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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Wicker on March 11, 2005, 20:07:32

Title: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Wicker on March 11, 2005, 20:07:32
Interesting survey this one.  Results can be a bit surprising  :o but it's very generalised tho there is a much more detailed questionnaire somewhere else on the site I think.
Anyway, my results show that I am a bit of a goodie-goodie -needing only 1.6 planets, so there! ;) ;D
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: carrot-cruncher on March 11, 2005, 22:06:55
2.3 for me, which I found quite a shock as I've always tried to be a "greenie".

Oh well, only proves that I've got to try harder at recycling & get on my pushbike more

Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: moonbells on March 11, 2005, 22:20:51

Mine was quite a lot, mostly thanks to work bouncing me about the planet every few months, which isn't pleasant when you're scared of flying.


Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Mrs Ava on March 11, 2005, 22:44:48
4.6 !  I want a recount!!  Our house seems to be the big score.  tut  :-\
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: loz on March 11, 2005, 23:22:48
I'm 5.4 - I'd need three planets :o

Very frightening, coz I thought I was quite green


Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Mimi on March 11, 2005, 23:30:13
I got the same as you Loz......5.4   :o
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: ina on March 12, 2005, 10:05:03
Ooof, I need 1.6 planets and I thought we were doing so good.
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Wicker on March 12, 2005, 10:33:35
Ina, I need 1.6 planets too and  that's much better than I thought I would score but think the pitfall for most people is the use of oil/fuels e.g. flying - haven't flown for about 3 years now sorry to say!!  Do use the car a lot but then that cancels out the public transport bit and. again, for the past few years it's been mostly fairly localised.

It's all fairly idealised anyway I not truly a mirror of how "green" I am makes me, personally, look better than I am!
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Yellow Petals on March 12, 2005, 12:37:11
I did it based on my hubby's statistics as he drives/flys.  His score was 3.9 and needs 2.2 planets.
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Derekthefox on March 12, 2005, 13:15:17
1.3 planets for me so I must be doing something effectively!
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: johcharly on March 12, 2005, 13:39:33
well done derek.... I was 1.6 planets which seems the norm for most on here, I agree though it is fairly idealised
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: tim on March 12, 2005, 14:03:49
Footprint 4.5 - planets 2.5.

But it doesn't allow for my age. So I'm disposable??
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Wicker on March 12, 2005, 17:54:35
You disposable, Tim?? :o I'd say you are essential - indeed  a positive Bonus!! ::) ;)
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: tim on March 12, 2005, 18:14:45
Long may you live, Wicker!!
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Val on March 13, 2005, 12:54:32
I must be the dumbo..I don't know how big the house is...don't know what km's are I can only do miles. At that point I gave up.
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Mrs Ava on March 13, 2005, 15:30:17
Not a dumbo at all Val, if it wasn't for my lovely Ava sitting next to me answering all the questions for me, I wouldn't have got past what country I live it!!!  ;D
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Wicker on March 13, 2005, 15:55:25
I'm the same, Val - have to keep referring to conversion tables (in the dim distant past when I was at school all the jotters had these tables and other handy things printed on the back - oh happy days!!)

Anyway the following is a handy site for conversion tables (I keep it on my list of favourites sad person that I am) - converts things I have never even heard of........
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Val on March 13, 2005, 16:53:52
Thanks Wicker, its on my favorites now. It will be used ...often.
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Mrs Ava on March 13, 2005, 17:23:54
oh, and another thing, in addition to my 'footprint' ruining the planet, I am only a size 5, didn't think it would do that much damage!  ;D
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: tim on March 13, 2005, 18:01:37
My problem, Val, was that despite selecting UK, my choice of towns included Moscow & St Petersburg!! I know it's cold here, but not that cold.
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: Val on March 13, 2005, 18:08:26
Well it could've  been Siberia last week ... ;D
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: tim on March 13, 2005, 18:36:56
Looking back - I find my marking a bit mean!
We do only 2500 miles a year in the car, never fly - what idiot would??, recycle or compost everything, have longlife bulbs, eat our own asparagus rather than Peruvian or, worse, US, do not have central heating, grow as much as we can & buy as little packaged food as possible, choose British & free range produce, & since we pay for water, we watch our usage ...............etc. So?? So the house is too big? Taking up too much of the planet? My fault?  18mx4.5m. Built in 1650, we must be re-cycling a previously owned domicile? And, at £3300 , we were very modest in money waste??
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: NattyEm on March 13, 2005, 21:36:07

2.1 making it 1.2 planets.  Not bad!  Assuming I guessed my car fuel consumption and house size accuratley.
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: ava_banana on March 13, 2005, 23:59:31

...400 miles a week on the motorbike........and lots of miles in the car don't seem to have helped the world.......

......that and meat at every meal........... :o
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: tim on March 14, 2005, 07:59:41
Plenty of fresh air, though?

Good morning, stranger.  At the aquarium's speed, you can even see the star-fish move!!
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: ava_banana on March 14, 2005, 11:37:27

Hi Tim,

......EJ mentioned that I hadn't been in for awhile.......

I'll try to keep up..... ;D
Title: Re: How big is your "Footprint"?
Post by: kitty on March 15, 2005, 17:19:26
my footprint is 3.2 and i need 1.8 planets...thought i'd do better to be honest...we dont holiday-never fly own a 'smart' car which is sposed to be THE eco car and live in the tiniest ex-village school houseshort of moving into someone elses house(tim?want some lodgers?!)i dont see how i can be more eco frieny-i blame the cats! >:(
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