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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Jayb on December 21, 2012, 10:47:23

Title: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Jayb on December 21, 2012, 10:47:23
No not some flaky medical condition, more the OMG can’t wait to get sowing and growing obsession thread.

I’m guessing I won’t be alone and soon there will be some cranking up of propagators , good use made of airing cupboards and other treasured hotspots and windowsills cleared ready for seedlings. yayyyyyyy

There have been a couple of threads mentioning the SOWING phenomena, but after reading the Solstice thread I can really hear the compost calling. I’m just going to have a little rummage in my seed box and find something to sow today!

Anyone else having problems with itchy fingers, or have you started sowing?  What ‘goodness it’s early seeds’ are you sowing/cosseting?
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: tricia on December 21, 2012, 16:11:59
I have just sown one pot each of Jalapeno and Cayenne chilli seeds as a Christmas present for a friend who loves chillies. His wife says 'he will be tickled pink' and loves the idea. There is also a fancy bottle of different coloured chillies to show him what he could have if he is diligent and takes care of the pots - and hopefully the plants as they grow.

I'll wait awhile before sowing anything for myself - no chilli plants for me this coming year as I have loads dried and frozen from this year.

Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: BarriedaleNick on December 21, 2012, 16:17:42
Im in hibernation mode at the moment but will bung some chilis in on New Years day.
But I have just finished work for the year and who knows what santa may bring!!
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: davejg on December 21, 2012, 16:42:36
I'm not to bad this year, got plenty of fruit to plant & sort out on my new plot, otherwise i'd be putting stuff in the propagator.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: ed dibbles on December 21, 2012, 16:53:57
I try to hold off as long as I can but by early january I'm itching to go too.  :happy7:

Still have a bit of pruning and general tidying up to keep me busy for now but I will sow a little old seed in a saucer with tissue paper to test it for germination this week.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: manicscousers on December 21, 2012, 17:31:14
Got some oriental salads on the go and some mixed leaves on the windowsill. I'll be starting off some bedfordshire onions after New Year, then end of jan will be stating some toms and peppers  :blob7: :toothy10:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: carolinej on December 21, 2012, 18:20:57
Trying to hold off till after Christmas.

Will stoke up the heated propagator then and pop something in. Prob peppers. Any better suggestions? Is it leek time yet? :icon_rendeer:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Nigel B on December 22, 2012, 20:52:42
Well, I have two trays of sweet-peas inside a small plastic tent in my unheated greenhouse. They are a couple of inches tall and looking great so far..
There is also a tray of onions from seed I planted a month ago, just to see what would turn up if their parents were left to flower.
 I'll be planting  these outside soon, I hope. :)

I have some Leek seeds as well that I saved in the same way, and I'm also about to sow these. I'm pretty sure they'll come out true to form. 'Musselburgh Leek' ( . That's them.
I'm trying to feed my family with organically-raised food as much as I can. Its not all that easy though, to be fair.

The wartime allotment, which most seem to favour for some reason, was not an organic affair at all. Out of 1 single plot of approx 300sq yards (250sq M), each square yard was 'helped' by 4 Ounces  (and there are 300 of them), of an inorganic chemical called 'Growmore (
I'll be happy will smaller returns, but 'organic', if that helps.
Dear Santa. Deer Poo. Please. :)
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: aj on December 23, 2012, 21:21:53
Started yesterday as well

Onions plus the weekly 'random' seeds.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: goodlife on December 24, 2012, 08:59:44
We are having our Xmas dinner yesterday I started major job of clearing the dining table from the last of the drying seeds that was on all those 'millions' of trays and did it get so cluttered?( (
And while I was 'at it'..I bagged, labelled and neatly put it all away and had good old rummage in seed boxes to see what has accumulated into there while I haven't payed much tention to the contents. Do seeds breed?..can they skip the actual plant stage?( (
I found so many 'new' seed packets that I've forgotten I had!!! :icon_cheers: And as by fingers are itching to 'go'..even if its grey and wet outside( ( (just like all last summer)..once I get the festivities over I might just start playing with my newly found toys...err( (! :icon_cheers:( (
Sod the Xmas!...its soooooooowing time!( (
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Chrispy on December 24, 2012, 09:35:00
I promised myself that I would not start until Imbolc.
Is a promise still a promise if it has exceptions?

