't rotaate as cousin took ages doing whatever he was doing with it! I did seem to remember having read somewhere that rotavating could cause more of a weed problem. I shall have to pass on your message to His Madge as conformation of our doubts!

Go on get yourself some more lottie! You know you want to !
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 26, 2005, 11:16:05
ok I have alot of pictures to show you.  I have not been going to the allotment as I've felt very,very,VERY depressed about all the glass and rubbish. Last week though, with the help of OH we decided to get some hens and now it has given me a new lease of life. I have taken a ceep breath with my two year old and let her roam,apart from her trying to pick glass up once we have been fine. My son is very keen to go now too... because of the hens!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 26, 2005, 11:19:50
I hope I can get these in some kind of order so you can atleast follow what I've been up !

It started with the pallet fence really which enabled us to get the hens in the first place.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 26, 2005, 11:26:34
I've been making the brick path to mainly bury the glass shards...I'm so sick of them. OH has been constructing a run for the chooks so I can let them out and not worry about them.  The black plastic is mainly covering up wood which will be put into the shed soon as I am absolutely papping myself about bonfire night.

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 26, 2005, 11:34:42
Well I hope you enjoyed those pics. It is only one small area of the garden. The rubbish is dissipating through various being a "no mans" area which will be blocked off forever.  I'll take some pics of the rest of it asap. I'm wanting to fortify the perimeter fences now all the way around and grow lots of stuff up the fences to enclose the garden and make it more private and more secure. As you maybe can tell I'm in a very vulnerable spot.  I'm looking for fast growing plants/trees/shrubs/climbers so any ideas would be very helpful. Especially if you know they grow fast from cuttings or seeds.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 26, 2005, 12:58:38
Looking good Heidi  :)  yes, it does look vulnerable  :(  Your pallet fence looks a good job though

Great news about chooks.  I want some but old man he say no.  Mind you if I want chickens I'll have em.  Mind you my mate sells me free range eggs so it's not desparate  :)

The getting rid of all the glass is a pain in the bum.  Mine went to dump over a period of months but thankfully it's now all just a distant memory  :)

I found a bit of that reinforcing mesh stuff and used it to grow my cucumbers up and also a wire office tray which I use as a sieve  :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 26, 2005, 17:46:05
Guess what my ever so helpful OH did on Saturday... He decided to stand on a 5 gallon drum whilst knocking a post in on the pen he is building. Not being the lightest joe on the block he went straight through it. What did it contain? Only blinking diesel. :o All over the shop. OH was drenched in the stuff and had to go straight home,clothes into bin etc.

Muggins here has been digging out the soil and lifting the flagstones today. What a rotten stinky job. The only thing that might have eased the pain >:( of the job would have been if I'd seen him do it...I'd have laughed my socks off! ;D

I've finally got him to admit that it was a stupid thing to do, especially as if he had only peeped inside the shed, there is a stool right by the door.  ::)

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Juliet on September 26, 2005, 17:52:26
Oh no, Heldi, what a pain!  I was just in the middle of a reply to your previous post saying what a good job you've been doing with the rubbish, & now you've got diesel to clear as well.  Anyway, I hope having the chickens there inspires you to keep going!

I'm looking for fast growing plants/trees/shrubs/climbers so any ideas would be very helpful. Especially if you know they grow fast from cuttings or seeds.

