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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: George the Pigman on July 02, 2016, 20:44:20

Title: Growing Coriander
Post by: George the Pigman on July 02, 2016, 20:44:20
Over the years I have grown coriander (both leaf and seed varieties) in my garden with variable success. Some years I have tons of it others it is hard to grow. This year falls into the latter category. I have made several sowings direct in the soil with no success. I always felt they need a highish temperature to germinate so perhaps that is the reason?
Anyone had the same problems?
Anyone tried growing them in pots in the greenhouse and transplanting them? Will they take transplanting?
Title: Re: Growing Coriander
Post by: Duke Ellington on July 02, 2016, 22:41:49
I grow coriander every year. There are two ways that works best for me. The first is to direct sow seeds into the ground in drills which have been covered with a plastic tunnel cloche. I leave the cloche in place until the seeds have germinated and well on their way. I then thin and remove the cloche. My second way is to sow a seed tray at about half inch spacing and keep them in the tray and cut as needed when they are a decent size. The seed tray I keep in the green house. I have never been all that successful with transplanting. If I transplant they look poorly for ages or just die off.
I don't start them off in heated propagator unless I sow the seeds early when it's cold.
Title: Re: Growing Coriander
Post by: johhnyco15 on July 03, 2016, 20:13:39
yes indeed i always sow direct as duke suggests a ploy cloche should do the trick in indifferent summers such as this hope this helps one other thing later sowings tend not to go to seed as quick so if its for leaves now is the perfect time
Title: Re: Growing Coriander
Post by: Garden Manager on July 06, 2016, 11:27:27
Used to grow them in plugs and plant out but they tended to bolt vey quickly. Apparently they don't like transplanting so I have tried direct sowing, with some success, I suppose about 1/2 to 2/3 germinated, typicaly in clumps, leaving gaps in the rows.
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