Well at least Christmas day has enough distractions to stop me thinking of seeds for a few hours.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: galina on December 26, 2012, 13:09:05

I’m guessing I won’t be alone and soon there will be some cranking up of propagators , good use made of airing cupboards and other treasured hotspots and windowsills cleared ready for seedlings. yayyyyyyy

You mean get our windowsills ready for seedlings, after the very short spell over Christmas when they were bare - following packing up the bean and pea seeds that were drying there all autumn  ???    :toothy10:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Pescador on December 28, 2012, 12:55:52
Sowed 2 24s of Ailso Craig Onions in cold plastic greenhouse yesterday.
Felt good just to be handling some compost again!
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: martinburo on December 28, 2012, 20:14:47
I've sown broad beans indoors, because I find the results are more consistent than sowing outdoors in autumn, and I'm trying overwintering some garlic indoors this year too. I'll probably sow tomatoes and chillies in the next few days.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Digeroo on December 29, 2012, 05:31:36
Yes you are right I need to get my windowsills clear.  They are still full of dried beans, so I must shell them and pack them up.

I am off on my summer holiday next week, so all sowing will have to wait until I get back.

There seems to be even less sun shine than usual at the moment.

I have plenty of broad bean seeds so I could sacrifice a few.  Something for the mice to chew on. 
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: steve1967 on December 29, 2012, 07:45:30
Sowed my onions and chillis yesterday.....My wife wont let me get the propagators out in our conservatory till after Christmas............Now its full steam ahead  :sunny:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: galina on December 29, 2012, 08:08:20
First tiny lettuce seedlings are up and it feels good  :blob7:

Does seed testing count?  Broad bean seeds were tested for the seed circle and they are doing well but that doesn't feel like 'intentional' sowing  :toothy10:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: strawberry1 on January 02, 2013, 06:51:14
It won`t be raining today, I have got cabin fever, the small christmas tree is going away today and my propagator is coming out. Chillis and lettuces at least and broad beans in the root trainers under cover. I`ll be on my bike today, up to the allotment, I need to get a cabbage, other than that there isn`t much to do. I have been saving egg boxes for when my first earlies arrive and from now on, I`ll be counting the weeks. Oh I don`t have any seed compost, I`ll have to get some  :happy7:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: antipodes on January 02, 2013, 10:38:23
As I am in a flat and the seedlings drive my hubby insane, I keep it to a minimum and now only do the tomatoes and peppers indoors and a couple of cucumbers. I won't be starting for a few weeks, when I will get some peppers going :-)
I have still got a few things on the go though: picked a surprise cauli on Saturday, and also a bag of sprouts, leeks, some wild rocket and two small but tender lettuces. The PSB (which is white!) is doing well as are the winter caulis so we will have a few greens during the lean period!
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Digeroo on January 02, 2013, 10:57:57
I'm off.   :icon_cheers:

Was going to sow broad beans yesterday but forgot the freezer bit.  So today is the day.

Some of my autumn sown ones are doing well some under an ikea net curtain and some under bottle cloches.  Aquadulce looking sad but masterpiece doing best. 

When do people start their brassicas.  My PSB looks set for the off soon so I will want something to follow on so itching to get my calabrese going.

Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: goodlife on January 02, 2013, 17:14:40
When do people start their brassicas.  My PSB looks set for the off soon so I will want something to follow on so itching to get my calabrese going.
I might sow some early caulis end of February but nothing before that...and carry on sowing until end of June..depending of type of brassica.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Digeroo on January 02, 2013, 17:48:12
I did well with one batch of calabrese sown early feb a couple of years ago.  But tried again this year but due to lack of sunshine they went leggy and then damped off.   It is very difficult to gauge I think they need some sun just as the leaves open.   So there is a need to forecast a nice spell of weather 10 days in advance.   The 10 day weather forecast is an indication but certainly not accurate enough.

I have bought some F1 seeds from Tozer and you get loads in the packet so I do not mind so much if some are wasted.

I also have a SAD light so I can use that if needs must.  The other problem is noticing they have surfaced, it is like watching milk boil.  It never seems to happen until you get bored and stop watching and it boils over.

The other thing I found was they all cropped at the same time so I know I only really want 6 at a time.   So I suppose if I sow 6 a week then sooner or later I will get a batch which takes off. 

I am not very good at indoor brassicas.  Actually bought a lot of mine this last year.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: markfield rover on January 03, 2013, 09:44:33
I cleared a few love in a mist seed heads and noticed some of the seeds had germinated so I take that as the official sign to get going. A friend was telling me that we do need make physical contact with the soil  removes negative energy ,that will do for me. Good luck everyone.............
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Chrispy on January 03, 2013, 14:14:30
I also have a SAD light so I can use that if needs must.
What make of SAD light do you have?
I have a Lifemax Light Pod (
Totally useless for treating SAD, but I am wondering if it would be of any use as a grow light.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: goodlife on January 03, 2013, 15:46:05
Totally useless for treating SAD, but I am wondering if it would be of any use as a grow light. idea..but if you sow something easy and quick'll soon find out with the 'test pot' of herbs or even peas. And if they seem to be doin can then sow something bit more demanding to grow under the lights
It will be intersting to find out what the results may be...

Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Nigel B on January 03, 2013, 17:37:22
I also have a SAD light so I can use that if needs must.
What make of SAD light do you have?
I have a Lifemax Light Pod (
Totally useless for treating SAD, but I am wondering if it would be of any use as a grow light.

Go for it. It seems perfect for small seedlings at least. The only caveat I can see, and I haven't owned one myself, is that the makers say ........' these lights are not intended for continuous use'........
I would assume the unit may get hot in use, so keep an eye on it. Maybe it would be better to use a timer on it. A few hours on. Fifteen minutes cooling-off time, then on again for a few before switching off for the night?
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Nigel B on January 03, 2013, 17:45:37
Ah! Here's what I was looking for ^^^^

"12W output and 14,000 lux at 2.5 cm, or 5,500 lux at 7.5 cm on full power"

Plenty enough for seedlings. :)
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: ed dibbles on January 03, 2013, 20:30:48
Sowed some bunching and welsh onions in pots the other day and some borage today.

From now on it will be something to sow every day or couple of days - broad beans - peppers/chilies, first toms, flowers etc.... I've got a lot planned for this year...

It's so good to be starting the cycle once again... :happy7:

Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on January 04, 2013, 20:08:07
I meant to get to the plot yesterday, and ended up spending all day sitting about waiting for someone to fix a leaking pipe. Got there briefly today. There's loads to do, and if I can't get on with it I'll never catch up!
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: galina on January 05, 2013, 09:29:00
I meant to get to the plot yesterday, and ended up spending all day sitting about waiting for someone to fix a leaking pipe. Got there briefly today. There's loads to do, and if I can't get on with it I'll never catch up!

Know how you feel!  We finally have gone from squelchy to very wet soil, not good enough to do any new digging, but I could level the surface of previously dug soil and finally get some shallots in.  The garlic has rooted in the greenhouse in pots so I am leaving that until I get more soil cultivated.  There is just so much still to dig and we need weeks without rain to get the soil dry enough to dig.