As far as fortifying the fences is concerned, forsythia, winter jasmine, kerria, and buddleia all grow fast and are pretty tough - not sure how fast they grow from cuttings but relatively small plants will turn into large ones fairly rapidly.  Bamboo is supposed to grow very quickly indeed - haven't tried growing it myself, but no doubt someone else would be able to suggest varieties - all I know is you'd need to get one of the clumping ones so it doesn't get too invasive.  Or if you want a prickly border pyracantha & rosa rugosa both grow reasonably fast & are very prickly indeed - you'd need to teach the children not to touch them, but they should keep unwanted people out!  You could make a mixed hedge of pyracanthas with different coloured berries (eg golden charmer, orange glow, red column for yellow, orange, & red respectively) &/or rugosas with different coloured flowers (eg scabrosa, rubra, alba for pink, wine-red, & white).
Best of luck!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Icyberjunkie on September 26, 2005, 18:37:09
On the fast growing hedge aspect what about raspberries, brambles or gooseberries - an additional crop, spiky to boot and easy to train!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Svea on September 26, 2005, 20:36:39
and, for 'seasonal' shielding, grow runner beans along the fences. not prickly but shields the views, and what they cant see they might not be interested in.....
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: bupster on September 27, 2005, 11:49:17
Could you build up your fence? I'm thinking tall canes and chickenwire. It will look flimsy, but that in itself is quite offputting to people thinking of breaking in - much easier to vault, say, a sturdy wall, than to negotiate a metre of wobbly chickenwire. That would be an immediate short-term barrier, and would be enough to train a fast-growing hedge upon. Brambles would be a great idea but you'll have to commit to being at your plot often or they'll take over; I believe raspberries can be nearly as bad. However, if you're ok with being there at least once a week regardless of weather/vandals/rubbish etc (and I suppose you'll have to be with chooks? Dead jealous) then you could have a cracking fence/hedgerow full of fruit and the kids would love it as well. :D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: chuff on September 27, 2005, 19:48:51
I thought my plot was in a state. Speak to your allotment manager see if he can arrange to have it taken away by the council. I was under the impresion that plots have to be cleared before they are let, perhaps it depends on the council, if it is a council allotment?
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 27, 2005, 20:52:24
Not many lotty sites have Managers.  Our council has no allotment officers or even ground staff so it's DIY all the way here  :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 27, 2005, 21:49:37
 Cheers guys,thanks for the suggestions for fortifications. Really pleased.

 On the other side of the pallet fence are some brambles. Although it it is a great for keeping people out it had actually pushed the old fence over into the allotment! I've kept the brambles behind the pallets and although you can't see it very clearly I've got some wire stuff...think it's the stuff used with cement, to heighten the fence.  The rest of the perimeter is in a ramshackle state and  is falling outwards into the lane.

I'm trying to beg and borrow. Reluctant to say steal but I did pinch some pyracantha cuttings from a scratty council area the other day and I've got some berberis cuttings from a car park!  Well the council will do nothing to help with the allotments so I helped myself. Bad Helly. Juliet a different coloured pyracantha hedge would look brilliant.  I'm trying to cover up all the metal bits and pieces as well as keep people out,just to make it look a bit more easy on the eye.

Had a long chat with a committee member who seems to think the council wants to be rid of the lotties if at all possible. Mind you he was in a right miserable mood that day. the sky was falling in and all that. I was promised a skip way back but it has not ever arrived so I'm trying to just get on with stuff and not make a fuss.

My allotment committee is like a blinking secret society. 

Anyway the hen pen is finished and I've been trying to dig out the remains of the old greenhouse today.    The area I'm concentrating on looks a tip again! Never mind,I'll get there.Hit my head on a post at about tea time and have had a cracking headache ever since!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 27, 2005, 22:10:16
I know what you mean about lotty society - our is too.  They don't want newbies is the conclusion I've come to.  Now I know why so many folks don't go near the shed - I've only been to take my order in (well, I haven't - I made the old man do it)  I had cause to go to the shed a month or so ago and a bloke had a right go at me.  I was ever so shocked I could have cried.  The place was packed and no-one stood up for me so I'm barely on nodding terms with any of em
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 27, 2005, 22:23:46
Jeez Wardy what was that for!  Pain in the backside some of these people aren't they.  Most people...or should I say, the blokes don't speak to me but they'll speak to OH. I don't go in the shed either but I think I might out of shear bloody mindedness. 'Specially after what happened to you.  I know there will be a chorus of "weed kill your plot".  Don't want to  and they shouldn't have let it go unused for 6 years and then rent  it out to the moron who took a hammer to the glasshouse and then let him get away without clearing it up.  Funny what you hear form a disgruntled committee member isn't it! I hope to bump into him some more!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Derekthefox on September 28, 2005, 08:40:41
Only just managed to get to this thread ! ! !
The transformation from start to finish is always amazing, I think that is why allotments are so satisfying ...
You seem to be doing everything in a logical manner, I agree about the glass for instance, it is not worth keeping when the risks are considered.

Well done, I hope to see more pictures, including those of your chickens ...

Good luck!!!

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: robkb on September 28, 2005, 10:15:27
the blokes don't speak to me but they'll speak to OH.

Hi Heldi,

Had a funny (as in peculiar) experience of this myself. I went to visit the site where I'm hoping to get a plot with my wife and kids, and one of the 'old boys' there was chatting away to me about what I could do. Then he said "I don't know what your wife likes, but there's plenty of people here grow flowers." Sad thing is, my wife was standing next to me as he said it! :o Was quite astonished by the assumption that a) my OH wouldn't be interested in growing veg and b) she doesn't have her own voice! I nearly said "why don't you ask her, she's only a foot away" but thought better of it - don't want to start off by antagonising people - but it did surprise me a bit! Can't see my wife putting up with it if it continues though - she's not exactly the unemancipated type! Oh well, now't so queer as folk, eh?

