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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: lewis on March 03, 2005, 18:41:53

Title: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: lewis on March 03, 2005, 18:41:53
Saw these two greenhouses for sale on the LIDL site. Don't know which one to choose. Any help in deciding would be appreciated. Click on to Current Specials for details. Many thanks. (

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Mrs Ava on March 03, 2005, 18:49:52
I guess the main consideration is what do you want to grow in them?  I would personally go for the larger of the 2, only because I have a standard-ish greenhouse, and still never have enough room!  However, if space is tight, then the smaller may well be practical, mind you, I would say that was more of a coldframe than a greenhouse.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Svea on March 03, 2005, 18:50:42
well, no help from me :D
but i preferred the look of the taller one (rounded roof thingy).
just off to lidl now, to see if they have a hoe and some cloches/tunnels left (and for some other bits and bobs)

i hope the gardening stuff hasn't been popular round here ;)


PS: more garden stuff on monday - wheeeeeeeee
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Phin on March 03, 2005, 19:44:24
Silvia (my wife) wrestled with the hordes at lidl this morning for a cloche and mini green house. The mini green house looks good for a few tomatoes and chilli's although its not what you could call big. It's pretty well made though - and for 13 quid you could always buy two!
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: carrot-cruncher on March 03, 2005, 20:43:19
Try Morrison!!!

They're selling good sized greenhouses for £20!!!!!

I've got one in my backyard ready to set up when the snow has finished melting

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Lady of the Land on March 03, 2005, 21:28:42

I ended up buying both plus some polytunnels  and the cloche  - one of the greenhouses seems to look more like a  cold frame to me although have not unpacked it yet.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: wardy on March 03, 2005, 21:30:50
Liked both greenhouses but it's a tad windy for lightweight tackle in these parts.  Dig those clogs though  :)
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Roy Bham UK on March 03, 2005, 22:40:41
I think you get what you pay for, :D  for £13 its great,  ;) I bought a taller plastic greenhouse of similar dimention and it was rubbish especially in high winds, :o  it could blow away all your prize seedlings and sweats more than the real thing. :o and it causes mould (yuck never again). :'(

You can't beat the real thing, I agree with Emma it looks like a cold frame, and I think it will sweat more than a real greenhouse. ??? ::)
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Mimi on March 04, 2005, 07:10:04
Ashamed to say that I was also with the hordes yesterday at Lidl. :-[ Couldn't resist the smaller greenhouse which I plan to use as a coldframe.  Got 3 cloches and 3 replacement covers,a pair of gardening clogs(wish now I had got 2 pairs one for home and one for lotty) Also got some shears, some knee pads, a few perennials and some seeds.  ;D I am a happy bunny.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Svea on March 04, 2005, 08:10:53
i went yesterday evening fearing that it would all be gone - plenty of stock left and an emtpy shop without queues to boot. came away with tunnel, covers, a hoe, secateurs, and those clogs which i reckon are more for warmer weather use ???

carrie, if you are reading this, get yourself down to the lidl at the old kent road today. :)

yes, they had seeds too, dont know how much they were - i am all seeded up for this year. i only have a 1/4 plot :-\