Have sown 3 small trays of lettuce - Pink, Lollo Rossa and a new to me Austrian lettuce.  They will at least need 6 weeks before they can get out under cloches or in the greenhouse but a start has been made.  Get the first peppers going in a few days too.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on January 05, 2013, 17:20:15
I managed to get down for a bit today. It's all well waterlogged, but I've cut back the rasps and done some strimming around the stumps, and I can build another raised bed as the ground is already cleared of weeds.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: goodlife on January 05, 2013, 17:30:50
Wet here too..but I've got one bed that was dug over before monsoon and the soil was left on high heap as I didn't get round to level it. Good thing is that heap of soil had drained and tommorrow I can rake it down and put some more garlic in :toothy10:
And plan is to put all undersize shallots into big planter..should by shoulder, tightly packed in and use the new growth this spring as 'greens'.
Most of the chillies are now in propagator...just odd few left to do as there come more room in 'sauna'.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: green lily on January 06, 2013, 17:10:33
Seems strange not to be sowing something but going away and everything on hold til I get back. Then there will be  a massive 'sow in' of everything. Be interesting to see if I do better or worse than the other years.
Still pretty wet here even in the east ['dry'] of the country. Not fit for digging although I've winter pruned most things . Just an old ragaty white current left to tackle before I go off. See you all in Feb :wave:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Squash64 on January 07, 2013, 12:08:58

A lot of my chillies and Kelsae onions are up.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Jayb on January 15, 2013, 14:45:48
So much for my itchy fingers! I lost the tomato seeds I sowed on Winter Solstice, I'd put them in the airing cupboard to keep warm, then I went down with Flu..... 'fraid I forgot all about them until it was too late.

I've just sown a few more toms and hope these do better, cherry varieties for the greenhouse. Sungold F1, SunsugarF1, Floridity F1, Verde Claro, Coyote, Medovya Kaplya, Suncherry F1, Tigris F1, Black Hole Sun, Golden SantaF1.

Next week I'd like to sow some Onions, Pepino, Chillis, Naranjillo, Tamarillo, Bay Tree and Hablitzia tamnoides.
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: galina on January 15, 2013, 15:46:13
Ouch - hope you haven't lost any rare ones.  Guess you are far too wise to ever put all your 'eggs in one basket'.   Glad to hear you are better  :wave:  flu is no fun at all.

Tiny lettuce seedlings here and more to go here.  Been trawling through the freezer for peppers that I haven't been growing for years.  Must get that propagator going.

Nice picture Squash  :sunny:

Happy time away, Greenlily.  :icon_cheers:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Jayb on January 19, 2013, 09:11:56
Guess you are far too wise to ever put all your 'eggs in one basket'.   Glad to hear you are better  :wave:  flu is no fun at all.

I wish I were that organised, luckily no major disasters this time and I had replacement seed for them all. Horrible to just let them die when they try so hard.

No sign of my tomatoes germinating, I'm sure if I stare at the compost long enough they'll sprout  :toothy10:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: Jayb on January 20, 2013, 20:51:07
Just checked my tomatoes and both Sungold and Datterini/Dattero (forgot to list it before) are just starting to push through  :toothy10:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: manicscousers on January 20, 2013, 20:57:57
Onions are up and cayenne peppers, still no sign of the pot leeks but they're not in the propagator. Next will be early tomatoes  :blob7:
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: cambourne7 on January 20, 2013, 22:27:16
Picked up some soil to get seeds started and i have left it in the boot of the car so its going to be cold but not frozen solid like the soil in the ground :) propagators are outside but clean and empty cant see me doing anything at the moment now though as we have just over an inch of snow here and its FREEZING!!!
Title: Re: Itchy fingers and feet
Post by: grawrc on January 21, 2013, 06:41:45
So far here in the frozen north I've managed chillies, sweet peas, basil, coriander, 2 sorts of onions, broad beans and peas. All indoors. Thinking of putting my remaining garlic in pots until the snow clears. Maybe the shallots too.

Thinking of sowing some lettuce, leeks and calabrese next and maybe some cauliflower. Now I've got a greenhouse they can always go in there once they start showing.
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