Rob ;)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 28, 2005, 11:58:04
Not half!  My old man doesn't know a cabbage from a carrot but one of the lotty guys has him confused with someone else who is a really good gardener.  He goes on to us about what a good gardener my husband is and he's seen examples of his prize winning veg (don't know who he thinks he is)  My old man thinks it's hilarious and doesn't let on he's got the wrong bloke, and basks in the glory cos he knows it irritates me as I GROW THE STUFF, not him.  Try telling the lotty committee that.  I give up  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: bupster on September 28, 2005, 11:59:01
I've had almost the reverse of this experience. It seems to be mostly old boys on my site, though many of the newer plotholders in the city are also younger women/families. The old boys have been fantastic; friendly, helpful, if clearly mildly amused at my current incompetence.

I imagine some of the old boys just assume that all women are like those of their own generation and would be more interested in flowers than veg. You see all sorts living here, though, and I don't suppose my old boys would turn a hair if I grazed llamas on the shed roof.

Heldi, definitely go in your shed. I don't know how big your site is but they can't all be miserable gits, and if you've got one person you get on with you've got a way in to the rest of them (if you can be arsed). If they tell you to weedkill smile sweetly and say you're going to try to do it the hard way first, better for wildlife, hedgehogs etc. Unless they're completely barking they'll respond to the hard work/wildlife bit - they might think you're mad but you'll get some grudging respect which is all you need to work with :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 28, 2005, 12:11:34
That's good Bupster and refreshing to hear. 
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 29, 2005, 15:49:42
Rob when we went to look around the allotments the bloke totally ignored me in favour of talking to my OH.  Dead annoying but what the heck...his loss. I got a big shock yesterday though,I was given a huge bunch of flowers off one of the lottie holders so they aint all the just have to find them that's all!

I guess that proves what you were saying too Bupster...they can't all be old gits!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Derekthefox on September 29, 2005, 16:02:52
Well I think of myself as a crusty old fart, but it always makes me smile when one of the ladies on a plot at the end of my row, refers to me as 'that nice young gentleman'  ;D ;D ;D

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 29, 2005, 16:40:00
You been getting your top off at the lottie then Derek ?!  :o   :D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 29, 2005, 16:55:44
Oh I forgot to mention,today I have been wielding a sledgehammer knocking out the old greenhouse foundations. Before I started with that though I dug a channel out on each side of the bricks so I could get in a good low swing with the hammer. Four times as I was digging away I lifted out my spadefull of soil complete with a hen on top of it! I think they feel at home now.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 29, 2005, 17:09:21
Aaagh  :)   Sounds like they're feeling quite at home. Any eggs yet?

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on September 29, 2005, 17:29:09
Not yet Wardy. They are only 3 months old so have got another 3 months possibly before they start laying. Hopefully they'll be very comfortable by then and will produce lots!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: jaggythistle on September 30, 2005, 00:34:39

 Just found the keep at it girl your doin good....your chooks
  will lay from 14 weeks may just miss out on eggs though as
  the cooler weather comes in............but come the spring weeeeeh
  heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 30, 2005, 10:20:09

Do chickens fly away if you let them out to graze or do you have to keep them penned in and cover the top of the run as well?

Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: katynewbie on September 30, 2005, 10:28:29
Wow Heldi......what a saga!!!!! You have my admiratoin for what you have taken on...well done you!! the chooks and keeping them in or out: I dont know much, but think that urban Mr Fox could be a problem so they need to be safe?????? Someone will know for sure!!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: jaggythistle on September 30, 2005, 12:05:46

 Wardy..........if you introduce them to living quarters for a day or 2 then let them
 roam ...........they will always head home for bedtime....but as katy rightly said
 Mr fox is always somewhere in the wings :'( 1 thing Heldi........when you made
 the pen.........I am hoping you put wire underground by a foot because he can
 go under as well as over..........nieghbour at the other end of the village lost
 about 2 dozen hens to mr fox in 1 night.
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: wardy on September 30, 2005, 13:56:10
Thanks :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Svea on September 30, 2005, 15:05:08
you can also clip the long feathers on one side (left or right wing) so they wont be able to take off. it's painless as it's akin to a hair cut :)
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: undercarriage plan on September 30, 2005, 15:15:12
Planning my chook run in head at min, next big project!! I knew about trench cos they dig, but how high would a fence need to be to stop them jumping over? And Heidi, well done you! Nothing like using big hammers and demolishing stuff.....psst...have you tried an axe yet.........  ;D ;D ;D Lottie
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Derekthefox on September 30, 2005, 17:02:05
Had my top off all summer Helly, but now the Autumn is creeping in ...