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Phin on March 04, 2005, 08:26:38
Did any fellow Lidl shoppers notice the 1 x 5m  polytunnel had hundreds of little holes cut in it rather than being a solid sheet? Does this make it less useful for warming the soil? I was expecting a solid sheet of plastic.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Svea on March 04, 2005, 08:28:16
yes i noticed.
i suppose it is more for protection of the crop from strong wind, and birds, whilst allowing ventilation and rain to get through
the replacement sheets which fit are solid though
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: ina on March 04, 2005, 13:09:01
The perforated plastic does not really let the rain through but it allows for some ventilation. You'd be amazed how wet it gets inside a politunnel with condensation if you use the stuff without holes. When the plastic from my little tunnel was torn to shreds I had a hard time finding the perforated plastic anywhere, finally found a place and ordered it. My poly tunnel got plenty warm despite the perforations.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: cookie on March 04, 2005, 17:31:21
Went to Lidl in Chard today and came out with two cloches{ max allowed per person}, two replacement covers,and a long handled fork!!! what bargains!!!!!
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Carrie on March 04, 2005, 17:51:26
Thanks Svea - went to the Lidl in Peckham (I was on foot) came out with 5 polytunnels (my sister asked me to get her a couple) I hadn't bargained on how big they were goin to be - it was a very long walk back to the office. I  had to leave so many bargains on the shelf (including clogs)  :'( so I will have to go back when I have the car to see if anything is left  ;D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: plot51A on March 04, 2005, 18:22:14
Just home from Lidls! Got small greenhouse/coldframe, useful stool/storage box/kneeler, 2 packs of fleece, lovely green clogs - and couldn't resist some seeds!! Managed to keep it down to 2 packets - Salsify @ 29p and a packet of dwarf french beans, Kinghorn Wax, lovely yellow colour on the packet, well worth the 49p I seem to have been charged. Many thanks to everyone for alerting me to this  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Kerry on March 04, 2005, 19:12:29
went off to nearest lidl- half hour away, only to find no clogs left, only size 10/11. :'(
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Mimi on March 04, 2005, 19:13:21
Ha ha ha I am glad that there are more nutters out there than me.  Shame that you were limited in your purchase Cookie, no such nonsense up here in North Wales.  ;D Always keep a look out at Lidl this time of the year they have some cracking spring time bargains.  ;)
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Kerry on March 05, 2005, 22:30:52
went to another branch today-last pair of clogs on the shelf, but only because a lady had brought them back as they didn't fit.
also got some radish seed for 29p and courgette also.
29p!!! how do they do it???
plus 10 metres of fleece for 1.99.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: wardy on March 06, 2005, 10:25:11
I've never been to Lidl but I'm going to start.  I want some of those clogs  :)
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: eileen on March 06, 2005, 10:46:09
I went too and managed to pick up a garden tool rack for only £14.99. It holds loads of tools and saves us having a jumbled mess of them in the shed. No clogs left or greenhouses though I did pick up three cloches.  :D

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Gardenantics on March 07, 2005, 11:16:37
Called in to Lidl today, got bargain gloves, pruning saw, slug traps (so cheap it's not worth making them yourself)
Many thanks for the tip-off. You should go and look, tons of really good stuff. Fine looking St/Steel spade & folk £7.99 each, with nice hardwood shaft! Shame I've got some.

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Svea on March 07, 2005, 11:21:46
will be popping down there again today, for another fork, and those slug traps.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Roy Bham UK on March 07, 2005, 18:32:14
Are there any Lidl's in Birmingham do you know? ???
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Kerry on March 07, 2005, 18:44:15
yes! according to can store search-i did a very quick one and it came up with three-put in your postcode.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Marianne on March 07, 2005, 20:44:18
Carrot Cruncher - What are the Morrison greenhouses made of ????

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: GREENWIZARD on March 07, 2005, 22:30:03
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Roy Bham UK on March 07, 2005, 23:16:12
yes! according to can store search-i did a very quick one and it came up with three-put in your postcode.

Thanks Kerry, looks like my nearest is West Bromwich, must pop in ;D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: TULIP-23 on March 07, 2005, 23:30:24
ITs all happening here in Holland on March 10th.

Poly Tunnels Cold Frames and a Thing that looks like a Small Tent

Paying a Visit 10.0 Am Thursday 8)
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Doris_Pinks on March 08, 2005, 08:56:17
CC I too have bought a Morrisons greenhouse, another gardening related impulse buy! What the hey, the kids don't need feeding every day do they??
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: waggi on March 08, 2005, 13:22:58
do you all mean LIDL the cheap food shop ????
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Svea on March 08, 2005, 14:34:50
yes the same one
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: ina on March 08, 2005, 16:35:57
ITs all happening here in Holland on March 10th.

Poly Tunnels Cold Frames and a Thing that looks like a Small Tent

Paying a Visit 10.0 Am Thursday 8)

Yesssssss, I saw it. I'll be working but Mr. C. is going to balance two metal climbing plant arches on his bicycle with any luck.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: TULIP-23 on March 08, 2005, 19:13:41
Ina ;)

Go for it....Good Luck with the Bike Haha :D

Bought a Stalling [ Rack ] from the Boerenbond
to Put in the Shed....5Euro Cheaper than the Tent Thing from Lidl.  Have the Shed to Put seeds and seedlings in
like a Greenhouse in the the Stalling is Ideal.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: abarton6 on March 10, 2005, 21:06:31
I went to Lidl last Fri - it was quite packed and there was a scrum for the clogs !!!! I bagged an orange pair they are looking waaay cool sat next to my Birkenstocks.

