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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Kevins299 on March 17, 2005, 07:25:26

Title: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Kevins299 on March 17, 2005, 07:25:26
we have just been allocated the allotment next to our present site givng us a nice sized growing area ;D. our allotments are quite small compared those country cousins who get "huge" sites in comparaison. we wish to plant a range of rasberries (early, middle,late and autumn) so we can have soft fruit for most of the summmer.  ;). is it too late to plant rasberries now? we ahve some autmn rasberries planted in november........can they be moved again now...or would that kill them? ???.

and finally who supplies new rasberries roots at this late stage?
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Moggle on March 17, 2005, 09:31:28
This is a great question Kevin, I'd like to know the same thing. Just got an extra plot, in not too bad condition and I'm gonna plant me some raspbs!
One of my local garden centres still had them on the weekend.
I also intend to email the Ken Muir website ( and see if they're still supplying.
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: moonbells on March 17, 2005, 09:50:23
I'd say bung some in, they have two chances...

If they don't grow or give good canes, then you can replace in the winter. But don't forget to prepare the ground well. They need planting shallowly but on well manured soil.

I can personally recommend Glen Ample and Joan J. I get fruit from early July all the way through to frosts, and the tastes are completely different! The autumns are richer. I made oodles of jam last year, with the GAs in their first proper fruiting season (first year they get settled and grow a few canes, second year those flower so you get a bit of a crop but they grow a decent set of new canes, third year run out of freezer space!) and the Joan Js just going mental (mine grow better than the GAs though their fruiting is more bitty - you pick gradually instead of them all ripening at once).

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Svea on March 17, 2005, 10:26:27
it better not be too late because i am planning on putting some in this weekend!
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: kenkew on March 17, 2005, 12:48:17
November to March is raspberry cane planting time and ideally the ground should have been prepared last Autumn. Run your rows North/South so you don't shade adjacent rows.
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: philcooper on March 18, 2005, 14:55:56
You've just got time, if you're quick

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Moggle on March 18, 2005, 15:06:56
Cheers all, I am flat broke this weekend and next week, but next friday is payday hurrah  :) So I will be trying to order some raspbs then  :) The autumn ones might do something decent at any rate  :)
Thanks for the suggestion of varieties Moonbells, I have glen ample on the list already, as I had some of those from the PYO last year, and the berries were massive! May try Galante from ken muir, as it claims you can get two crops a year from them. You can never have too many raspberries  ;D
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: kitty on March 18, 2005, 20:39:06
a few days ago wilkos had some raspberries in stock still......
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: moonbells on March 18, 2005, 22:56:48
I have one more comment on Glen Ample and Joan J after doing a bit of a stock take in the fruit area today. The blasted things are trying to take over the universe!

I've got new GAs coming up in my tulips around the Bramley base, a JJ is literally appearing half an inch from my redcurrant Red Start's stem... and they are everywhere.  ::)

I am going to have to be brutal...

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Mothy on March 18, 2005, 23:46:42
MMmmmmm, I planted my bare root Autumn Bliss abouit 4 weeks ago.....should they be shooting yet? Or are Moonbell's shooting because they are alraedy established?

Bit worried now!
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: moonbells on March 19, 2005, 09:23:26
MMmmmmm, I planted my bare root Autumn Bliss abouit 4 weeks ago.....should they be shooting yet? Or are Moonbell's shooting because they are alraedy established?

Bit worried now!

sorry - mine are 2 years post-planting (3 for the Glens)

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: kitty on March 19, 2005, 17:13:18
furthur to my foray to wilkos.....i passed poundland-i don't know if they are just oop north .....but they have got lots of blueberries,black/redcurrants,goosegogs,raspberries and for some strange reason rosarugosa...anyway-surprisingly-theyare all £1 each!.. ;D
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Svea on March 19, 2005, 19:31:43
got my gooseberry, raspberries and red currant in today - am now enjoying an achey back :(

but, all the bushes seems ready too go - shoots and open buds galore.
hope they will feel cosy in their new home - i used lots of compost as mulch and lovingly spread it around the plants ;) :D

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Debs on March 19, 2005, 19:35:30
Hurrah for Wilkos...

HIP HIP !!!...