Yes it sounds like your hens are very happy with their new quarters. I hope it all goes well ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: jaggythistle on September 30, 2005, 17:29:17

 A place you will pick up a lot of info...... and find a lot of the answers to your
  questions Lottie is the Practical Poultry forum......... If I can stick my tuppence
  worth in.....the Kids will love Japanese Bantams....... you can never tell what
  colour of young your going to end up with........... but if its the eggs your after
  alone.............go for rhode island reds   I think the rhodies still hold the record
  fir egg laying (think it was something like 357 eggs over 365 days )
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: undercarriage plan on September 30, 2005, 18:14:29
Thanks Jaggy, hope I don't get tarred and feathered ;) but for eggs, but if I have the bottle also for eating,she whispers......But I imagine I'll end up with 300 chooks cos don't have heart to do it..... ::) ::) ::) Will check that site out. Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Icyberjunkie on October 01, 2005, 15:28:23
Not allowed any chooks or any other farm animals on my lottie  :(  People are all really friendly though so can't complain.   Have been known to work with my top off as well but got 'blamed' for the bad weather and late frosts for having it off to early!  {GG}   Still,  there might be something in it cos did likewise last week when digging out my new plot and look what happened to the weather!

On the wing clipping thing,  I though you had to be really careful because the feather ermmm stems..ermm ( oh you know what I mean!!!) have blood vessels in?!
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on October 02, 2005, 10:00:11
Thanks Jaggy and everyone ,your input is greatly appreciated. ;D All hen info is heeded so pile it on!  Yes we have put wire down below the pen. Having heard recently about someone on another site losing his hens to mr fox. 

I fancy some more hens now but I want different's very addictive this hen thing isn't it!  I have 3 bovan nera's 2 light sussex and a flighty one which I think is a cross with a White Star .There are White Stars at the place where I got them and she looks like foghorn leghorn with a few black feathers. Maybe that's my imagination running away with me..but I'm often found to be muttering "ah say boy" whilst pottering around.

I'm wondering,now my little group is set up,and seem happy together,how do you introduce new birds?  Not that I'm ready for any more yet but Japanese bantams sound very nice!  And Rhode Island reds.  I did fancy a cockeral but have been put off by two stories of cockerals being aggressive. We pick our hens up,my son sits with them on his lap I'm thinking a cockeral wouldn't like that.

Oh yes Lottie have had the axe out !  I've had to hide it though as son has a manic look in his eyes when he sees it and wants to hit everything in sight with it.

Icyberjunkie, hey the plot next to mine is up for rent now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a fit bloke who likes to garden with his kit off ! :D Knowing my luck it'll be a fit lass who likes to garden with her kit off  :(  OH will be  ;D ;D ;D.

Does anyone know about ducks?
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: jaggythistle on October 02, 2005, 12:12:11 only need to clip the flights...and the only time you have a full
  blood flow in the quills is when the new feathers are coming in after the moult.

  Heldi only down side of penning them up as you come the midst of
  winter you will find the pen will end up as a quagmire (its a helluva lot worse
  if you keep ducks )  your right on the being addictive thing Heldi... I stopped
  when I had about 15 different breeds !!!  ;D ;D ;D there are two schools of
  thought about introducing new hens......... one is you just put the bird(s) in
  and leave them to re arrange the pecking order..or two which is the one I
  prefer and thats if you can get a pet carrier place it alongside wire  with the
  hens able to see one another for couple of days.........then put the carrier in pen.
  then release the way is foolproof.... just what works for you.....
  Roosters ..... well I used to have one that fed from my hand but as for the rest
  well they would attack my legs when I entered....which is a good thing they are
  in essence looking after there women folk. But if you want chicks then you will
  need a rooster ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.........Only 1 thing to say on Ducks.......think
  chicken s h i t but a lot more liquid like :o :o :o :o :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D would need some sort of pond and grass too
Title: Re: my new allotment
Post by: Heldi on October 03, 2005, 12:25:22
At the moment the pen is used in the morning when OH goes up and lets them out of their shed. Then when I go up, I let them have the run of the lottie.  Still got a load of work there yet to do so I'm hoping I can keep the hens running about the garden as much as possible, keeping them in the pen to a minimum.  I don't trust the fencing enough yet to be able to let them out without a chaperone! the fence still needs alot of work. But you know how it is sometimes you just don't feel like spending hours at the allotment and other days you don't know where the time has gone.