I also got 2 cloches, 2 grow bags, a compost bag. I think that was it. (Wish I'd got a green house now - I will try and check out the Morrisons one I think someone mentioned.)

Trouble was that I only had about 50p cash on me so I had to leave my credit card at the till while they lent me a pound to get the trolley. Won't make that mistake next time !!!

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Svea on March 10, 2005, 21:52:24
hey alison :)

i went back today and there was lots left :o
so i bought a fork and another cloche tunnel. :)
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: MaidstoneMark on March 11, 2005, 11:54:15
LIDL- if you haven't visited your local LIDL recently they've still got quite a bit of stock in still - lovely looking bags of compost at obscenely low prices and some pretty solid looking spades and forks too.  Can't seem to find these clogs everyone is talking about (probably for the best tbh!!!)  ::)

I thought it was just a short campaign, but our local LIDL have just restocked, so maybe there will be plenty to go round after all.

And where else can you buy a tin of baked beans for 3p?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!

Our local Pound Stretcher has got lots of gardening stuff in it too apparently, but haven't had a chance to check it out yet - can't say I'm a frequent visitor of either, but I guess thats all gonna change now Im an allotment nut!

PS...  Abarton6 - LOL!  Can't believe they made you leave your credit card as a deposit for the pound for the trolley!!  Laughed? I almost wet meself!  ;D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: abarton6 on March 11, 2005, 19:22:01
hey alison :)

Hey Svea - hows it going ? I have not been to my lottie for 2 w/e now coz of snow but will be digging tomorrow hopefully.

I think I am scared to plant seeds though  ??? What if I do it wrong ! I have a ton of toilet rolls waiting to use as plant pots  ;D

Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: cookie on March 11, 2005, 23:04:41
Hey, Roy Bham UK, my sister Anne Louise has her lottie in west bromwich,near Hollyhedge Road, are you near there?
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Roy Bham UK on March 11, 2005, 23:40:28
Hi Cookie  ;) No I'm near the Frankley service station M5 Motorway between junction 3 and 4 ;D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: ken (69) on March 12, 2005, 10:34:41
Those packets of Norfolk Giant carrot seed  (29p)does 4 standard rows, but  Lidl doesn't seem to have standard runner or broad beans.And this coming Monday 6million pixel digi cameras (3zoom) for £150.
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: wardy on March 12, 2005, 10:57:08
abarton6   Don't be afraid to sow your seeds.  Just stick to the instructions on the packet and all will be well  :)  Go for something cheap and easy to start with.  Seeds want to grow so if you give them what they want they'll sprout.  Make sure you don't sow your seeds into cold soil or compost.  If sowing seeds indoors I make sure the compost is warmed up.  I bring mine indoors to make sure it's at room temperature.  ;D

I never get tired of growing from seed.  I hover over them constantly watching for signs of them breaking the surface and it always makes me very happy when they come up.  I'm like a big kid.   ;D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: TULIP-23 on March 12, 2005, 11:00:01
Hoi Ray ;)

Come over three Years ago on the Motor to Brum
to that Big Fishing Shop there.
Forgotten the name Now :D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: wardy on March 12, 2005, 15:35:47
Been to Lidl for the first time ever today.  No clogs or greenhouses etc.  I did get some 29 p french marigold seeds (for companion planting).  No more clogs due in apparently - they were a one off  :(
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Mrs Ava on March 12, 2005, 18:37:04
That is the thing with Lidls Wardy, the 'specials' come in on a Monday and Thursday, and once they are gone, they tend to be gone!  Mum has shopped at Lidls for yonks, and I frequent the one in Chelmsford when there is something tempting on offer, or when I am passing and can do with a pint or loaf.  ;D
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: TULIP-23 on March 12, 2005, 18:43:02
Ë.J :)

When I go to Our over here I have to Glue my Hands in my Pockets.....Sorry worse than the Ladies Can resist that [Bargain] ha ha   Mike
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Rose.mary on March 13, 2005, 18:41:04
Hi Abarton6
I made the same mistake in my rush to get to LIDL. They gave me a penny and it worked the same as a £1 coin
Title: Re: LIDL greenhouses
Post by: Svea on March 13, 2005, 20:37:15
i actually put up my tunnel cloche from lidl today over my recently planted garlic, and today's sown radishes, lambs lettuce, spring onions and spinach. looks good and i hope the wind isn't gonna take it away! will check tomorrow to see how it did

incidentally, never having done this before - will i need to water? the cloche has a perforated cover.

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