( sorry!! -  am now on my second large glass of red wine and haven't eaten any of hubbys casserole yet......wish he would hurry up and say "Dinner is served" )

Debs :P
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Moggle on March 29, 2005, 15:54:21
Well I've done it - ordered 5 galante and 5 Glen Ample, before the end of march cut-off  ;D ;D ;D

Now I just have to find time to put them in once they arrive. I'm going away this weekend  :-\

Any particular preperations? Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't dug over that bit of ground yet  ::) Going to have to find some time to do that  ;D
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: aquilegia on March 29, 2005, 16:07:12
Another question - I planted my new canes in pots (impulse buy  ::)) because the ground isn't dug. Will they be ok if I plant them in a few months? I don't even know where I'm going to put them yet!
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: kitty on March 29, 2005, 16:41:01
ha!aquilegia!i thought i was the only one! ;)

i bought my rasps blackcurrants goosegogs andf blueberries a while back and put them in biiiiig pots-i hope they dont mind being transplanted in about 2 weeks time as i havent got their bed dug either! :o
i think ej would say- just get 'em in!
so...we'll take her advice i think- ;D
we'll check with each other later in the season to see how wem fared ay?
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: philcooper on March 29, 2005, 16:46:04
.....Any particular preperations? ....
Bear in mind they're going to be in the same place for quite a while so dig in plenty of FYM or compost and blood fish and bone - you'll only be able to top dress for the next few years

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: MarthaMad on March 29, 2005, 17:35:23
New to the Forum....

Are bare-rooted raspberries quite resilient?

I planted mine about a month ago....... But a bit concerned as I ordered them, they arrived.... put them in my spare bedroom, to take down to allotment on the weekend, then forgot about them for 3 weeks. So they were boxed in a warm room.....

When I planted them.... Early, Mid, Late and Autumn some had signs of new canes... The following weekend there was a miserable frost...
To the point of my question....  When should I expect some canes above ground?  Or did their warm spell then frost reduce their survival rate?


Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: undercarriage plan on March 29, 2005, 21:32:50
Make sure you don't plant the rasberries too deep or they will be really unhappy! The root run should be quite close to the surface. As for planting in pots, haven't a clue!! Good luck ;D
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Derek on March 30, 2005, 08:17:57
Over the last couple of months I have removed a bed of rasperry canes, cleared them of couch grass root and replanted in a clear area.
They are only just showing signs of ressurection...I too thought I had lost them. a bit of sun works wonders

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: MarthaMad on March 30, 2005, 10:54:10
I planted the rootball about 3 inches below the soil. ....  Was that too deep?   

Should I lift them and replant
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: philcooper on March 30, 2005, 17:11:34
It's not the rootball that's important, its the depth that they were previously, which you can see by the mark on the stem as you plant (yours could well have been replaced by the current current level.

The advice is to plant "slightly deeper" than previously, so how deep was the "rootball" then.

In my experience the "ball" is just a straggly collection

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Moggle on April 10, 2005, 19:10:12
Well the new raspbs finally arrived yesterday, so raced down to the plot to plant them today. Didn't even have a space dug, so dug madly to make space.

They are all in now, forgot that bit of advice about planting them slightly deeper, oh well!

Chucked some compost and blood fish and bone in the hole before planting, so hopefully all will be well.

Feel totally knackered now!
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: kitty on April 10, 2005, 19:21:01
we can worry together moggle!i am just awaiting my last few raspberry plants and i shall hurtle into the garden with them!-what i would like to know from the experianced raspberry growers is.....will i get raspberries this year?
kitty ;D
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Svea on April 10, 2005, 19:26:18
from autumn fruiting, yes.
from summer ones, only a few, i think.

though, i am happy to be told otherwise :)
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: kitty on April 10, 2005, 19:41:33
aha!thanks for that svea! ;D
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Debs on April 10, 2005, 20:52:33

I planted my raspberry canes today ( summer fruiting), but didn't prune them - should I have done ???

Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Aussie Chick on April 10, 2005, 22:58:19
I think you should have pruned them to 15/20cm. That's the advice I was given on the packet!!
lets hope we get fruit this summer!
Aussie Chick.
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Moggle on April 12, 2005, 09:18:29
lets hope we get fruit this summer!
Aussie Chick.

we can worry together moggle!i am just awaiting my last few raspberry plants and i shall hurtle into the garden with them!-what i would like to know from the experianced raspberry growers is.....will i get raspberries this year?
kitty ;D

I hope I get a few berries! I expect I will be visiting the pick your own, the few raspbs I get will probably not satisfy my raspberry obsession  ;D ;D :P Also need to make loads of my own jam this year as the bought stuff tastes rubbish in comparison to home made  :-\
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Aussie Chick on April 13, 2005, 08:59:12
If we get any more frost do I need to cover my raspberries with Fleece?
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Clayhithe on April 13, 2005, 13:01:59

Prune the autumn flowering in early spring.   New canes will grow up to produce this autumns fruit
Prune the fruiting canes of summer flowering after harvesting the fruit:  leave the new canes for next year
Title: Re: is it too late to plant rasberries?
Post by: Debs on April 16, 2005, 22:39:41
Thanks Clayhithe / Aussie chick,

Don't know if its now too late to prune - so will let my rasps do their

own thing and see what happens...

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