I'm asking about ducks as a friend of OH's has hatched some out. He's offered some to us. I wouldn't want anymore than two I don't think.  A pond wouldn't be a problem and grass certainly isn't!  It's still in the thinking stage,I'll let you know what happens.

Went to see another allotment holder's hens yesterday. I'm more confident with what I'm doing now after seeing another person's set up. He had some lovely looking birds. Some with a mottled effect on their feathers,he told me what they are but I've forgotten.  I could see myself fancying a couple though!
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on March 29, 2007, 17:02:46
I think it is about time I showed some updated pictures. I'll do a couple now and then do some more later. I'm supposed to be making tea not sitting on my heiney  ;D

The first pic was taken last summer.  The other pics were taken last November. Making some small raised beds as my lettuce last year got trampled on. They are where the all that rubbish and concrete was. Last picture are hens raised from eggs last year. Raiding the cauli and the sprouts.
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: norfolklass on March 29, 2007, 17:19:51
hadn't seen your thread until today, as still a newbie, but just wanted to say WOW!!!

I can only imagine the huge amount of hard work you've put in, but really good for you for perservering, it's certainly been worth it looking at your plot pics. I bet you wouldn't be without it now! ;D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: manicscousers on March 29, 2007, 18:16:46
littl'un looks like it's fun to sit in there, lovely job, heldi..looking forward to seeing it full of plants  ;D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Jeannine on March 29, 2007, 18:33:36
Well Heidi I have to tell you truthfully that is the first post that has actually made me cry. What a state to receive anything , the determination you had and  the passion, though all the laughs and downs.Then right at the bottom the new pictures. Priceless!!! That's when the tears came. I don't know what to say to convey my admiration, well done is certainly not enough.

Absolutely Fantastic Gal!!!!

You deserve Lottie if the year award. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

XX Jeannine

Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: flossie on March 29, 2007, 19:22:31
Hello H
had not seen this thread before and really enjoyed seeing the transformation :)
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: vee on March 29, 2007, 19:31:51
Wow Heldi, you have done well! What a transformation :o :o
I didn't see this thread til now and I've just read it all in one go. (i'm even missing Eastenders!
Did the other plotholders turn out to be friendly?
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: cornykev on March 29, 2007, 20:44:42
Like the others its the first time I've seen this thread, a bloody big well done is all I can say Heldi. I flicked through quickly read some of your replies and see all the pictures. I take it the scrap went, did the oh ever get rid of the smell of diesel, did you join the secret allotment society and are you still growing glass.   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: sarah on March 29, 2007, 21:26:58
wow what a saga. you have worked so hard. you should be really proud. i bet you know every single inch of that plot.
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on March 30, 2007, 11:00:56
A quick thankyou for all those lovely replies.  I am having difficulty typing right now as that little miss in the photograph is sitting on my lap banging the kepboard. ::)  ;D  ;D  I'll be back later for a proper response and to post some more pictures.

H x
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Trixiebelle on March 30, 2007, 12:40:05
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: busy_lizzie on March 30, 2007, 13:52:52
Have just gone back and looked at your lottie pics right from the beginning again Heldi, and you are a star girl!!  What you have achieved on that lottie is nothing short of a miracle.  When I think off all that broken glass and debri you had to contend with, you have done a fantastic job and should feel so proud of yourself. Well done!! You dun good!!  ;D busy-lizzie
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Emagggie on March 30, 2007, 21:34:30
That's one of the best before and after pics I've seen Heldi. You must be mighty proud of yourselves. Looking forward to the next batch of pics.

Fancy being able to erect a dwelling (albeit plastic) now that is something ;D ;D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on March 31, 2007, 00:35:58
LOL @ Emaggie!   Pretty neat aint it!  That's the Toots pad. She takes tea with the chooks in there. They escape through the windows on the side.

Thankyou again for all your wonderful replies.   

I have to say that my OH has helped quite a bit. Not as much as he likes to think as far as blinking digging goes but he's done the hen pen etc.  Anyway I haven't been all alone aaaaaannnnnddd my children have always been present...not always helpful.but present!  ::)  ;D

No I still aint in the secret society though I have infiltrated enough to know a couple of the members.  ;) There is a meeting apparently sometime soon in the local working mens clurb so I'm hoping to go. i aint got babysitters so I might miss it...booo hissss! 

Have said hello a few times to our coast guard and have heard rumour that he gardens organic...will be making further investigations.  OH has helped by giving him a load of hard core and getting chatty with him.

There are still only a handful of guys who will stop and chat.  I have the distinct impression they think I'm only passing through on the way back from school with my children. If so they must think I'm the great unwashed. I generally have muck all over my face let alone my hands. That is on the way home not on the way there. Maybe it's because I never get changed...I garden in whatever I'm wearing at the time. Sheesh I can't be fannied to go home and change...anyway I like to cut a dash...I've got washing machine afterall lol!

Someone who didn't really speak, I got chatting to on Sunday. He spoke to me today. We have found out we both love car booties. He looks for fishin stuff,I look for hens. Pottery hens that is.coz I collect them. Saddo that I am. I collect many other things but I won't bore you. All utter rubbish nowt special. Anyway that bloke asked if I would sell me fish tank LOL. It's a whopper I told him so he says he'll ask OH.  It's my fish tank...had it before OH !
So no. There aint many who chat to me.  OH has more luck but then he looks like one of 'em, he'll be wearing a bit of string for a belt next. LMAO!  Actually I'm dead quiet and quite shy so it's probably all my fault.

All the rubbish.  Didn't get any help what so ever from the comittee. So its all piled up in "no- mans- land "down the side of the shed and boarded off. Stuff it! Oooh I still feel really annoyed about it. Anyway I can't see it any more so I'm not worrying. I would have preferred it all to be gone but needs must when the devil won't get the skip they promised.

Still collecting glass. Thankfully my last stretch.  Was under carpet for ages but finally the grotty carpet has gone.Hurrah,sing hosannahs! Me and OH took it to the tip. It was a glorious moment! the car still reeks but we've got kids so what does that matter  :D

Not posting pics now. Have you seen the time???!!  I'm going to pester Busy Lizzie tomorrow,I needs me sleep.  Oh Okay ..I cannit find them. I think alot of them are on my phone so phone to pc...come inn Orson nanoo nanoo... shazbatt.

Mind x
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: baggieboy on March 31, 2007, 00:57:24
Hi there Heldi,
Don't you think it gives you a buzz looking at before/after pics. Keep it up, and I want your chickens  ;D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on March 31, 2007, 21:11:25
Hi baggie,

Yes I agree totally.  When you think things are getting a bit behind, a reminder of how things were before is a good tonic.

Here's another pic taken last summer.  It was taken on my phone.
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: saddad on March 31, 2007, 21:39:38
You've done a great job Heldi... I've been on the site (A4A) for over a year but hadn't seen this thread.... what has happened to Wardy and those early posters?
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 01, 2007, 08:20:25
Thanks Saddad.  Ive just had a look back through the pictures. It's funny the plot looks awful to start with,then looks a bit better,then looks bad again...all the time the rubbish was being moved but it doesn't look like anything was happening because of how high the grass and other weeds grew. Unfortunately after I cleared so much of the ground I had a load of bindweed seedlings coming through last summer. Grrrr. They are dealt with quick smart.  Nettles have also gone balistic over the cleared ground. That doesn't bother me much as they can be useful but it did become a bit overwhelming at one stage. I've kept a clump at the top of the garden but the rest have to go.

Wardy, I miss Wardy loads. She can be found on another website...allotmentsnstuff.  There are a few peeps who you'll find on that website and might recognise. Some still pop in a4a now and again  :) The other missing peeps...I don't know where they have gone  :( 
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Obelixx on April 01, 2007, 12:28:04
Hi Heldi - That's an amazing transformation you've achieved there .  I hope you are feeling proud as well as pleased with yourself.   One thing about ducks - they are amazingly messy pooy creatures so maybe not so good as their pond will always be a mess and maybe a child magnet too.

Looking forward to more photos as the season progresses.
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 02, 2007, 10:55:51
Thanks Obby.

I'm not satisfied enough yet to feel proud.  I'm pleased but if I can get a good growing season this year,using the whole of the plot, I think I might feel a little bit proud.

I haven't had the courgette glut yet..that everyone on a4a mentions. I feel it's a right of passage and until I get mine... ;D

I'd still like a couple of ducks but I've got my hands full with the hens. Didn't expect to have as many.  So maybe in the distant future I will have the little white duck of my dreams!

There are a few people who have ducks on their allotments around here and you are so right...messy little critters! I still love 'em though !
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: markyb23 on April 03, 2007, 10:55:40
Hi Heldi,
              just stumbled across the thread. Nice one, you've done a fantastic job. At least now, when you look over the plot, you can have a little smile to yourself, knowing that there's a big part of you in there.
             All The Best-Marky. B. :)
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Scatty1 on April 06, 2007, 02:05:17
As a newbie to this allotment thing, I must say you have given me hope. My site was very overgrown when I got it a couple of months ago and all I seem to have done is dig and dig. I have at last cleared half so I think it is time to sow and plant this week.
Thanks for the inspiration :D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on April 06, 2007, 19:25:35
Thanks Marky  ;D 

I'm pleased you got inspiration from those pictures scatty.  Just keep on keeping on and view it as a long term thing. Don't give yourself a hard time if sometimes you only do a all counts  ;D  Give yourself a pat on the back everytime and never get yourself thinking you should have done more on any particular day...that is what gets you down because you make yourself feel like you've failed. I'm still chipping away at the last bit of digging. I find it a bit tedious aswell as back breaking so I just do a bit at a time then wander off to do something else...sitting on the bench is a favourite pastime  :D

Wack something in the ground as soon as you can. I did without bothering to manure or anything and I got great results...unfortunately my camera broke on me last year so I haven't got many pictures  ::)  :D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: emmy1978 on April 08, 2007, 21:36:34
Hey Heldi, you poor thing. Looking at the pics you've made excellent progress, even without the accursed babysitter! Can't believe you got such a cheeky letter! If i wasn't at the absolute opposite end of the country to you i'd be offering my clearing services. I thought our plot was bad but yours makes it look like Alan Titchs back garden! Lots of luck, Em x  8)
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: ellkebe on April 09, 2007, 08:46:43
Heldi - would love to see some photos during this growing season as all your hard work pays off.  Well done you - inspirational  ;D (not that I intend to actually work anywhere near that hard myself, but I appreciate effort in others  ;D ;D)
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 02, 2007, 12:47:34
Thanking you kindly emmy and ellkebe.  ;D  ;D

Okay I've got photos.  From March 07 through to about a fornight ago. Sorry have forgotten to take my camera up since then.

Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 02, 2007, 12:50:57
some more March pics.

You can see what I have to put up with with those feathered marauders. Caught them in the act. Look at the state of those caulis anorl lol!

Who is the bag lady in the pink wellies I wonder ??!! 
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 02, 2007, 12:59:57
I decided to keep four of the cauliflowers that the hens had pecked.  They grew! I ate one last Sunday...was lush !

The carpet finally came off at the end of March,was bagged up and taken to the tip. Hurrah!

Released the feathered kind to do their "thang" on the bit where the carpet had been...they ate the bugs left the weeds and wandered off to find some cabbage or something.   ::)
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 02, 2007, 13:43:14
Early April. I was still pulling weeds and picking out glass from that stretch where the carpet had been. I was taking my time OKAY !!

The OH,with help from my son,started to build. Spring in the air or something..nest building and all that?  I dunno, but it's the funniest looking nest I ever saw.

Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 02, 2007, 14:00:49
They built...TA DAH ! ! A polytunnel!  8)  8)

"Whoop de doo and dickery dock and don't forget to hang up your sock!"

Ahem. Sorry I always sing that when I'm happy. It's from the Andy Williams Christmas Album  :-[  :-[

Sorry having probs with pics will post them in a bit.
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: emmy1978 on May 02, 2007, 20:28:42
Whoo! Heldi! been waiting for update girl. That is looking fabulous. i can't believe how much you've done. Fantastic. I looove your chooks. I really want some but no livestock on our plot so have to wait till i buy house then i can make the neighbours love me by getting chooks and a goat and ooh, maybe some ducks and erm bees...
Your lottie looks fab. The playhouse made me smile too. My girls loved theirs bless 'em.  8) :)
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 02, 2007, 22:23:31
Thanks emmy  ;D

Am going to see if I can post the rest of the pictures now.

Those chooks got out of their pen the other day and have devastated my flowerbed,pulled up some onions and bathed in my raised beds causing beetroot loss  >:(   ::) . I still think they are brill though. Just as well cos OH has bid on some hatching eggs on ebay ...and won. eeek!

Polytunnel even comes with it's own stool! 8)  :D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 02, 2007, 22:44:05
Last set of pics for today.

As I was busy with the weeding and glass picking and OH busy with the polytunnel you can see the weeds have been sneaking up behind us.  It's constantly like this because the plot is riddled with horsetail , couch grass and millions of nettle and bindweed seedlings. Ground elder is trying to make it's presence felt. I've dug some out but other the bit coming out from under the water butt I keep slicing off. That'll do for me!  Just gotta keep hoeing really. Good job I'm not into being too neat and tidy.

When I finally finished that stretch I was lower than the path. I lost my balance fell backwards, cracked my hip on the paving and my head off that bench! Finished in style eh?!  I wasn't particularly hurt,my son asked "Are you alright Mum?", though could barely contain his laughter (his mother's son alright  ;D). OH very nearly broke into a fast walk to come and see what had happened because I screamed when I went down. I can't believe I screamed...I'm so ashamed lol
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: emmy1978 on May 03, 2007, 21:31:17
love the polytunnel. We were about to embark on making one when saga struck, won't be doing it on new plot till winter as so much else to do. Like get some soil on it! Only goes down about 5 inches!!
Anyway - OH would like to know how you attached the polythene to the frame? Bless him, been having sleepless nights...NOT.
I put my foot in a hole at old lottie, twisted it so badly it cracked, I screamed when i went down too. Oh the shame!
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: iain on May 06, 2007, 03:28:24
I think you made a really excellent job of your lottie Heldi, I bet you feel so pleased with yourself, after all the problems to start with.
I just hope I can get mine looking something like yours. do you have water on tap or do u use waterbutts

Well done

Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Belinda on May 23, 2007, 16:55:05
How have I missed this thread for so long!!

I think the transformation is amazing, well done to you all for keeping on keeping going. Any chance of some pics of the outside of the polytunnel and an idiot's guide on how it was built it looks brillliant.

Noli nothis permittere te terere - Don't let the b****rds get you down.
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 31, 2007, 17:17:24
Thank you kindly. If you could see the weeds now yo'd not be thinking it was so great   ;D  Boy do they take off when the rain comes. Ah well. Good job I'm not into perfectly pristine gardens then isn't it.

The plastic sheeting was draped over the whole thing and wrapped around a long straight latt. Then it was held in place with another latt.  Used the wrapping of the first lat to tighten the plastic. Needs two people really. OH is not happy with the way he has folded the corners . Not a nurse in the making that's for sure.
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on May 31, 2007, 17:20:54
Here's a couple more pics but if you want some more tell me what of and I'll take a closer close up.  The pipes are nailed into the wood and then wrapped with tape to prevent the plastic from tearing. It aint stuck together with sticky backed palstic and glue lol!
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: emmy1978 on May 31, 2007, 17:39:52
Hiya Heldi

Well my OH was curious how you attach the plastic to the pipes but think that pic will give him all the guidance he needs. I hope he knows what a latt is. He was a chippie at one point so he should I s'pose.
 I'm now not sure that polys are even allowed on my plot now boo hoo. Still, one day I will have huuuuuge garden and I can have one then, and my chucks, bees, maybe a little pygmy goat or two and erm some ducks....oops, sorry I'm back!

anyway how's it all coming on?
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Belinda on June 26, 2007, 15:51:21
Hi Heldi,

Thanks very much for the extra pictures, all printed off a filed for a rainy day! You know the type I mean - when I win the lottery or inherit some money  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: cornykev on June 28, 2007, 20:45:49
Looking good Heldi, keep up the good work.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: saddad on July 01, 2007, 22:25:44
Why file it Belinda we have had enough rainy days recently..
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on July 16, 2007, 16:42:51
Some more pictures . First three taken on a rainy day (no!) in May.

Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on July 16, 2007, 16:50:47
and there's more..

Bit miffed when looking at these. I've missed, photographically speaking, most of the flowering and even some of the harvesting.  The flowers having been bashed to bits by the rain and the garlic and shallots having to be rescued from it too.

These were taken mid Juneish ish !
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on July 16, 2007, 16:53:34
I've told you I like poppies!I let them grow anywhere. Makes a change from looking at all the horsetail lol!
Title: Re: Heldi's allotment
Post by: Heldi on July 16, 2007, 17:03:04
The first casualty of the wind and rain. My magnificent Caaaarrrrdooooooooooon ! (Highland accent required) Was slightly peed off when I saw it but worse things happen at sea.  Today I have found lots of my plants are collapsing with the weather. Both on the plot and at home. 

Now where on earth is the photograph of my purple cauliflower?

In the words of the famous "One cannot be fannied with being cross with the weather when one has forgotten one's coat but has found a purple cauli!"
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